Saturday, March 31, 2018

Documents suggest coordination between FBI, CIA, Obama WH and Dems in Trump-Russia probe

Photo: Reuters
Text messages between FBI lovers/officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok were recently uncovered suggesting a possible covert coordination between high-ranking officials at the Obama White House, Justice Department, CIA, FBI and former Senate Democratic leadership in the early days of the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

According to investigators, the information provided to Fox News "strongly" suggests collusion between Obama's Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (aka "Hairy Weed") and former CIA Director and possible closet Muslim John Brennan. This would clearly "contradict" the Obama administration's public claim about its hand in the process.
Photo: AP
A text by Lisa Page to Strzok on Aug. 2, 2016 read: 
"Make sure you can lawfully protect what you sign. Just thinking about congress, foia, etc. You probably know better than me."
The next day Strzok texted Page describing former FBI Deputy Director Andrew (Andy) McCable as being concerned with "information control" related to the initial investigation into Trump's campaign. Brennan was sent to Capitol Hill around the same time to brief members of Congress about possible election interference, according to the New York Times.

Five days later, Strzok texted Page:
"Internal joint cyber cd intel piece for D, scenesetter for McDonough brief, Trainor [head of FBI cyber division] directed all cyber info be pulled. I'd let Bill and Jim hammer it out first, though it would be best for D to have it before the Wed WH session."
"D" refers to since fired FBI Director James Comey and "McDonough" refers to Obama's Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, the GOP investigators said.

"We are not making conclusions. What we are saying is that the timeline is concerning enough to warrant the appointment of an independent investigator to look at whether or not the Obama White House was involved [in the Trump-Russia investigation]," a GOP congressional source told Fox News."

Of course, the CIA and FBI are independent agencies and are supposed to be non-partisan. Any coordination with the White House would be inappropriate.
Photo: AP
But does anyone doubt the existence of partisanship with Comey, Strzok, Page, Brennan and McCabe?

It seems as if they collectively believed they were being patriotic by thwarting Trump from remaining in office, that somehow it was their patriotic duty to get him impeached.

But alas, semi-useless Attorney General Jeff Sessions has now determined there will be no second special counsel and nobody will be held accountable in any of the aforementioned agencies.

And Hillary Clinton will never pay for her use of an illegal server. 

And Susan Rice will still be on the Netflix board of directors in spite of her lies and deception to the American public about Benghazi being inspired by a stupid video. 

And Obama will continue to make asinine, self-aggrandizing speeches about how there may one day be "a million Obamas." 

And Facebook will continue to farm our data to the Democrats.

And the sun will rise, and the sun will set, and nothing changes.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Al Qaeda leader killed by US airstrike in Libya

Musa Abu Dawud was blown to tiny bite-size pieces by a US airstrike in Libya. Dawud was an al-Qaeda leader and it was just his bad luck that he was killed in the first US airstrike against the group in Libya.

The dead terrorist was killed alongside another of his buddies near Ubari in Libya's ungoverned southwest. He was in charge of the training and recruitment of new scumwafers of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. He is also accused of masterminding many operations in Algeria and Tunisia but the US airstrike put an end to that in a flash . . . literally.

The strike was carried out on March 24 but the pissant's identity was only revealed on Wednesday. Perhaps it took that long to put all the pieces of the puzzle together, if you know what I mean.
"Hey, anybody seen Musa?"
"He [Dawud] provided critical logistics support, funding and weapons to AQIM, enabling the terrorist group to threaten and attack U.S. and Western interests in the region," Africom said.

Before killing Dawud and company, the US was focused on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's Libyan faction.

May he rest in pieces.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Netflix names Susan "It-Was-a-Video" Rice to board of directors

Liberal video giant, Netflix, has named liberal Obama administration official and Benghazi propagandist, Susan Rice, to its board of directors. That's like naming  Louis Farrakhan as President of the Anti Defamation League.

Rice, 53, was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and served 4 years as Obama's national security advisor. It was Rice who went on five Sunday morning news programs in 2012 claiming the assault on the Benghazi, Libya facility, which killed four Americans, was inspired by a video about Mohammad. 

That was a lie. It was a planned Islamic jihad attack. Lindsey Graham and John McCain were among members of the GOP who said Rice was doing the  morning appearances merely as a political cover-up to boost Obama for the upcoming election. Even Obama eventually admitted the attacks were pre-planned terrorism.

The idea of Rice being selected for the Netflix board of directors sounds like something coming right out of The Onion, except for the fact that it's a left-leaning satirical outlet.

"We are delighted to welcome Ambassador Rice to the Netflix board," said Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings. "For decades, she has tackled difficult, complex global issues with intelligence, integrity and insight and we look forward to benefitting from her experience and wisdom," [and her incredible ability to cover-up for anyone she works for, no matter how big the lie].

She replied to Hastings' comment: "I am thrilled to be joining the board of directors of Netflix, a cutting-edge company whose leadership, high-quality productions, and unique culture I deeply admire" [with shows that always contain at least one token gay, lesbian, transgender or queer scene of dudes and/or women in intimate circumstances swapping body fluids].

So I have decided to undertake the difficult and complex task of closing my account with Netflix. Actually, it was incredibly easy. I just went onto the site, clicked onto my Account, and found the Close Account button. Instead of checking any of the reasons they listed, I selection "Other" and then in the box wrote "Susan Rice".

