Thursday, March 22, 2018

Holder to Sessions: 'Do what I say, not what I do'

"I love you." "I love you more."
Former Attorney General and self-described "Wingman" for President Obama, Eric Holder has the audacity to criticize current Attorney General Jeff Sessions Monday night for his role in the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. 

Obama's wingman said that Sessions must "have the guts to look at the president every now and then and say 'no.'" Something that he wished he had the testicles to do with Obama, he failed to mention.

Sessions fired McCabe on Friday, just two days before McCabe was to retire and he said the firing was the administration's "war on the FBI."

In truth, the firing of McCabe and previously the firing of James Comey, was more like a war on incompetence and political activism on part of the FBI leadership, and not on the agency as a whole. Trump "loves" the FBI because they do "an incredible job."

Complaining at Georgetown University, Holder accused Sessions of rushing to fire McCabe at Trump's behest, and the only way he could know this is for him to be a mindreader or maybe have a few friends at the NSA bug Trump's electronic communications.

"It may be that at the end of the day . . . [McCabe's] termination is appropriate," Holder admitted. "But you know, you don't rush that component of it to meet a deadline that I think the president essentially set. You're the Attorney General of the United States [and Holder was the Attorney General for Barack Obama]. You run the damn Justice Department," he said, trying to sound macho. "You know? And you've got to have the guts to look at the president every now and again and say 'no.'"

So how does Holder know that Sessions doesn't say 'no' to Trump? After all, Trump was obviously not pleased when Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation. That sounds as if he said 'no' to the president.

When did Holder ever say 'no' to Obama? 

The blatant hypocrisy of Eric Holder is not only palpable, it's outright laughable. The guy put guns in the hands of the Mexican cartel and got Brian Terry killed because of it. How dare he come off pontificating as if he was a great attorney general.

Obama's "Wingman" was also America's "Wingnut."

It must have really gotten to Holder when Trump tweeted about McCabe's firing that it was "a great day for Democracy" and a "great day for the hard working men and women of  the FBI."

Holder said Trump was "punching down" on McCabe, but he apparently doesn't realize that the president cannot let anything get past him without his input. That's what got him elected, in part, and the fact that Hillary Clinton is the most detestable person to ever run for the presidency.

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