Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Florida teens marching for gun control have quiet leftist sponsors

It's pretty bad when adults use children to make their point, to put them on display as if they are the moral authorities and people who disagree with them are evil. Jimmy Kimmel did that with his baby son--he used him as a prop to make the point that people who didn't support Obamacare are heartless creatures who want children to die.

That's vile and disgusting.

Now we've learned that large progressive organizations, donors and other high-powered people are backing the March For Our Lives movement, ostensibly run by some of the teen survivors of the Stoneman Douglas school shooting that happened on Valentine's Day.  

The other teen survivors, those who oppose gun control and believe that having trained armed staff inside schools would prevent or eliminate these violent attacks, have not been heard from, supported, or given voice in the mainstream media because it doesn't fit their agenda.

In days following the Parkland, Florida shooting, which killed 17 people, the survivors were all over cable news and went from a handful of Twitter followers to a bazillion followers and organized a rally in Washington D.C. in support of gun reform.

It was only two weeks ago the teens were hanging out in one of their parents' homes and planned a trip to Tallahassee to meet with state lawmakers and planning to deal with the media.

But since then large organizations such as Everytown, Giffords, MoveOn, Planned Parenthood and the Women's March LA helped the kids with logistics, strategy and planning for next month's March For Our Lives rally and more, according to BuzzFeed News.

It's unclear exactly what resources are being provided by the organizations, but it sounds as if they are funding these kids and using them like a Jimmy Kimmel prop to push for more gun control.

Giffords is an organization that was started by former Rep. Ganrielle Giffords. It's purpose is to fight gun violence and is working with Everytown and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America to plan the huge march on Washington along with rallies across the country.

They never let a tragedy go to waste, as "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky teaches, a book followed by Obama and Hillary Clinton, both who viewed Alinsky as a god.

Giffords "will be lending support in any way the students need, especially helping to operationalize these marches from logistics to programming," they told BuzzFeed. 

And probably footing at least part of the costs, I suspect.

"We applaud these students for demonstrating incredible leadership and demanding that our lawmakers do more to help protect Americans from gun violence," their spokesperson said.

If they really want to do something to help protect Americans from gun violence, they would have more to say about the Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, as well as the FBI along with the mental health facility that said the shooter wasn't a danger to himself or others.

Instead, the teens attacked the NRA, proving they really care more about their leftist agenda than solving the real problem. This one was totally preventable.

And isn't it ironic that Planned Parenthood is all in for gun control to "save lives," but are willing to take the lives of the unborn.

ICE chief: Oakland mayor helped criminal illegals escape

Northern California -- More than 850 illegal immigrants were able to elude deportation officers this week. The head of the deportation force on Tuesday blamed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf for helping some of them escape.

Over 150 illegal migrants were rounded up in the operation, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and half of them had criminal convictions, according to ICE.

One arrest was of a 38-year-old Mexican Sureno gang member who had been deported four previous times. Others had been convicted of domestic violence, drunken driving, and weapons possession.

According to ICE, 864 criminals are being sought and remain at large in the Oakland and San Francisco region.

Mayor Schaaf issued a very public warning to the community that ICE was making arrests, which is a violation of the law and puts ICE officers in grave danger. Her reasoning is that she wanted to make the criminals aware the law was coming and to take needed steps to protect themselves from them.

By allowing criminals to escape, Schaaf also put her community at risk, and Thomas Homan, top ICE official, isn't happy about it.

"I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor's irresponsible decision," Homan said.

One of the scumwafers who got away was a Honduran who was arrested for transporting cocaine and for having sex with a child under 16. Another was a Mexican with drug and firearms convictions. Both had been in police custody before but authorities refused to hold them for pickup by ICE, the agency said. Both had been deported multiple times but were able to sneak back into the country as there is no wall to stop them.

Schaaf said she had an obligation to protect the city's residents, "particularly our most vulnerable." Evidently she hasn't a clue who the most vulnerable are--the unarmed citizens, children and elderly who frequently fall victim to these criminals.

Of course, Schaaf is a Democrat. 

Hopefully nobody will fall victim to these criminals and that Ms. Schaaf will be tried criminally for her interfering with law enforcement.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Strong political views may be due to odor tolerance/disgust

In a hard-hitting report by The Telegraph (a media rag from the immigrant-flooded UK) a study conducted at Stockholm University found that strong right-wing views may be driven by a fear of disease and increased concern about hygiene, the study suggests.

The socialist researchers found that those who are "easily disgusted by the body odours of others, such as sweat, bad breath or the smell of urine, are also drawn to authoritarian political leaders such as Donald Trump."

Therefore, those on the left, one can hypothesize, actually enjoy the smell of piss, feces and sweat. This may account for the Occupy Wall Street movement and George Soros' breath.

It is quite probable the researchers observed how President Trump has a clean, minty odor and bathes regularly, while many on the left have taken their hygienic cues from the likes of Karl Marx, who bathed only when sighting a comet.

It is said that in order to save the planet, Al Gore reuses his bathwater and only changes it on Sunday after the second use. He also traps his flatulence and uses it for fuel, which is why he isn't disgusted by odors.

And like the UK researchers, many leftists are doing their bit to save the planet by keeping the chlorine out of the water supply. Of course, the chlorine I'm talking about is in the toothpaste they don't use.

People who vote for authoritarian figures (aka doers, not talkers) such as President Trump, are likely more afraid of diseases than those on the left because the latter group has been overly exposed to STDs and have built up an immunity to them (see Bill Clinton), and those who voted for Trump generally have a normal immunity system and thus, have more to fear.

Bad breath and other foul odors can be an indication of an underlying disease, which may be why people who voted for Trump avoid liberals with bad breath and foul odors.