It was extremely satisfying to do something that not only saves me a little money each month, but also makes a clear statement that I will not put up with a company that hires Susan Rice, a person who would lie to the American public and condemn someone in order to cover up for a secretary of state who did nothing to protect the facility at Benghazi when numerous times Ambassador Chris Stevens begged her for more security.

Susan Rice is the deplorable Hillary was really referring to.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Microsoft to become the 'Language Nazis'

Microsoft has elected itself to become the language police in order to form a more perfect country free of opposing challenges. The company is cracking down on what people say while using their services--especially what conservative people say.

According to the company, they plan to ban accounts that use what they deem to be "offensive language," defined as: any language or ideas that offends their sensibilities. 

They will go through your [former] private data to "investigate" users.

Users of Office, Xbox, Skype, and other products were warned in a March 1 release that they will prohibit inappropriate content and offensive language. "Don't publicly display or use the Services to share inappropriate content or material (involving, for example, nudity, bestiality, pornography, offensive language, graphic violence, or criminal activity),"they warn in a portion of their new codes of conduct.

Okay, so the graphic violence, nudity, bestiality, pornography and violence are understandable. But "offensive language" is protected under the First Amendment and as long as it doesn't incite violence, should not be banned.

They say the remedy for so-called hate speech, is more speech.

And policing people's online behavior is just plain wrong.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Teen buys AR-15 with tattoo money mommy gave him: planned to shoot up school

Tim the Loser
According to police, a young man named Tim is accused of threatening to shoot up his school, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Lexington, Kentucky.

The teenage loser used money his mommy gave him to get a tattoo to buy an AR-15 rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition he planned to use to shoot up his school and hopefully become famous and have a big Twitter following.

Tim is 18, which means that 6 years ago, he was 12. He was charged with "second-degree terroristic threatening," according to WKYT, and he appeared in court on Monday for a preliminary hearing.

The teen pleaded not guilty.

The Lexington Police Department said during the hearing that Tim bought a gun with money his mother gave him for a tattoo. 

"Around Christmas or December 2017 is when he purchased the AR-25 with money that his mom gave him for a tattoo, and that he also purchased 500 rounds of ammunition," said Detective Sean Stafford of the Lexington Police Dept.

The tip came through Safety Tipline Online Prevention (STOP) on Feb. 16 stating that Tim "owns a gun and constantly talks about killing himself/shooting up the classroom," the Lexington Herald-Ledger reported.

Tim's mom said she didn't know of her son's threats to the school. She agreed to hand over her son's rifle and ammo to police.

Stafford reported that the mother stated, "Timothy does have some anger problems but she could not see him being violent and didn't feel like he would harm anyone else."

WKYT reported that Tim was "not prohibited from owning firearms" and posted photos of the AR-15 to social media. One photo shows Tim with the barrel of the gun in his mouth.

Tim is a senior at the school and was detained at Blue Grass Airport on Feb. 19 after flying to an undisclosed location for the weekend. He was charged March 2 and was released after posting a $5,000 bond. He hasn't returned to school since the anonymous tip was made, and it's likely that this will affect his grades on the finals.

Hopefully this story will show everyone just how evil AR-15s are . . . and scary-looking too.

GOP bill to make it tougher for illegal aliens to 'disappear' after being released

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) will be introducing a bill aimed at preventing illegal aliens, who are detained once crossing the border, from disappearing into the country due to overcrowding in detention centers.

The Oklahoma senator said the U.S. detention facilities release thousands of illegal immigrants into the country every year and provide them with a court date, [which is really ridiculous since few ever return]. 

They broke the law to come here, so why would they honor the law to be put out of the country?

"What they should do is send them back to the country they came from until their court date," Inhofe told the Washington Examiner. "But as it is now, they just give them a court date and they turn them over to church groups and others and they just disappear and they end up in our society" [and sanctuary cities give them more rights than those of American citizens].

Inhofe met with officials at the Port Isabel Service Processing Center in Los Fresnos, a 1,200 bed facility that receives illegal immigrants who cross the border. He said facility officials couldn't provide information about the illegals it releases to prevent overcrowding when new illegal immigrants are delivered to them and the beds are needed.

Senator Inhofe will introduce a bill that would call for processing asylum seekers in Mexico before they cross the border. This would ensure applicants will appear for their hearings before they enter the U.S.

A second bill Inhofe wants to introduce would limit where illegal immigrants can go once released from a detention center. [How they can ensure this is unclear, unless they make them swallow a GPS pill.]

In 2017, a former Miami immigration judge, Mark H. Metcalf, wrote a report claiming almost one million illegal immigrants may have disobeyed deportation orders and have remained in the United States. The report, written for the low-immigration advocacy group Center for Immigration Studies, says the immigration courts have a huge backlog.

Metcalf says 46,000 illegal aliens fail to appear for court cases each year and are probably living in the U.S. 

However, many virtue-signaling leftist groups for immigration rights oppose expanding detention facilities. They say conditions are inhumane for the future Democratic voters and the cost to taxpayers is too high--something they never worry about unless it fits their political agenda.

President Trump wants immigration detention facilities to be expanded but the American Civil Liberties Union wants them abolished altogether in spite of the fact that illegal immigrants aren't Americans nor are they privy to the same rights and benefits as Americans.

