Saturday, March 24, 2018

Potty-mouth ageist with no insight into gun violence

David Hogg has a potty mouth and very little else. Hogg is a 17-year-old survivor of the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida. He claims that he's the NRA's "worst nightmare" and Mary Lou Clemmons' "best dream" if she is willing to go with him to the prom.

When speaking about gun control issues, the teenager said, "Our parents don't know how to use a f**king democracy, so we have to." But only those people who agree with him can use a democracy--Democrats, for example.

His brilliant words:
"When your old-ass parent is like, 'I don't know how to send an iMessage,' and you're just like, 'Give me the f**king phone and let me handle it.' Sadly, that's what we have to do with our government; our parents don't know how to use a f**king democracy, so we have to."
Use a democracy? I wonder what Hogg's grades were for English grammar. The word 'democracy' is not a noun, idiot. Yes, idiot is a noun. 

I also wonder what Hogg thinks about his own "old ass" parents.

Hogg, who obviously sees himself as some sort of youthful folk hero blathered on with his pedantic garbage as he continues to save the world from evil guns:
"I'm beyond exhausted. I get to a certain point where I just get so tired that I keep going. It creates a positive feedback loop in some ways [because he sees himself as a machine]--the more stress and work I put on me, the more stress and work I can deal with."
Hooray for a Hogg! He is so brave and strong to push on. And he had more to say:
"It just makes me think what sick f**kers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected. What type of shi**y person does that? That could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn't take action, because they all still see these dollar signs."
The 'Hoggster' was not referring to monetary assistance he is likely receiving 'under the table' to send his vulgar message out to us old-ass people, but to the billions of dollars the NRA gives to politicians in constituencies that support the Second Amendment.

Hogg had this to say to Florida Gov. Rick Scott:
"You're kind of like Voldemort at this point. You should just retire, because you aren't going to get elected to Senate."
And to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL):
"What about the $176,000 you took for those 17 people's blood?"
Yeah, Marco, why do you accept money for something that you believe in? Why do you have an A+ rating with the NRA?

Rubio said that he would back four gun control measures since the Parkland shooting:
Strengthen background checks. "I will support changing our background system so that it includes more information than it includes now and that all states across the country are required or incentivized to report all the information into it."
That isn't a bad idea at all, but in terms of this recent shooting and in some of the others, law enforcement was aware of the danger the shooter posed before he went to slaughter. But if a more intensive background check could help, why not?
Ban bump stocks. 
Sure. It really has no useful purpose other than converting the rifle into an almost automatic weapon. I don't see a problem with a ban on that.
Increase the 18-year-old age limit for rifles. "I absolutely believe that in this country if you are 18 years of age, you should not be able to buy a rifle, and I will support a law that takes that right away," Rubio said.
Most mass shootings are carried out by people over the age of 21. If, as Rubio suggests, we increase the depth of background checks, there should be no reason to take away the rights of those old enough to go to war and carry an automatic rifle, from buying a semi-automatic rifle. 
Limit magazine clip sizes [perhaps]. "I traditionally have not supported looking at magazine clip size, and after this and some of the details I learned about it, I'm reconsidering that position [because] it may save lives in an attack."
A bit of a squishy detail. Perhaps he's right, but let's not forget that an experienced shooter with multiple clips can change a clip in just a few seconds.

If we could just stop all non NRA members from committing mass shootings, the mass shooting rate would drop 100 percent!

If we could have just made the Broward County Sheriff's Department, the FBI and the mental health professionals who were directly involved in the Parkland shooter's case simply do their jobs, there would have been no shootings and those 17 victims would be alive today.

But blame the NRA and blame guns because that's politically expedient and on your check list. 

It's sad that we give special credence of expertise to victims of gun violence, as if they know more because of their trauma. Actually, it is because of their trauma that we can generally expect their thoughts to be tied into their emotions and have less world validity than experts who have analyzed real data from an objective, scientific perspective.

So young Hogg, you have your fifteen minutes of fame. Make the most of it.

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