Suspicious mail triggers illness at Virginia military base

Three people at a military base in northern Virginia have been taken to a medical facility and are in stable condition after a suspicious piece of mail was opened. In all, almost a dozen have fallen ill at the time.

Leah Rubalcaba, a spokesperson for Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall said that personnel in the office on the Marine Corps side of the base reported that as soon as the mail was opened, they began feeling sick and complaining of sore throats.

Rubalcaba said that 11 people were initially assessed and three were transported for medical care. 

The investigation is ongoing and the three people who were hospitalized, are stable, according to the Arlington County Fire Department.

The Marine Corps said the building was evacuated and several Marines are receiving medical care.

This is an ongoing story reported by the Associated Press and more will follow.

Newsweek facing eviction over back rent

Newsweek magazine (aka Newsweak) has had its share of financial agita [it's an Italian word] over investigations and staff feeling demoralized.

That's the good news. 

Now the magazine faces a looming eviction from their New York headquarters for being delinquent on "unpaid, delinquent rent and additional rent," according to Guardian Life Insurance, the sub-landlord for their downtown Manhattan office.

According to court papers filed in New York County in mid-February, Guardian claims IBT currently owes the landlord $303,466 in rent.

Maybe they can ask the Trump family for a loan, but I suspect it ain't gonna happen.

Back in November, Guardian filed several notices demanding IBT pay its rent and utilities or their tenancy would be "terminated in accordance with your lease."

By December 4th, a notice of petition by Guardian claimed Newsweek's debt climbed to $452,000 plus interest. It showed the company didn't pay rent promptly for November and December 2017 for its spaces at 7 Hanover Square, which resulted in $138,530 in unpaid rent alone.

It turns out that Newsweek acted a lot like Karl Marx by not paying rent and other bills months ago. Guardian claimed in early December an additional $309,229 invoice for various utilities and fees.

Current and former staffers aren't surprised by Newsweek refusing to pay rent. 

"Them not paying is in the DNA," one former employee told The Daily Beast (who actually does pay the rent). "From not paying freelancers to not paying rent, it's just how they do business."

The company stopped paying the electric bill in July 2016 and for condensed water in September 2016. Since July of that year, the company lagged in paying rent on-time ever month, which resulted in thousands of dollars in late fees, as per their lease.

Newsweek also did not pay Guardian for "real-estate taxes" for 2016 and 2017 and ended up with a $75,000 charge.

Instead of doing the right thing, the company filed legal motions disputing the invoices in New York County Court and disputed that IBT violated its lease and declined to pay Guardian, claiming that it tried to pay the rent and insisted Guardian refused to accept the rent payments.

The magazine got a temporary "Yellowstone" restraining order to keep them from being evicted.

The two companies tried to reconcile, but Guardian became frustrated with IBT's erratic payments. They also disputed the claim that Newsweek attempted to pay its rent and that it was rejected by the landlord.

The temporary restraining order ends Wednesday allowing Guardian to take legal action against Newsweek and could lead to an eviction.

All in all, it appears that Newsweek is about to bite the dust, and do the biting in the streets of New York.

Carjacker with a gun shot dead by his target with a gun

Milwaukee -- A carjacking suspect was shot and killed by the man he was trying to carjack and rob at gunpoint, police say. 

The intended victim, 24, was sitting in his vehicle on Monday, waiting for his shift to begin when the 21-year-old suspect attempted to rob him at around 5:50 a.m. near the Milwaukee Tool Corporation.

"This is the worst thing that could possibly happen to someone," MPD Captain Andra Williams told FOX6. He said the failed carjacker was also armed and that as carjacking and vehicle thefts continue to climb, this incident should serve as a warning.

It wasn't clear if Williams meant that what happened was the worst thing that could happen to a would-be victim, or to the perpetrator who got killed trying to commit a crime.

"This should be a wake-up call to everyone in the community that this is not a game. This is very serious," Williams lectured the law-abiding public.

The would-be victim had a concealed-carry permit and is cooperating with law enforcement.

People who work in the area told FOX6 that carjackers often target businesses looking for vehicles to steal. Now many of the workers have decided to protect themselves and their property and have concealed-carry permits, as is their right under the Second Amendment.

According to Alderman Cavalier Johnson, who represents the neighborhood on the northwest side of the city, and whose first name totally suits him, the shooting was "completely preventable."

"That young man didn't have to die today. He didn't have to lose his life, but he made a bad decision and he did," Cavalier said, implying that if the carjacker simply didn't carjack cars and maybe finished school and got a job, he would be alive today and driving his own car instead of carjacking cars.

Johnson wants parents to educate their kids about the dangers that come with crime, instead of educated their kids about the values of a good education.

"This isn't a game. This isn't live-action 'Grand Theft Auto.' You don't re-spawn after you're dead," he told FOX6.

I bet there were no "Gun-Free Zone" signs in that parking lot, but if there were, it might have saved the young man's life . . . and gotten the other young man killed.

To deputies: 'Don't go into school without body cams'

Laura Ingraham of Fox News, said Monday in an exclusive report that the Broward County deputies were ordered not to to into the Stoneman Douglas High School to confront the shooter as he killed 17 people, mostly students on Valentine's Day.

The reason they were told to stand down was due to them not wearing body cameras. 

It sounds as if Sheriff Israel was concerned that if they shot the shooter without photographic proof that they did the right thing, his buddies on the left would blame the department for an unjustified use of lethal force.

"Now, our sources near the Broward County sheriff's department are telling us that the deputies who arrived at the scene of the shooting were told not to enter the school unless their body cameras were turned on, and then we found out that the deputies did not have body cameras so they did not enter the building or engage the shooter," Ingraham said. 

"Curiously, police also lost radio communications during the Parkland shooting. And our source claims that radio communication also went dead during the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting in 2017 that he also go a lot of criticism for," she added.