"The 'lock 'em up' approach to detention is contrary to common sense and our fundamental values," ACLU officials wrote on their issues blog. "In America, liberty should be the norm for everyone--and detention the last resort."

This obviously makes the case for a serious border wall. Then there would e no need for detention facilities and all immigrants, legal and illegal, would have to wait their turn to enter the greatest country on Earth. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Hollywood flops in March

Hollywood has suffered its worst box office decline in recent memory as people are apparently fed up with everything having a political point of view that veers to the left.

And perhaps some people are also fed up with every movie, every Netflix, every story, having a token LGBTQ scene, [there just aren't that many transgender heroes in the world] or a story in which a female character beats the crap out of an evil white guy capitalist.

March's last hope in the U.S. box office is Steven Spielberg's "Ready Player One," which opens Thursday right before Easter weekend.

So as March comes to a close in a week, Hollywood's major releases have stunk, triggering the worst year-over-year decline for the month in recent times.

Maybe Michael Moore can do a documentary on school shootings and why America needs to ban guns and take in more unvetted illegal immigrants.

Hey, maybe he can do an expose on Harvey Weinstein.

UN gives coordinates of Syrian hospitals to Russia

I cannot think of any organization aside from Planned Parenthood and Pakistan that should be defunded more than the United Nations. They have just given Russia the GPS coordinates of Syrian hospitals to Russia.

Medical charities are calling the move an "extremely high-risk strategy" that could easily be exploited.

The locations were supplied by NGOs operating in rebel-held Idlib and Eastern Ghouta and in addition to giving them to Russia, they supplied them to the US as part of a new "notification system."

It's like the idiots at the UN have no understanding of Russia--the Syrian government and its Russian backer, have been supporting Bashar al-Assad since 2015, and targeting hospitals and clinics is how they let off steam to relax.

Recently, dozens of Eastern Ghouta medical facilities have been destroyed and put out of service and most others have moved underground.

The UN, in their infinite stupidity, hopes that by making their locations known, it will act as a deterrent or at least prove that they were attacked intentionally. 

So killing sick people and kids to prove they meant it is okay with the UN.

"There were 120 attacks on hospitals and medical facilities in Syria last year," said Jan Egeland, UN humanitarian adviser on Syria. "Syria is one of the worst wars on medical workers in recent history and part of the problem is there has been no functioning notification system to protect them."

He's counting on Putin's posse to make a phone call to let them know when to duck.

"'We've been attacked for so long,' they tell me, 'I can't see how it could be worse,'" Egeland said.

Duh. It can be worse if the Russians have better coordinates to target.

Granted, some NGOs in the past have provided their coordinates to the UN and reported a subsequent drop in the number of air strikes on its buildings, but trusting Putin is like the frog trusting the scorpion to carry it across the river. 

It's Russia's nature to deceive. They have shown little deference to international law in the past, and that should be our teacher.

DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison wants a 'maximum wage'

If you don't think the Democratic Party has gone off the deep end on the far left side of the pool, you aren't paying attention.

The DNC Deputy Chair Keith "The Farrakhan Guy" Ellison wants a maximum wage which would place limits on how much money people are allowed to earn. It's his way of kicking the American way of life and the economy, in the balls.

The Minnesota anti-Semite said in a recent interview, when asked about a "joke" he made about a "maximum wage," he insisted it wasn't a joke and that he meant every word of it.

What the commie crapweasel wants to do is to basically tax any earnings over what he believes should be a set amount, at 100 percent.

"No, no, no, I didn't make a joke about maximum wage, I made a statement about maximum wage," the Louis Farrakhan follower said.

"What I'm saying is . . . If you were to say, 'Look, if you make more than 20 times more than the people who actually make the products and do the services of your company,' then we're going to tax you more."

Communism (aka stealing) at it's best, which means at its worst. 

It's immoral to steal from people but that's what Ellison wants the government to do, take from the people who take the most risks in starting a company, who have the most leadership ability, who've put in the most work, and put their money in the pockets of his political buddies.

It's people like Ellison for whom the Second Amendment was written. 

Watch the video (above) so you'll know I'm not kidding.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Former FBI agent says McCabe 'targeted', 'slandered' her

Robyn Gritz, a former FBI counterterrorism agent spoke about the recently fired former FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe's op-ed. McCabe titled the Washington Post piece, "Not in my worst nightmares did I dream my FBI career would end this way." This is because he believes, somehow, that he was above the scrutiny that regular FBI agents are under.

Gritz, who served 16 years with the bureau fighting terrorism, told "Fox and Friends" that she was in a restaurant when she heard of McCabe's firing and she shouted out loud when hearing the news because it brought back memories of how she was allegedly mistreated by him and the agency.

She said she began working with McCabe in 2005 until she eventually resigned several years later after McCabe allegedly retaliated against her for filing a harassment claim against one of her supervisors.

Gritz attested that while working as a "detailee" to the CIA, her boss began "scrutinizing [her] work and asking questions" about how she was apparently "fragile" after her divorce.

She said of her boss at the time [not McCabe] that "He made some discriminatory comments about why I was traveling and such." 

When she learned that this boss was making similar comments to a black coworker, Gritz said she decided to file a complaint against him. She said that when she filed the suit, McCabe signed off on an internal investigation against her, adding that "he knew that I was either filing or going to file the [case]."

