Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Bad guy dead, good guy triumphs

A bad guy with a gun shot and wounded two students at Great Mills High School in Maryland. The bad guy with a gun was confronted with a brave good guy with a gun [not to be confused with the Broward County Sheriff's deputy who had guns but were afraid to go into the fray to stop a massacre] and was shot and killed. 

The brave guy is Blaine Gaskill.

The bad guy was the only fatality but a female student and a male student were also shot and are in stable condition.

"Our school resource officer [SRO] was alerted to the event. He pursued the shooter, engaged the shooter, fired a round at the shooter," St. Mary's County Sheriff Tim Cameron said. "The shooter fired a round as well. In the hours and days to come, we'll be able to determine if our school resource officer's round struck the shooter."

Meaning that it's possible the bad guy was so scared of being shot and not immediately killed, that he quickly killed himself to avoid the pain.
Blaine Gaskill
I suspect the good guy with a gun hit his target--he has a lot of firearms experience and the bad guy with a gun was, thankfully, a lousy shot.

The Maryland State Police, the FBI and agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are on the scene helping with the investigation. In all probability, tobacco had nothing to do with the crime.

The school has about 1,600 students and is located near the Patuxent River Naval Air Station, about 60 miles from Washington D.C. The scene there is said to be "contained."

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) tweeted that his office was "closely monitoring the situation at Great Mills High School."

"Maryland State Police is in touch with local law enforcement and ready to provide support." Then he pulled out his bipartisan political talking points flashcard and tweeted: "Our prayers are with [fill in the blanks] students, school personnel, and first responders."

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md) who was en route to the school to probably give his thoughts and prayers and use gun control as a solution, tweeted that he'll be at a press conference regarding the shooting.

A POS self-described "reporter" named Jeff Pearlman labeled the SRO "a gross, despicable human being." 

Of course, for Pearlman to say something so disgusting and despicable only shows that he was self-revealing and has to be as stupid as a dead bottle fly.

Perhaps Pearlman was simply trying to become relevant, but it isn't working. He's as relevant as algebra to a blowfish trying to decide on what to have for

Last month, St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office arrested two teenage boys for "Threats of Mass Violence." A 39-year-old scumwafer was also arrested on related charges after the teens threatened a mass shooting at Leonardtown High School, which is only 10 miles from Great Mills High.

 Police obtained a search warrant that led them to find semi-automatic rifles, handguns and other weapons along with ammunition.

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