Ms. Ingraham didn't say who issued the order not to go into the school, but I suspect if we investigated deeply, we'd find that Sheriff Israel, the vile, arrogant leftist political wannabe, had something to do with it.

Monday, February 26, 2018

MSNBC grills Chelsea Clinton over Bill's sexcapades

Chelsea Clinton was just a kid of 15 when her father's affair began with a then 22-year-old intern, Monica Lewinsky, so one must imagine that her opinion about the scandal would be interpreted differently by her than the American public and by her mother, Hillary, who lost the presidential campaign to Donald Trump in 2016.

So when NBC and MSNBC "reporter" Peter Alexander asked her about the scandal in terms that could only be considered raw, Chelsea was understandably upset by the question.

The former first daughter was asked by Alexander: "Did you ever get the chance to see the blue dress of Monica Lewinsky with your father's semen stain on it?"

You cannot blame her for her lashing out at the man who would dare ask such a question: "So it was a semen stain. So what? It isn't like what Lewinsky and my dad did was not the same as having sex. He already told you people that. How dare you ask me such a question. I'm his daughter, for heaven sake, and I believe my dad over some bimbo accuser."
"Hah haaaah haaaaaaaah!"

So here was yet another case of the people in the news making the news, because they don't actually know how to do news.

Former journalist Jake Tapper of the Communist News Network defended Alexander saying that Chelsea was old enough at the time her father was sticking Havana cigars where they don't belong, and quite possibly sexually active herself, to be asked such a question. 

He also said that he would do the same line of questioning with Ivanka Trump if given the opportunity and either one of the Obama daughters because that's the kind of hard-hitting newsman he is.

Florida deputy who cowered behind a barrier while kids were being killed isn't a coward, eh?

Scot Peterson, the Parkland school's armed school guard who failed to guard the school while children and staff were being murdered by a 19-year-old while he cowered behind a barrier waiting for things to cool down, is not a coward just because he cowered and failed to do his job, says his delusional lawyer.

Peterson was supposed to engage the shooter as quickly as possible to save lives, but he stayed outside.

One of the survivors, David Hogg, who has been appearing on TV over and over to speak out against guns rather than the people who kill with guns, said that cops don't want to face down AR-15s, and he understands why Peterson was afraid to go into the school and do that.

"Who wants to go down the barrel of an AR-15, even with a Glock?" he said.

I wonder how Peterson could know the shooter was using an AR-15. The Colt AR-15 fires a .223 Remington or 5.56 NATO round. But so does a bunch of other firearms such as:
Bushmaster ACR rifle, Kel-Tec SU-16 series semi-auto rifle; Saiga 223 semi-auto rifle; Remington Model 7615 Police Patrol Rifle; Remington Model 700 series bolt-action rifle; Ruger Mini-14 semi-auto rifle; Steyr Scout series bolt-action rifle; Winchester Model 70 series bolt-action rifle; Volquartsen Evolution autoloading varmint rifle; Bushmaster Firearms International#Carbon 15 semi-automatic carbon-polymer-based AR-15 rifle.
And this list doesn't even include international military weapons, which is far more extensive.

So while teenage survivors of school shootings can say whatever they want to say without impunity or challenge of thought, David Hogg doesn't know what he's talking about, and even if he did, Peterson signed up for the job and failed to perform. And some of Hogg's fellow students who were killed might have been saved by a braver deputy.

Peterson's lawyer said that he acted appropriately but that's what his lawyer would have to say to defend the coward.

Mediocre skier badmouths Ivanka at closing ceremony

"I have tattoos"
Pyeongchang -- Mediocre Olympian Gus Kenworthy didn't like that U.S. President Trump's daughter, Ivanka, attended the closing ceremony to the 2018 Winter Games in South Korea. His significant other, Ken Gusworthy agreed. 

[Okay, his boyfriend's real name is Matthew Wilkas and he's as cute as a button, Gus says.]

Kenworthy, who placed a dismal 12th in the slope-style final, went on Twitter to tweet his displeasure of Ivanka's attendance along with the rest of the Olympians representing the United States, most of whom were a lot better than he was in represented us.

"So proud of all these people! Everybody here has worked so hard to make it to the Olympics and have the opportunity to walk in the closing ceremony!" he tweeted with his pinkie finger. He tweeted on, "Well...Everyone except Ivanka. Honestly, tf is she doing here??" 

['tf' stands for 'the f**k' as is 'WTF', because Gus Kenworthy is a pig.]

It seems that due to Kenworthy's suckworthy performance, the only way he will get recognition is by kissing his boyfriend publicly, and attacking Ivanka Trump publicly.

Knee-jerk puppets who hate President Trump and his entire family supported his hateful words but many didn't. 

One Twitter user wrote: 
"Didn't you finish last or in the bottom half of most of our ski competitions? I believe you did. Perhaps you should practice more on making yourself better and leave the political commentary to the experts."
Another tweeted:
"Given your dreadful performance, the real question sir is what TF where [sic] you doing there?"
Ivanka led the U.S. presidential delegation for the closing ceremony and also met with South Korean president Moon Jae-in regarding diplomatic talks with North Korea. She has more class than Kenworthy will ever have.

Kenworthy is the kind of person who would rather see President Trump fail than see the country succeed under his leadership. We call those kinds of people 'liberals'.

He is a poor excuse as an American and is grabbing at straws to remain publicly relevant. I'm sure some company like, say, Ben and Jerry's, will hire him to endorse their product.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Tipster to FBI: 'I know he's going to explode'

It isn't known what a tipster has to do to get law enforcement to take action. Maybe tipsters need to have photographic or video evidence before the police or FBI take them seriously, and unfortunately, that wasn't the case in the Valentine's Day shooting spree in Parkland, Florida, and the warnings were definitely not subtle.