She said that she "went through hell for a year and a half" and that "Andy made sure I couldn't get out of the division."

She also alleged that McCabe made "nasty, false" comments about her in a meeting. He was "lying," she said, "which is why he just got fired."

Gritz said that dozens of former FBI coworkers called her to celebrate McCabe's "being held accountable," which seems to rarely be the outcome for those in power. 

Texas teen beaten and had hot oil poured on her for refusing arranged marriage-police

It ain't personal, it's just a cultural and religious thing. 

The parents of a 16-year-old Texas high school student, Maarib Al Hishmawi, who was reported missing January 30, abused their child after she refused an arranged marriage. She ran away from home and was found mid-March, according to police.

Her parents, Abdulah Fahmi Al Hishmawi, 34, and Hamdiyah Saha Al Hishmawi, 33, are alleged to have beaten their teenage daughter with a broomstick and poured hot cooking oil on her when she refused to marry a man from another city.

The parents reportedly agreed to the marriage in exchange for $20,000.

"This young lady, at various times over that time period was subjected to some pretty bad abuse because she didn't want to be married to this person," Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar [no relation to Alberto Salazar, a three-time New York City Marathon winner in 1980, '81, and '82 and the Boston Marathon winnerJavier  in 1982] said Friday, according to KSAT.

Salazar added: "At least at one point, she was choked almost to the point of unconsciousness."

This is not a good example of proper parenting, except in Islamic countries where it is considered a parental duty.

The girl and her five siblings, between ages 5 and 15, were placed under Child Protective Services custody.

The parents face charges of continuous violence against a family member and were taken into custody Friday. The potential husband to the girl may also face charges in the case.

But if they all play their politically correct cards right, they may be able to find a way to sue Texas for the inconvenience of having to abide by our laws.

Don't laugh, a New York City woman sued the city for $85,000 over a claim the NYPD confiscated her head covering, known as a hijab. The lawsuit is what is known as lawfare jihad, much like what the father of "Clock Boy" tried to do.

IDF confirms strike on Gaza Strip 'training camp'

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has confirmed that it struck a target in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, according to a statement by IDF Spokesperson's Unit.

The target was a "training camp" near Rafah crossing near the southern end of the Gaza Strip.

The statement read: "The Hamas terrorist organization is solely responsible for what is happening in and from the Gaza Strip."

The IDF also confirmed an incident in which four Palestinians tried to cross the border fence between the Strip and Israeli territory and set fire to an engineering vehicle. 

"The IDF warns against incidents in which civilians are called to 'demonstrations' that serve as cover for damage to security infrastructures and an attempt to harm Israeli civilians or IDF soldiers,' the IDF said. "We will continue to respond harshly to any such attempt."

Walls apparently work.

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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Potty-mouth ageist with no insight into gun violence

David Hogg has a potty mouth and very little else. Hogg is a 17-year-old survivor of the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida. He claims that he's the NRA's "worst nightmare" and Mary Lou Clemmons' "best dream" if she is willing to go with him to the prom.

When speaking about gun control issues, the teenager said, "Our parents don't know how to use a f**king democracy, so we have to." But only those people who agree with him can use a democracy--Democrats, for example.

His brilliant words:
"When your old-ass parent is like, 'I don't know how to send an iMessage,' and you're just like, 'Give me the f**king phone and let me handle it.' Sadly, that's what we have to do with our government; our parents don't know how to use a f**king democracy, so we have to."
Use a democracy? I wonder what Hogg's grades were for English grammar. The word 'democracy' is not a noun, idiot. Yes, idiot is a noun. 

I also wonder what Hogg thinks about his own "old ass" parents.

Hogg, who obviously sees himself as some sort of youthful folk hero blathered on with his pedantic garbage as he continues to save the world from evil guns:
"I'm beyond exhausted. I get to a certain point where I just get so tired that I keep going. It creates a positive feedback loop in some ways [because he sees himself as a machine]--the more stress and work I put on me, the more stress and work I can deal with."
Hooray for a Hogg! He is so brave and strong to push on. And he had more to say:
"It just makes me think what sick f**kers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected. What type of shi**y person does that? That could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn't take action, because they all still see these dollar signs."
The 'Hoggster' was not referring to monetary assistance he is likely receiving 'under the table' to send his vulgar message out to us old-ass people, but to the billions of dollars the NRA gives to politicians in constituencies that support the Second Amendment.

Hogg had this to say to Florida Gov. Rick Scott:
"You're kind of like Voldemort at this point. You should just retire, because you aren't going to get elected to Senate."
And to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL):
"What about the $176,000 you took for those 17 people's blood?"
Yeah, Marco, why do you accept money for something that you believe in? Why do you have an A+ rating with the NRA?

