Monday, March 26, 2018

Hollywood flops in March

Hollywood has suffered its worst box office decline in recent memory as people are apparently fed up with everything having a political point of view that veers to the left.

And perhaps some people are also fed up with every movie, every Netflix, every story, having a token LGBTQ scene, [there just aren't that many transgender heroes in the world] or a story in which a female character beats the crap out of an evil white guy capitalist.

March's last hope in the U.S. box office is Steven Spielberg's "Ready Player One," which opens Thursday right before Easter weekend.

So as March comes to a close in a week, Hollywood's major releases have stunk, triggering the worst year-over-year decline for the month in recent times.

Maybe Michael Moore can do a documentary on school shootings and why America needs to ban guns and take in more unvetted illegal immigrants.

Hey, maybe he can do an expose on Harvey Weinstein.

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