Sunday, March 18, 2018

Matt Damon refuses to MAGA--plans to stay in USA

Sadly, make-believe worker, Matt Damon, is no longer planning on moving to Australia and Make America Great Again. He either changed his mind or was simply making believe, since having a hissy-fit over President Trump still being president.

The Daily Telegraph in Sydney reported that Damon was buying a home in Byron Bay near another person who pretends to be someone he's not, Chris Hemsworth, but alas, Damon is remaining here.

His spokesperson Jennifer Allen said Damon has been to Australia on many occasions recently, but he has not purchased a home there nor is he relocating and thus be Making America Great Again.

Damon reportedly told his progressive friends and colleagues he wanted to leave the United States of America because he disagrees with President Trump's policies, such as the tax cuts, building a wall, enhancing the military with new equipment, and adherence to immigration laws, for example.

Allen wrote in an email about the rumored expatriation of the USA by Damon: "He's not moving out of the U.S."

Damon is a long-time Democrat who energetically supported Hillary Clinton's failed campaign for the presidency, which Damon, Clinton and her supporters still cannot accept.

Hopefully she will run again in 2020.

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