Rubio said that he would back four gun control measures since the Parkland shooting:
Strengthen background checks. "I will support changing our background system so that it includes more information than it includes now and that all states across the country are required or incentivized to report all the information into it."
That isn't a bad idea at all, but in terms of this recent shooting and in some of the others, law enforcement was aware of the danger the shooter posed before he went to slaughter. But if a more intensive background check could help, why not?
Ban bump stocks. 
Sure. It really has no useful purpose other than converting the rifle into an almost automatic weapon. I don't see a problem with a ban on that.
Increase the 18-year-old age limit for rifles. "I absolutely believe that in this country if you are 18 years of age, you should not be able to buy a rifle, and I will support a law that takes that right away," Rubio said.
Most mass shootings are carried out by people over the age of 21. If, as Rubio suggests, we increase the depth of background checks, there should be no reason to take away the rights of those old enough to go to war and carry an automatic rifle, from buying a semi-automatic rifle. 
Limit magazine clip sizes [perhaps]. "I traditionally have not supported looking at magazine clip size, and after this and some of the details I learned about it, I'm reconsidering that position [because] it may save lives in an attack."
A bit of a squishy detail. Perhaps he's right, but let's not forget that an experienced shooter with multiple clips can change a clip in just a few seconds.

If we could just stop all non NRA members from committing mass shootings, the mass shooting rate would drop 100 percent!

If we could have just made the Broward County Sheriff's Department, the FBI and the mental health professionals who were directly involved in the Parkland shooter's case simply do their jobs, there would have been no shootings and those 17 victims would be alive today.

But blame the NRA and blame guns because that's politically expedient and on your check list. 

It's sad that we give special credence of expertise to victims of gun violence, as if they know more because of their trauma. Actually, it is because of their trauma that we can generally expect their thoughts to be tied into their emotions and have less world validity than experts who have analyzed real data from an objective, scientific perspective.

So young Hogg, you have your fifteen minutes of fame. Make the most of it.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Holder to Sessions: 'Do what I say, not what I do'

"I love you." "I love you more."
Former Attorney General and self-described "Wingman" for President Obama, Eric Holder has the audacity to criticize current Attorney General Jeff Sessions Monday night for his role in the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. 

Obama's wingman said that Sessions must "have the guts to look at the president every now and then and say 'no.'" Something that he wished he had the testicles to do with Obama, he failed to mention.

Sessions fired McCabe on Friday, just two days before McCabe was to retire and he said the firing was the administration's "war on the FBI."

In truth, the firing of McCabe and previously the firing of James Comey, was more like a war on incompetence and political activism on part of the FBI leadership, and not on the agency as a whole. Trump "loves" the FBI because they do "an incredible job."

Complaining at Georgetown University, Holder accused Sessions of rushing to fire McCabe at Trump's behest, and the only way he could know this is for him to be a mindreader or maybe have a few friends at the NSA bug Trump's electronic communications.

"It may be that at the end of the day . . . [McCabe's] termination is appropriate," Holder admitted. "But you know, you don't rush that component of it to meet a deadline that I think the president essentially set. You're the Attorney General of the United States [and Holder was the Attorney General for Barack Obama]. You run the damn Justice Department," he said, trying to sound macho. "You know? And you've got to have the guts to look at the president every now and again and say 'no.'"

So how does Holder know that Sessions doesn't say 'no' to Trump? After all, Trump was obviously not pleased when Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation. That sounds as if he said 'no' to the president.

When did Holder ever say 'no' to Obama? 

The blatant hypocrisy of Eric Holder is not only palpable, it's outright laughable. The guy put guns in the hands of the Mexican cartel and got Brian Terry killed because of it. How dare he come off pontificating as if he was a great attorney general.

Obama's "Wingman" was also America's "Wingnut."

It must have really gotten to Holder when Trump tweeted about McCabe's firing that it was "a great day for Democracy" and a "great day for the hard working men and women of  the FBI."

Holder said Trump was "punching down" on McCabe, but he apparently doesn't realize that the president cannot let anything get past him without his input. That's what got him elected, in part, and the fact that Hillary Clinton is the most detestable person to ever run for the presidency.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Liberal media: 'How dare Trump do what Obama did!'

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander, unless the goose is Obama and the gander is Trump, says the liberal media.

The left is angry that President Trump's campaign used data mining to win the 2016 election. The left, both in media and the Democrats, were happy that Obama used data mining to win the 2012 election.

You have to hand it to conservative commentator Ben Shapiro for penning a column for The Hill on Tuesday with the headline: "What's genius for Obama is scandal when it comes to Trump."

Shapiro uncovered a 2012 report from The Guardian saying Obama's reelection team was mining data via Facebook (FB) to target specific voters. The Guardian also happens to be the publication that reported Cambridge Analytics and its ties to Trump's 2016 campaign.

Cambridge Analytica is accused of harvesting data to build profiles on 50 million FB users, who agreed to complete a survey in an attempt to target specific voters with ads and stories.

Shapiro said that FB was fine when Obama's team used similar tactics to what Trump's team used, noting that a former Obama campaign staffer admitted FB didn't attempt to stop Obama's 2012 re-election because the company wanted him to win.

The Obama campaign built a database of every voter using the same FB developer tools that Cambridge (known as API)  used. This allowed Obama's campaign to gain information of voters to calculate "which people would be most likely to influence other people in their network to vote," according to the Washington Post, a left-leaning tabloid.

"Facebook was surprised we were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they didn't stop us once they realized that was what we were doing," former Obama campaign staffer Carol Davidsen tweeted on Sunday from her verified account.

Davidsen said that FB revealed that the company allowed the Obama campaign to do things it would not have allowed a Republican candidate to get away with.