"I know he's going to explode," a woman who knew the shooter said on the FBI's tip line on January 5. She feared that he might try slipping "into a school and just start shooting the place up."

Forty days after the tip, the 19-year-old shooter and former student of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School did just that, killing 17 people.

But even before that tip, another tipster, three months before the massacre, called the Palm Beach County sheriff's office. This person, a family friend, dialed 911 and said, "I need someone here because I'm afraid he comes back and he has a lot of weapons."

You can see the transcript with the family member and judge for yourself just how law enforcement handled the case.

The shooter himself called authorities soon after Thanksgiving to say he had been in a fight and was struggling over the death of his mother. "The thing is I lost my mother a couple of weeks ago, so like I m dealing with a bunch of things right now," he said in a childlike voice that was agitated and breathless.

Then there were tip-offs to the FBI about disturbing social media posts that weren't enough to motivate the agency to intervene.

Then there were visits by a child welfare agency to his home in which the social worker deemed him not to be a danger to himself or others. So nothing was done and they dropped the proverbial ball.

Then there were dozens of calls to 911 and local law enforcement, some saying that he was capable of violence. But that didn't stir up any movement on the part of the Broward County Sheriff's Office.

But the Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who knew about the shooter and the fact that at the very least, the officer responsible for protecting the students failed miserably to do so because he hid safely outside the building while the shooter killed people, blames the problem on the NRA.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Michael Moore thinks the NRA is worse than ISIS

Grandma Moore
The FBI blew it. The Broward County Sheriff's Department blew it. The school officer and several of his colleagues who failed to go after the shooter at Parkland, Florida's massacre blew it. The child welfare agency that claimed the shooter was not a danger to himself or others blew it.

But Michael Moore and his eating disorder blames the NRA, which proves that he blows it.

People didn't do their job and the left pretends it's all about the NRA.

The fat man said the NRA is worse than ISIS, an organization who beheads non-NRA members, collected taxes from non-NRA members, burned to death a Jordanian pilot in a cage and recorded it for public consumption.

To equate the NRA with ISIS is immoral and disgusting, much like what Moore has for dinner.

The adipose poseur says that an American organization which teaches how to enjoy the Second Amendment and one's fundamental right of self-defense with gun safety, who has never had one of its members go on a mass shooting spree, is worse than ISIS.

What a colossal ass. What a horrible, vile fool. What an anti-American piece of cesspool pond scum he is. He reaffirms the belief of many conservatives that liberalism is a form of mental illness.

Moore proves that he knows nothing about the NRA and even less about ISIS.

He tweeted on Friday: "The NRA is a terrorist organization. The media should speak of the NRA in the same way they do ISIS."

And conservatives should speak of Michael Moore in the same way we do of the mentally challenged.

If he actually knew what he was talking about, he would be an immoral, horrible person. 

John Kerry's State Dept. funneled millions to daughter's nonprofit

While John "Swift-boat" Kerry was Secretary of State, his State Department funneled more than $9 million through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation run by his daughter, according to an exclusive report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.

The State Department funded the Peace Corps (the "s" is silent, Mr. Obama) program which was created by Kerry's lantern-jaw daughter Vanessa Kerry and officials from both agencies. The Peace Corps then gave the money, without competition, to a nonprofit Kerry created for the program.

So if it isn't corruption, we can consider it nepotism.

The Peace Corps initially awarded Kerry's group--now known as Seed Global Health--with a 3-year contract worth $2 million of State Department money obtained from you, the American people, as Sean Hannity would say. This transaction occurred on September 10, 2012, just a day before Hillary Clinton's Benghazi attack occurred. At that time, "Swift-boat" was the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and still a failed candidate for the U.S. presidency. That department oversees both the Department of State and the Peace Corps.

Sticky wicket.

Seed Global Health then secured a 4-year extension in September 2015, again, without competition. The Peace Corps in our generosity, gave the nonprofit $6.4 million while Vanessa's daddy was secretary of state.

So if it isn't corruption, we can consider it nepotism.

Seed also got about $1 million from a modification to the first bundle of cash as well as from State Department funds they secured outside the Peace Corps.

The Peace Corps program is called the Global Health Service Partnership (GHSP) and they send volunteer physicians and nurses to medical and nursing schools in Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania and Liberia.

Kerry and his government pals colluded to launch the program and ensure that Seed would get the contract. Vanessa was told that she wouldn't have to worry about competing with another group for the money.

How seedy.

Do you believe there is a conflict of interest here? Please feel free to comment.

Oh and while you're at it, feel free to subscribe to my blog. 

Blame Broward Sheriff, FBI and cowardly cops--not the NRA

The shooting rampage at the Parkland, Florida school is the worst failure of law enforcement in American history as far as I can tell. 

Coral Springs police, who responded to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, say several Broward sheriff's deputies waited outside the building while the gunman kept shooting and killing students, rather than doing their job!

In all, 17 people were killed by the mentally deranged 19-year-old whose name will no longer be written herein.

The Broward Sheriff Scott Israel knew about at least one cop who was hidden behind a barrier outside the school while the shooting took place, but instead, Israel blamed the NRA, an organization that wasn't there and aren't responsible for the protection of those students. 

What nonsense.

In fact, in the Texas church shooting, an NRA instructor, who is a civilian, was there and went after the shooter, unlike Scot Peterson and the other deputies who hid outside. 

In fact, it was an AR-15 that saved lives that day.

Peterson was suspended by Scott Israel, not fired, but he resigned in shame.

The Florida Sun-Sentinel reported that according to police sources at least three Broward deputies, including Peterson, waited outside while the killer mowed down people. The Broward Sheriff's Office said Friday that it's investigating the Coral Springs officer's claims, but someone needs to investigate Sheriff Israel, who clearly has a political, rather than a law enforcement agenda.
Scott Israel with a loser
All the red flags about the shooter were disregarded. The police had arrived at his house about 38 times in the past. A vlogger went to the FBI after the gunman had written on a post of his vlog with his real name, that he wanted to become a professional school shooter. 

