Monday, March 19, 2018

Paul slams Brennan, America's hypocrite

Sen.Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed ex-CIA chief John Brennan for saying that President Trump will be remembered as a "disgraced demagogue." Rand said that Brennan's spying on Americans while he headed the agency was disgraceful.

"This man had the power to search every American's records without a warrant," Paul began in a tweet Sunday. "What's disgraceful is attacking the Bill of Rights and the freedom of every American."

Plus the fact that nobody knows the deal with Brennan, He visited the Muslim holy site, the Hajj, which only Muslims can visit. What's going on with that?

Paul has held strong disdain for Brennan for years, as does anyone who truly holds the U.S. Constitution as the final say in American democracy.

In 2013, Paul filibustered the Senate floor for 13 hours to block Obama's nomination for Brennan, a disgusting piece of floating effluvia in the scum pond of the gorilla cage at the Bronx Zoo in August. Paul's concern is whether the administration would execute a drone strike on an American on U.S. soil--after all, Obama executed a drone strike of an American citizen on foreign soil, not that the POS al Awlaki didn't deserve to be blown to bits.

The problem is, if you can kill an American, regardless of their terrorist ties, what's stopping the president from justifying the killing of an American he simply wants to kill? 

The president cannot be the judge and jury.

A year and a half after the filibuster, Rand joined a bipartisan call for the removal of Brennan as CIA chief after it was revealed his agency spied on Senate Intelligence Committee staffers.

Rands most recent criticism comes after Brennan's response to Trump on Friday night after AG Jeff Sessions fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe just two days before he was ready to retire on full taxpayer funded pension.

Sessions fired McCabe after an FBI report and an inspector general's report on McCabe showed his mishandling of the Hillary Clinton illegal email servers while pretending to be secretary of state.

Brennan tweeted:
"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America ... America will triumph over you."
Brennan's Twitter pages claims that he is non-partisan.

With such a copious vocabulary as Brennan, you think he knew the definition of non-partisan.

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