Shapiro explained, "Not so with Trump. As soon as Facebook realized that Cambridge Analytica had pursued a similar strategy, they suspended the firm. This isn't surprising. Since Trump's election, Democrats--in search of a rationale for their favored candidate's defeat--have blamed a bevy of social media outlets."

In other words, the Democrats are like children playing in the sandbox making up rules to games as they go along, and always favoring themselves.

FB has agreed to discuss matters with House Judiciary Committee staff as soon as today, Wednesday, after the fallout over Cambridge Analytica's use and exploitation of user data from about 50 million Americans.

Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been slammed for being silent on this issue, which needs to be explored for possible election tampering, in this writer's opinion.

Axios reported that Zuckerberg may finally break silence or perhaps wind.

In 2012, Time wrote a glowing article about the data mining used by Obama's team. It was headlined: "Friended: How the Obama Campaign Connected with Young Voters." It explained how social networks are changing the way modern, sophisticated politicians campaign, and even stated that by 2016, "this sort of campaign-driven sharing over social networks is almost certain to be the norm." 

But only Democratic politicians need apply.

Of course the headlines tying Trump's 2016 campaign to data mining were quite different and less glowing than Obama's.

The New York Times wrote: "How Trump consultants' exploited the Facebook Data of millions."

Did you catch the subtle difference?

Obama = genius. Trump = exploiter and a travesty of democracy.

Ironically, Shapiro doesn't believe the "supposedly nefarious workings" of data mining by Trump's campaign made any difference in the outcome of the election.

"It didn't win Trump the election, by the way. Trump won the election because Hillary was an unbelievably crappy candidate and Trump campaigned in the right places," Shapiro said. "It's just nonsense."

It's also something to think about regarding whether or not to stay on Facebook. Maybe it's time to say "Chuck it."

Don't walk and smoke at the same time in NYC or you might get busted

New York City -- It's bad enough for people who can't walk and chew gum at the same time, now a New York City Councilman wants to make it illegal to walk and smoke cigarettes at the same time.

"My bill is very simple, no smoking and walking on New York City Sidewalks," says Queens Councilman Peter Koo (aka "Cuckoo Koo") from District 20.

Koo's bill would make it a misdemeanor to walk while smoking and probably punishable by a fine of $50. 

Smokers are already banned from smoking in public parks, restaurants, pay toilets, and in bed. Now they're being told they can't go for a stroll and light up.

The city is planning to create smoking "circles" that have a diameter of no more than 3 feet. In time, the city is hoping to reduce the size of even that area to what will be determined, and will likely be called a smoking "dot."

"I'm not standing in one spot, it's not going to happen," said Ian, a puffer from Flushing. "As I'm walking, it's outside, I'm not blowing it in anyone's faces."

Hopefully, the new law will increase the size of the police force within the city as a "Smoking Patrol" will be needed to monitor the situation. Otherwise, to enforce this law, there would be a great drain on police resources.

Smoking on a "dot" would be allowed but if the smoker moves more than six inches while puffing, the fine will be enforceable if the bill is passed. And if the bill should be signed into law, New Yorkers will deserve having elected Comrade Bill de Blasio mayor. 

Koo was asked if he believed a ban on walking and smoking infringes on civil liberties, he said he didn't care. 

"This bill is not against smoking, just don't do both together," he said.

He plans to introduce the bill today, Wednesday.

Koo is likely not a smoker nor a person who cares about individual freedoms.

Austin bomber suspect ID'd and self-neutralized

The Austin, Texas bomber suspect has been identified as  24-year-old man, Mark Anthony Conditt. [A spit and image of Mohammad Atta.]

The suspect  apparently committed suicide with an explosive device as police closed in on him after a car chase in which he ended up in a ditch late Tuesday night. The explosion caused by an "incendiary device" was believed to be unrelated to previous bombings in Texas in which two people were killed and four others were severely wounded. The bombings began on March 2nd, according to police.

The concern of the Austin Police now is whether there are other explosive devices out there.

Conditt detonated the bomb early Wednesday on the side of Interstate 35 in Round Rock, a few miles north of Austin, as a SWAT team approached him, police reported. Investigators believe he's responsible for all 5 previous blasts.

President Trump tweeted: 
"Austin bombing suspect is dead. Great job by law enforcement and all concerned."
The suspect was spotted on a video security camera at a FedEx shipping store. This was the last attack before his death. A package exploded at the store's sorting center early Tuesday near San Antonio. A second unexploded bomb was found several hours later at another FedEx near Austin.

The two packages were connected to four previous bombings law enforcement officials said. FedEx said the person who sent the package that exploded also shipped a second one that was turned over to law enforcement officials. 

The company was able to provide law enforcement with "extensive evidence" from their security systems on the packages and the person who shipped them.

The explosion at the sorting center in San Antonio occurred on a conveyor and was not the intended target, police chief Michael Hansen said. An employee was treated on site.

Hopefully, this will be 'case closed.'

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

POTUS ignores warnings: congratulates Putin

President Trump is behaving like a defiant, oppositional teenager. 

Trump's national security team told him not to congratulate Putin during a phone call on "winning" his reelection for a fourth term Tuesday. They even placed a section in his briefing materials that read: "DO NOT CONGRATULATE" in all-capital letters, but  they forgot to put an exclamation point at the end to show they meant it! So he congratulated Putin during the phone call.