Nothing was done.

The shooter had a history of putting a gun to his mother's head and threatening her. He threw chairs at people in school and was eventually expelled for his violent behavior.

Just which red flag were they looking for?

And the knee-jerk reaction is to go political, to call for more gun control laws, as if that would have made a difference. The left now claims that even those with guns [the cops] weren't able to stop a guy with an AR-15.
Scot Peterson
That's because they didn't do their job. Trump nailed it: they are cowards. He was referring only to Peterson when he said it, but I suspect he would agree about the others.

The FBI admitted it failed to investigate warnings about the shooter, but they also failed to apologize for that failure.

A child welfare agency looked into claims about the shooter, but they concluded he wasn't a risk to himself or others.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel admitted to the Sun-Sentinel that three Coral Springs officers said one or more sheriff's deputies didn't go into the school, and while he knew that before he went on camera to attack the NRA, he never admitted this until afterward.

I blame Scott Israel for not doing his job and for his vile dishonesty. He called for gun control and attacked the NRA, but would anyone in their right mind give up their guns and expect these incompetent buffoons to protect our kids?

I don't trust Scott Israel. If Peterson hadn't been caught on tape cowering behind a barricade, and the Coral Springs officers making their statement about the other cowardly deputies, I fully believe Israel would not have revealed this happened.

Coral Springs city manager Mike Goodrum, the day after the shooting, confronted Israel about the deputies' failure to respond. Goodrum only said he and Israel had a "heated discussion."

The Coral Springs PD issued a statement late Friday:
"There were countless deputies and officers who responded on that fateful day from multiple jurisdictions, whose actions were nothing short of heroic."
Broward County Sheriff's Department was not among them.

The ghost of Andy Kaufman spotted in India: nope, it's just Trudeau

No, it isn't Andy Kaufman
Initially they thought he was Andy Kaufman and that his ghost had made it's way to New Delhi. They thought he was just doing a schtick for the folks in India, and initially they laughed.

But upon closer scrutiny they realized it was Justin Trudeau, the so-called Prime Minister of Canada, land of the Loony and Toony, hockey and curling, and it was no longer funny.

Trudeau (aka "the Forrest Gump of Politics") arrived in India with his wife, Sophie, and their three kids, for a weeklong visit. And Justin brought along a variety of Indian garb for the myriad photo ops he enjoys. 

There's a photo of him in front of the Golden Temple in Amritsar and other photos with Bollywood stars.  

Vot to do?

Indian media said that the liberal PM was trying too hard and that he was "too Indian even for an Indian." But because Trudeau is a flaming liberal, those on the left never labeled what he did as "cultural appropriation," only conservatives do that.

While visiting the Sabarmati ashram in Gujarat, where Ghandi lived after returning from South Africa, the Trudeaus wore color coordinated red kurtas (loosely fitted collarless shirts). 

They looked marvelous dahling!

At a night event in Mumbai (aka Bombay) with Bollywood folks, the Latke lookalike wore an embarrassing gold and red sherwani and Sophie wore a cream and silver saree while actual Indians wore simple black suits.

On social media, several popular Indian personalities called for Trudeau to "have some chill" regarding his Indian attire, and called his outfits "fake and annoying."

But Trudeau, the darling of Western media, made political blunders to go along with the cultural ones.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, known for his social media savvy and his Donald Trump-like patriotism for India, did not post anything online welcoming Trudeau, and Justin was greeted as he deplaned by a low-level agricultural minister.

On Tuesday, Sophie posed for a photo with Jaspal Atwal, a Sikh separatist and convicted terrorist. In fact, Trudeau's liberal party has close ties to the country's Sikh minority, and some of them support the Khalistan movement which backs a separate Sikh state in the Punjab region of India. (Think of California trying to become its own country and Jerry Brown sending a hit man to take out someone in the Trump administration.)

When Outlook India magazine pointed this out, they were disinvited from a dinner with Trudeau. "Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau feted the world over as the new face of 'liberalism' seem [sic] to find it difficult to accommodate critical media coverage," the magazine wrote.

After Trudeau assured India's government that he didn't back the Khalistan movement, Canada's diplomatic mission sent and then rescinded a dinner invitation to the man convicted of trying to kill an Indian politician. The pal of Trudeau spent some hard time in the slammer, and you would think Justin would have the sense to have him stay in Canada.

Back in Canada, Trudeau was criticized for making his visit mostly about photo ops and less about doing his job as Prime Minister.

"I don't know if Justin Trudeau thinks that international trade missions are reality TV shows, but they are not," said Conservative party leader Andrew Scheer.

President Trump agreed.

A CTV news broadcaster, Don Martin said that "If this is Trudeau putting Canada 'back' on the world state, we should get off."

With five days into the trip, Modi finally acknowledged Trudeau's arrival on social media by posting a photo of Trudeau in normal Western garb from 2015.

Friday, February 23, 2018

If you can't buy a beer, you shouldn't give your opinion on CNN

"If you can't buy a beer, you shouldn't be able to buy a gun," a father of one of the school shooting survivors said to President Trump. 

But if you can enlist in the military, use a gun, risk your life and fight for the country but still can't buy a beer, then what?

And yet CNN and other mainstream media outlets are using kids who can't buy a beer to give soliloquies about the gun debate. It's like Jimmy Kimmel using his child as a prop to lecture you about Trump's cruelty over Obamacare--its rather disgusting.

So why should we believe victims and family members of victims of atrocities are in any way experts in knowing how to deal with them?

Because they're off limits to criticize, which is why CNN uses them as spokespeople for the anti-gun movement that fits CNN's agenda.

