Sunday, March 18, 2018

Not all of California agrees with sanctuary cities

Imagine a state law that limits the amount of cooperation they allow between local law enforcement and federal immigration agents. This is what defines a sanctuary city. 

It defies logic for any government, local or larger, to protect illegal immigrants who have committed a crime and allow them to go free. It honestly makes no sense whatsoever.

But California never refused to defy logic, especially if by doing so, they defy the federal government, and especially if the president is Donald J. Trump.

Believe it or not, one California town wants to exempt itself from sanctuary city law and is taking a stand against the state law that limits cooperation with ICE.

The City of Los Alamitos is voting on an ordinance to exempt it from the sanctuary city law that council members say conflicts with federal law and a little old document known as the U.S. Constitution. Members of the council say the state law "may be in direct conflict with federal laws and the Constitution" along with the oath (aka sworn promise) they took in taking office.

According to the ordinance, the council "finds that it is impossible to honor our oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The ordinance to exempt comes after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the Justice Department was filing a lawsuit against California over three pieces of legislation that clash with federal immigration policy.

Los Alamitos council members agree with Sessions, who argued the laws are not only unconstitutional, but also a "plain violation of federal statute and common sense."

It's as if most of California has a teenage, angry and defiant personality, but a few small areas may be coming to their senses.

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