Trump also failed to follow aides' instructions that he condemn Putin over the poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter in the U.K., according to The New York Post. But in defense of Trump, at least he didn't congratulate him on the successful poisoning.

The president told reporters that he offered his well wishes on Putin's new six-year term and said that he and Vladimir will "probably be meeting in the not-too-distant future."

The U.S. and U.K. are among the countries that have pointed to Russia as being responsible for the attack. Of course Russia has denied the allegations, but what's a motherland to do?

Sen. John McCain (RINO-Ariz.) said in a statement that "an American president [which he will never be] does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to determine their country's future, including the countless Russian patriots who have risked so much to protest and resist Putin's regime."

On this one, I have to go along with McCain . . . but only on this one.
Getty Images
A reporter asked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders whether she thought the Russian election was "free and fair." 

She told the reporter that the U.S. doesn't "get to dictate how other countries operate."

I think Trump blew it on this one. I think his need to be liked by almost everyone in the room, and his disdain of being told what to do, no matter whether the advice is good or bad, control, alt, deletes his judgment.

That is not a good thing.

And if you hate me for saying it, perhaps you need to consider if you really agree with everything Trump says and does because he's always right, or because you're seeing him as a charismatic leader.

Nobody is always right.

Bad guy dead, good guy triumphs

A bad guy with a gun shot and wounded two students at Great Mills High School in Maryland. The bad guy with a gun was confronted with a brave good guy with a gun [not to be confused with the Broward County Sheriff's deputy who had guns but were afraid to go into the fray to stop a massacre] and was shot and killed. 

The brave guy is Blaine Gaskill.

The bad guy was the only fatality but a female student and a male student were also shot and are in stable condition.

"Our school resource officer [SRO] was alerted to the event. He pursued the shooter, engaged the shooter, fired a round at the shooter," St. Mary's County Sheriff Tim Cameron said. "The shooter fired a round as well. In the hours and days to come, we'll be able to determine if our school resource officer's round struck the shooter."

Meaning that it's possible the bad guy was so scared of being shot and not immediately killed, that he quickly killed himself to avoid the pain.
Blaine Gaskill
I suspect the good guy with a gun hit his target--he has a lot of firearms experience and the bad guy with a gun was, thankfully, a lousy shot.

The Maryland State Police, the FBI and agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are on the scene helping with the investigation. In all probability, tobacco had nothing to do with the crime.

The school has about 1,600 students and is located near the Patuxent River Naval Air Station, about 60 miles from Washington D.C. The scene there is said to be "contained."

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) tweeted that his office was "closely monitoring the situation at Great Mills High School."

"Maryland State Police is in touch with local law enforcement and ready to provide support." Then he pulled out his bipartisan political talking points flashcard and tweeted: "Our prayers are with [fill in the blanks] students, school personnel, and first responders."

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md) who was en route to the school to probably give his thoughts and prayers and use gun control as a solution, tweeted that he'll be at a press conference regarding the shooting.

A POS self-described "reporter" named Jeff Pearlman labeled the SRO "a gross, despicable human being." 

Of course, for Pearlman to say something so disgusting and despicable only shows that he was self-revealing and has to be as stupid as a dead bottle fly.

Perhaps Pearlman was simply trying to become relevant, but it isn't working. He's as relevant as algebra to a blowfish trying to decide on what to have for

Last month, St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office arrested two teenage boys for "Threats of Mass Violence." A 39-year-old scumwafer was also arrested on related charges after the teens threatened a mass shooting at Leonardtown High School, which is only 10 miles from Great Mills High.

 Police obtained a search warrant that led them to find semi-automatic rifles, handguns and other weapons along with ammunition.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Paul slams Brennan, America's hypocrite

Sen.Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed ex-CIA chief John Brennan for saying that President Trump will be remembered as a "disgraced demagogue." Rand said that Brennan's spying on Americans while he headed the agency was disgraceful.

"This man had the power to search every American's records without a warrant," Paul began in a tweet Sunday. "What's disgraceful is attacking the Bill of Rights and the freedom of every American."

Plus the fact that nobody knows the deal with Brennan, He visited the Muslim holy site, the Hajj, which only Muslims can visit. What's going on with that?

Paul has held strong disdain for Brennan for years, as does anyone who truly holds the U.S. Constitution as the final say in American democracy.

In 2013, Paul filibustered the Senate floor for 13 hours to block Obama's nomination for Brennan, a disgusting piece of floating effluvia in the scum pond of the gorilla cage at the Bronx Zoo in August. Paul's concern is whether the administration would execute a drone strike on an American on U.S. soil--after all, Obama executed a drone strike of an American citizen on foreign soil, not that the POS al Awlaki didn't deserve to be blown to bits.

The problem is, if you can kill an American, regardless of their terrorist ties, what's stopping the president from justifying the killing of an American he simply wants to kill? 

The president cannot be the judge and jury.

A year and a half after the filibuster, Rand joined a bipartisan call for the removal of Brennan as CIA chief after it was revealed his agency spied on Senate Intelligence Committee staffers.

Rands most recent criticism comes after Brennan's response to Trump on Friday night after AG Jeff Sessions fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe just two days before he was ready to retire on full taxpayer funded pension.