How can you say to a kid who has just experienced a trauma at his or her school that you don't know anything about how to solve the problem? They've somehow reached the moral high ground, even though all they did to get there was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Don't get me wrong--I have total sympathy for these kids, but I also have total contempt for CNN and any other media outlet that uses them and their dead classmates to push their agenda.

It seems the best strategies for dealing with school shootings is to make it tougher for the shootings to happen in the first place, and to identify potential shooters. Mental health issues are at this core.

In the Parkland, Florida case, law enforcement is almost totally to blame. From the police who went to the shooter's house 38 or so times, to reports received by the FBI, to kids seeing something and saying something, to the police officer who [for some reason that will haunt him to the grave] failed to immediately intervene and probably save lives, law enforcement failed miserably to do their jobs.

The left will use the cop who didn't go into the school to stop the shooter as some sort of proof that people with guns protecting the kids is not the solution. Taking away everyone's guns is their solution, and they lie about the facts.


One cop's screwup does not universally define outcome in such situations. In truth, most cops are incredibly brave--this guy is the exception, not the rule. He should have been a school crossing guard instead of a law enforcement officer.

The left, and even President Trump, want to raise the age of people being able to purchase long rifles. I don't see how that will solve the problem.

The way I see it, the left is like the Islamist who wants to slowly push sharia law until it becomes the law of the land. The left wants to push one measure after another after another on gun control, until only the government has guns. 

And that was the very reason the Second Amendment was written in the first place.

In terms of mass shootings, over 90 percent of them have occurred in "gun-free zones." The left must have done studies "proving" that even mass shooters would never think of breaking the law and taking a firearm into a "gun-free zone." Heck, that's illegal.

Cary Gruber, the father of a Parkland student, begged President Trump: "It's not left and right--if you can't buy a beer, you shouldn't be able to buy a gun."

Okay, then if you can't buy a beer, stop pretending to speak with authority based on being a victim. 

Nobody wants to see kids get shot, not even those of us on the right who don't want to give up our constitutional right to defend ourselves.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

CNN denies they 'scripted' questions at gun town hall

The Certainly Not News network (CNN) is denying claims made by a student and shooting survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School that they "scripted" questions for him to ask at a gun safety town hall in Florida.

Colton Haab is a Junior ROTC member and has previously spoken with the media about how he helped his peers seek shelter during the shooting. But he didn't participate in Wednesday's event because he said that CNN attempted to plant "scripted" questions for him to ask.

"CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being all scripted," the young man claimed. "I expected to be able to ask my questions and give my opinion on my questions."

A Certainly Not News spokes leftist explained that Haab submitted remarks to be delivered, but they were turned away once it became obvious that he planned on delivering a long speech and not just ask a singular question. [They also didn't like the speech he submitted because it didn't challenge the Second Amendment and instead, called for more hard targeting of schools.]

"There is absolutely no truth to Haab's claim," CNN Vice President of Communism Communications and Digital Partnerships Matt Dornic told The Daily Caller. "CNN did not provide or script questions for anyone in last night's town hall, nor have we ever," he quoted from a paper he was holding.

Despite CNN's allegation that the reason Haab wasn't permitted to give a long speech, the liars did, in fact, allow multiple participants to deliver lengthy soliloquies that went well beyond the pale of simple questions, because their speeches were more in line with CNN's leftist agenda.

For example, Lori Alhadeff, whose child, Alyssa, was one of the 17 victims killed in last week's mass shooting, gave a four-minute speech while Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch sat on stage.

Fair and balanced, CNN is not. They obviously aren't looking for real solutions but are counting on emotions to push their liberal agenda.

Ironically, Alhadeff asked Loesch "what is your plan to put things into action? What is your action?" but Jake Tapper didn't allow Loesch to answer, mainly because she is intelligent, has great ideas, and scares the crap out of leftists like Tapper.

Alhadeff has appeared on CNN in the past because her ideas agrees with theirs. Her emotional response to her daughter's death last week brought CNN's Brooke Baldwin to tears during a live broadcast. [It is believed by many who know Baldwin that she pulled out a nose hair to cause the tears to flow.]

When The Daily Caller requested an additional comment on why Alhadeff was allowed to deliver her long speech yet Haab was denied, they refused to respond and the sound of crickets filled the air.

Like Jimmy Kimmel who used his baby son as a prop, CNN should be ashamed of themselves for using these students in the same way. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dad turns in his daughter who planned a mass shooting at Md. school

Frederick County, Md. -- A father turned in his 18-year-old daughter after finding a journal she kept at home detailing plans of mass shooting at a Maryland school.

The journal talked of ammo, bomb material and a shotgun as well as the school's emergency plan, presumably so she could defeat the plan and kill as many kids as possible.

The Frederick County Sheriff's Office said the father of Nichole Cevario told officials on Thursday about a "potential threat of violence" against the school. The potential attack was set for April 5, according to the journal.

Fortunately, the FBI was not involved in dealing with the situation.

The teen was removed from her class Thursday and taken to Frederick Memorial Hospital for a mental evaluation.

A press conference was held Monday by the Frederick County Sheriff's Office discussing the planned attack, which CNN would have blamed directly on President Trump. CNN would have also marched out potential child victims to push for gun control, as if they know more than adults because they attend the same school where the shooting didn't occur.

When local police searched Cevario's home, they say they found the journal, a shotgun, ammo, pipes and caps, shrapnel, magnesium tape, fireworks, and fuse material. 

Thankfully, the FBI wasn't involved in the case.

CNN immediately called for an immediate ban on shotguns, bombs and journals, then walked back the call to simply ban shotguns and AR-15s. They said that Trump "isn't doing enough and that makes him complicit."

Police believe Cevario had been planning the attack for a long while and if the attack was carried out according to her plan, she would die. They also believe she was working alone and no weapons or explosive was ever brought to the school.

