Monday, March 26, 2018

UN gives coordinates of Syrian hospitals to Russia

I cannot think of any organization aside from Planned Parenthood and Pakistan that should be defunded more than the United Nations. They have just given Russia the GPS coordinates of Syrian hospitals to Russia.

Medical charities are calling the move an "extremely high-risk strategy" that could easily be exploited.

The locations were supplied by NGOs operating in rebel-held Idlib and Eastern Ghouta and in addition to giving them to Russia, they supplied them to the US as part of a new "notification system."

It's like the idiots at the UN have no understanding of Russia--the Syrian government and its Russian backer, have been supporting Bashar al-Assad since 2015, and targeting hospitals and clinics is how they let off steam to relax.

Recently, dozens of Eastern Ghouta medical facilities have been destroyed and put out of service and most others have moved underground.

The UN, in their infinite stupidity, hopes that by making their locations known, it will act as a deterrent or at least prove that they were attacked intentionally. 

So killing sick people and kids to prove they meant it is okay with the UN.

"There were 120 attacks on hospitals and medical facilities in Syria last year," said Jan Egeland, UN humanitarian adviser on Syria. "Syria is one of the worst wars on medical workers in recent history and part of the problem is there has been no functioning notification system to protect them."

He's counting on Putin's posse to make a phone call to let them know when to duck.

"'We've been attacked for so long,' they tell me, 'I can't see how it could be worse,'" Egeland said.

Duh. It can be worse if the Russians have better coordinates to target.

Granted, some NGOs in the past have provided their coordinates to the UN and reported a subsequent drop in the number of air strikes on its buildings, but trusting Putin is like the frog trusting the scorpion to carry it across the river. 

It's Russia's nature to deceive. They have shown little deference to international law in the past, and that should be our teacher.

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