Sessions fired McCabe after an FBI report and an inspector general's report on McCabe showed his mishandling of the Hillary Clinton illegal email servers while pretending to be secretary of state.

Brennan tweeted:
"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America ... America will triumph over you."
Brennan's Twitter pages claims that he is non-partisan.

With such a copious vocabulary as Brennan, you think he knew the definition of non-partisan.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

It's the slammer for beating a 12-year-old for 'unIslamic' haircut

Paris -- Le Parisien newspaper reported that a 12-year-old Muslim boy had his head shaved and was badly beaten for arriving at an Arab language class at the Faith and Unity Mosque in Sarcelles, a suburb of Paris, in April 2017.

The madrassa principal (Boubou F.) told the child that Islam forbids his hairstyle (he had a blond streak in his hair) and that he needed to be punished because one false move in Islam, and you're toast.

The principal sent another child to get an electric shaver, which he used to reportedly shave the child's head in front of the class because a little humiliation does wonders for a child's emotional growth.

The next day, Boubou called his brother Mamadi, a monitor employed by Sarcelles city council. Boubou asked Mamadi to find some "heavies" to beat the crap out of the boy, because Islam cannot be disobeyed without violence being levied on the miscreant.

The boy was surrounded by the scumquat Boubou and about 20 other people. He was brought to a utility room and was beaten for two hours by Mamadi and another monitor and a mediator (Souley S.) who is also employed by the city council.

On March 8, 2018, the trial ended and Boubou (35) was sentenced to 12 months in prison, with 4 months suspended for some ungodly reason. Souley S. (29) was sentenced to 6 months with 4 months suspended. And the two monitors, both in their early 20s, were sentenced to 8 months each, with 4 months suspended.

For what possible reason would any judge suspend any part of these already light sentences. They beat a child!

But it gets worse.

The child's [evil] step-father, the crap-weasel who ordered the punishment, wasn't present at the trial--he fled back to Mali. He was given a 6-month suspended sentence.

Souley S. refuted the accusations and claimed he left the school before the beating took place [in order to go home and beat his wife, one might guess]. "We are not radicals or Islamists," he told the judge, who never accused them as such, but thou doth protest too much.

Boubou's defense lawyer, Frédéric Zajac, claimed the incident wasn't a problem of religion, but of education. He lied--it's a problem of religion, and the principal's words demonstrate that.

Madrassas (Quranic schools) have grown like weeds in France over the past twenty years and are usually run by Salafists who hate Western civilization. They are funded by organizations such as the Islamic Development Bank, the Red Crescent and Qatar Charity, all tied to terror in one way or another.

The madrassa isn't quite a school in the strict sense, but pseudo-cultural centers providing after school classes in Quranic studies, Arabic and Islamic "morality." They're most often attached to mosques but the number of such schools are difficult to ascertain.

Of the roughly 100 Muslim schools in France, which ranges from kindergarter through elementary, primary, junior and senior high, most are controlled by the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (UOIF), a known terrorist organization.

Perhaps France will one day wake up . . . but probably not.

Not all of California agrees with sanctuary cities

Imagine a state law that limits the amount of cooperation they allow between local law enforcement and federal immigration agents. This is what defines a sanctuary city. 

It defies logic for any government, local or larger, to protect illegal immigrants who have committed a crime and allow them to go free. It honestly makes no sense whatsoever.

But California never refused to defy logic, especially if by doing so, they defy the federal government, and especially if the president is Donald J. Trump.

Believe it or not, one California town wants to exempt itself from sanctuary city law and is taking a stand against the state law that limits cooperation with ICE.

The City of Los Alamitos is voting on an ordinance to exempt it from the sanctuary city law that council members say conflicts with federal law and a little old document known as the U.S. Constitution. Members of the council say the state law "may be in direct conflict with federal laws and the Constitution" along with the oath (aka sworn promise) they took in taking office.

According to the ordinance, the council "finds that it is impossible to honor our oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The ordinance to exempt comes after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the Justice Department was filing a lawsuit against California over three pieces of legislation that clash with federal immigration policy.

Los Alamitos council members agree with Sessions, who argued the laws are not only unconstitutional, but also a "plain violation of federal statute and common sense."

It's as if most of California has a teenage, angry and defiant personality, but a few small areas may be coming to their senses.

Matt Damon refuses to MAGA--plans to stay in USA

Sadly, make-believe worker, Matt Damon, is no longer planning on moving to Australia and Make America Great Again. He either changed his mind or was simply making believe, since having a hissy-fit over President Trump still being president.

The Daily Telegraph in Sydney reported that Damon was buying a home in Byron Bay near another person who pretends to be someone he's not, Chris Hemsworth, but alas, Damon is remaining here.

His spokesperson Jennifer Allen said Damon has been to Australia on many occasions recently, but he has not purchased a home there nor is he relocating and thus be Making America Great Again.

Damon reportedly told his progressive friends and colleagues he wanted to leave the United States of America because he disagrees with President Trump's policies, such as the tax cuts, building a wall, enhancing the military with new equipment, and adherence to immigration laws, for example.

Allen wrote in an email about the rumored expatriation of the USA by Damon: "He's not moving out of the U.S."

Damon is a long-time Democrat who energetically supported Hillary Clinton's failed campaign for the presidency, which Damon, Clinton and her supporters still cannot accept.

Hopefully she will run again in 2020.

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....