But Sheriff Chuck Jenkins says that there is no doubt that a major disaster was averted and thanked his lucky stars the FBI wasn't involved.

Cevario remains in the hospital for evaluation and once released, she'll be formally charged with possession of explosive and incendiary materials with intent to create a bomb.

The FBI had no comment.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

AK-47 semi-automatic rifle threatens motorist in Florida

An AK-47 semi-automatic "assault style" rifle threatened motorists in Florida, police say. The scary weapon was being brandished by Raul Garcia, an almost white 21-year-old male.

Garcia is a member in good standing of the MS-13 gang and he was nabbed Monday morning after an overnight search in Wimauma, according to Cpl. Lawrence McKinnon, a Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office spokesman.

The AK-47 was accused of threatening passing motorists while Garcia held it in his hands as he stood on a street corner in shorts and shirtless, McKinnon said.

Deputies were informed that the young man was holding the angry AK-47 as he yelled at drivers and jumping in front of moving cars in an effort to get them to stop so the AK-47 could do what it does without remorse.

The spokesman said that when the deputies arrived on the scene they immediately spotted the AK-47 and the tattooed Garcia running into the woods.

"Deputies assisted by K-9 and a HCSO helicopter then searched the wooded area and located the Norinko SKS AK-47 rifle and later a green bag Garcia was carrying," McKinnon said. 

The rifle did not put up a fight and was taken into custody.

Garcia, on the other hand, ran like a deer into the forest. The search for him ended hours later when he was found and taken into custody. He was arrested on charges that included improper exhibition of a firearm, loitering and resisting arrest.

The AK-47 was charged with scaring liberal drivers and hunting without a license.

Garcia is a U.S. citizen and was booked into the county jail and is on $13,750 bond. 

The AK-47 has no known relatives and was not reported missing.

Hopefully the drivers who were threatened will get together and march on Washington to ban AK-47s. 

"That thing scared the crap outta me," said Clive Kreetus, a motorist involved in the road fracas. "They ought to do something about that gun."

McMaster wants to 'cut off' funding Iran's jihadis

Photo: U.S. Embassy Berlin/Facebook
National Security Advisor H.R, McMaster thinks it's a good idea to stop sending money to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). He thinks it makes good sense in security advice and it's hard to argue with him on that one.

McMaster, speaking at the Munich Security Conference, said it was time to "cut off funding" to the group because it has played a "central role" in Iran's becoming the world's leader in state sponsored terror.

I would have thought Obama had that figured out but I guess not. What has taken us so long? Trump should have done this on January 20, 2017.

McMaster also noted that Iran's main civilian airline, Mahan Air, is affiliated with the IRGC and that the airline is permitted to land in Munich in spite of Iran using the planes to transport people and weapons to aid its allies, including Bashar "The Chin" al-Assad in Syria.

What's up with that?

Last October, President Trump didn't certify Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal, and he vowed to target the IRGC with further sanctions. 

When Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced those IRGC sanctions, he said that "the IRGC has played a central role to Iran becoming the world's foremost state sponsor of terror." He further warned "the private sector to recognize that the IRGC permeates much of the Iranian economy, and those who transact with IRGC-controlled companies do so at great risk."

"What Iran is actually doing is applying the Hezbollah model to the greater Middle East," McMaster said. "They want the Arab world perpetually weak, and [they want] weak governments in power that are dependent on Iran for support, while they grow terrorist organizations, militias, illegal arms groups outside that government's control that can turn against government if that government acts against Iran's interests."

[See Syria]

Basically what McMaster was saying that when a country invests in Iran, it is investing in the IRGC.

You recall the IRGC kidnapped U.S. Navy sailors, had them go to their knees while they held them at gunpoint. They are also the same scum weasels that have threatened other ships in various ways.

We need to cut them off immediately.

McMaster called on the world community to "address serious flaws in the Iran deal and counter Iran's destabilizing activities, including its development and proliferation of missiles, and its support for terrorist proxies and militias that fuel destructive conflicts across the greater Middle East.

Bill Gates says he needs to pay higher taxes but nobody is stopping him

Microsoft founder and multi-billionaire Bill Gates is angry over the fact that he is not taxed more than the average American. "I need to pay higher taxes," he told Fareed Zakaria of the Commie News Network (CNN). Zakaria, you may remember, was an advisor to President Obama while pretending to be an unbiased CNN journalist.

Gates is the second richest person in the world. He also slammed the GOP Tax Cuts and Jobs Act because he believes everyone should pay more taxes to the government.

"People who are wealthier tended to get dramatically more benefits than the middle class or those who are poor, and so it runs counter to the general trend you'd like to see, where the safety net is getting stronger and those at the top are paying higher taxes," he pontificated.

Nobody is stopping Bill Gates from giving money to the United States government--all he needs to do is visit the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and give whatever he believes is reasonable "for general government purposes and for the specific purpose of paying down or reducing the public debt."

He just won't do that because he wants others to do it too. In other words, it's only the right thing to do as long as he isn't alone in doing it. Of course, that's illogical and a guy who invented Windows, should know logic better than all of us.

Highly trained gun owner turns in his AR-57 and brags about it

Just days after the horrific and tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 dead and 14 wounded, a gun owner said that he's had enough and is turning his legally-owned rifle to the police.

This prompted millions across the country who own knives, baseball bats and motorized vehicles to turn their potentially evil weapons in as well. 

Ben Dickmann, a Florida resident, posted on Facebook that he was giving up his AR-57 rifle along with 100 rounds of ammunition to Broward County Sheriff's Office for free.

Dickmann (his friends call him "Dick") writes that he's "a responsible, highly trained gun owner," and that "no one without a law enforcement badge needs this rifle," causing a surge in sales of black market law enforcement badges.

