Sunday, March 18, 2018

It's the slammer for beating a 12-year-old for 'unIslamic' haircut

Paris -- Le Parisien newspaper reported that a 12-year-old Muslim boy had his head shaved and was badly beaten for arriving at an Arab language class at the Faith and Unity Mosque in Sarcelles, a suburb of Paris, in April 2017.

The madrassa principal (Boubou F.) told the child that Islam forbids his hairstyle (he had a blond streak in his hair) and that he needed to be punished because one false move in Islam, and you're toast.

The principal sent another child to get an electric shaver, which he used to reportedly shave the child's head in front of the class because a little humiliation does wonders for a child's emotional growth.

The next day, Boubou called his brother Mamadi, a monitor employed by Sarcelles city council. Boubou asked Mamadi to find some "heavies" to beat the crap out of the boy, because Islam cannot be disobeyed without violence being levied on the miscreant.

The boy was surrounded by the scumquat Boubou and about 20 other people. He was brought to a utility room and was beaten for two hours by Mamadi and another monitor and a mediator (Souley S.) who is also employed by the city council.

On March 8, 2018, the trial ended and Boubou (35) was sentenced to 12 months in prison, with 4 months suspended for some ungodly reason. Souley S. (29) was sentenced to 6 months with 4 months suspended. And the two monitors, both in their early 20s, were sentenced to 8 months each, with 4 months suspended.

For what possible reason would any judge suspend any part of these already light sentences. They beat a child!

But it gets worse.

The child's [evil] step-father, the crap-weasel who ordered the punishment, wasn't present at the trial--he fled back to Mali. He was given a 6-month suspended sentence.

Souley S. refuted the accusations and claimed he left the school before the beating took place [in order to go home and beat his wife, one might guess]. "We are not radicals or Islamists," he told the judge, who never accused them as such, but thou doth protest too much.

Boubou's defense lawyer, Frédéric Zajac, claimed the incident wasn't a problem of religion, but of education. He lied--it's a problem of religion, and the principal's words demonstrate that.

Madrassas (Quranic schools) have grown like weeds in France over the past twenty years and are usually run by Salafists who hate Western civilization. They are funded by organizations such as the Islamic Development Bank, the Red Crescent and Qatar Charity, all tied to terror in one way or another.

The madrassa isn't quite a school in the strict sense, but pseudo-cultural centers providing after school classes in Quranic studies, Arabic and Islamic "morality." They're most often attached to mosques but the number of such schools are difficult to ascertain.

Of the roughly 100 Muslim schools in France, which ranges from kindergarter through elementary, primary, junior and senior high, most are controlled by the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (UOIF), a known terrorist organization.

Perhaps France will one day wake up . . . but probably not.

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