Dickmann bragged:
"I enjoy shooting this rifle immensely but I don't need it, I have other types I can shoot for the same enjoyment. I have surrendered this rifle to The Broward Sheriff at the Tamarac Post. I could have easily sold this rifle, but no person needs this. I will be the change I want to see in this world. If our law makers will continue to close their eyes and open their wallets, I will lead by example."
Dickmann's post has over 200,000 shares and lots of comments. 

We have a Constitution, and we definitely do need it, just like we need real solutions to this problem, not knee-jerk reactions that support a political agenda.

We already have serious gun control laws in this country, but our FBI and other law enforcement agencies were the problem in this tragic shooting and nobody on the left is talking about that.

It's time to stop blaming the tool and blame the user and look for real solutions to a very complicated problem.

Jennifer Lawrence's plan to save the free world

Actress and comedienne hopeful Jennifer Lawrence has decided to take a year off from pretending to be someone else and speak words written by other people in order to save the country, and possibly the world as we know it. 

The Kentucky-born 27-year-old daughter of Gary, a construction worker, and Karen, a summer camp manager, is the youngest of three--having two brothers, Ben and Blaine.

Jennifer suffered from social anxiety and hyperactivity as a child and her mother didn't allow her to play and have fun with her peers. In fact, Jennifer was considered a misfit. [She hated her childhood, which wasn't very long ago.]

But when she pretended to be someone else on stage or in front of the camera, her anxiety level disappeared.

She signed with CESD Talent Agency and they convinced her mother to allow her to audition for roles in LA under the condition that she graduate from high school. She was then home-schooled in LA and graduated.

And now with acting under her belt, a high school diploma and a yen for impeaching President Trump, Jennifer Lawrence intends to take time out to "fix our democracy." She revealed that plan while promoting her new movie "Red Sparrow."

"I'm going to take the next year off," she told Entertainment Tonight. "I'm going to be working with this organization I'm a part of: Represent.Us. It's just trying to get young people engaged politically on a local level."

She says her activism work will not be politically partisan. "It's just anti-corruption and stuff trying to pass state-by-state laws that can help prevent corruption, fix our democracy. And then I don't know what I'm going to do next." 

Probably run for president once she's old enough.

Represent.Us claims to bring together "conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful anti-corruption laws that stop political bribery, end secret money, and fix our broken elections."

Below is a video of Lawrence drinking "a ton of wine" and explaining all about the organization.
Lawrence is not a one-issue activist, however. She is also very involved with climate change, the gender pay gap (which doesn't actually exist) and hating on President Trump.

Last year in a Channel 4 News interview, Jackie Long questioned her about a statement director Darren Aronofsky made at the Venice Film Festival. It begins: "It's a mad time to be alive." Long said those words had an "end of days feeling" and suggested it might resonate with the American public.

"It's scary," the actress cum political pundit responded. "This new language that's forming. I don't recognize it. It's also scary to know that climate change is due to human activity and we continue to ignore it, and the only voice that we really have is through voting."

She went on: "And we voted, and it was really startling. You're watching these hurricanes now and it's hard, especially while promoting this movie, not to feel Mother Nature's rage or wrath."

Ironically, and rather hypocritically, the actress often  takes private jets to travel to acting or activist gigs, putting more carbon emissions into the atmosphere than a family of five does in three years. [I've fudged the actual numbers but you get the idea.]
She wears her heart on her . . . heart

Lawrence has attacked President Trump many times. In 2015 she said, "If Donald Trump becomes president, that will be the end of the world,"
according to Entertainment Weekly. She even suggested that the Texas and Florida hurricanes were signs of "Mother Nature's rage and wrath" at America for electing Trump and not believing in man-made climate change [a term feminists must find offensive].

Those statements come from Lawrence's deep knowledge of high school meteorology and generalized anxiety.

In spite of her relationship with Represent.Us and it's allegations of being non-partisan, Lawrence joined with dozens of  brave Hollywood trained seals to sign a letter imploring Senate Minority Leader Chuck "Nostrils" Schumer (Democrat-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi (Democrat-Calif.) to pass legislation to protect DACA recipients, [none of whom live near any of those brave Hollywood trained seals, senators, congressmen, congresswomen, or Jennifer Lawrence].

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Passenger passing gas refuses to stop and causes emergency landing

A pilot had to make an emergency landing after a man's flatulence led to fisticuffs. The man breaking wind refused to stop and it came to blows.

Two flying Dutchmen sitting next to the gas-passing passenger reportedly asked the man to put a cork in it, but he refused and continue to fart at will aboard a Transavia Airlines flight from Dubai to Amsterdam Schiphol.

The crew of the budget airline supposedly did nothing to assist passengers after they complained, Metro reported, and a fight broke out between the men. The pilot cautioned the men to stop but the fight continued and the plane was diverted to Vienna Airport, where it made an emergency landing.

Police bravely boarded the plane on landing and removed two women and two men as reported by the pilot to be "passengers on the rampage." 

The women who were removed are sisters and plan to take the airline to court claiming they had nothing to do with the altercation and would never pass wind outside the privacy of their home or on an empty elevator. Nora Lacchab, 25, and a law student, called the incident "humiliating."

"We had no idea who these boys were, we just had the bad luck to be in the same row and we didn't do anything. All I will say is that the crew were really provocative and stirred things up," Lacchab told De Telegraph.

All four passengers were released from police custody without being charged but are banned from flying Transavia Airlines in the future. 

An airline spokesperson said in a statement:
"Our crew must ensure a safe flight. When passengers pose risks, they immediately intervene. Our people are trained for that. They know very well where the boundaries are. Transavia is therefore square behind the cabin crew and the pilots."
Transavia's motto is: "Try Our Beans and Cabbage Soup."

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....