Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jennifer Lawrence's plan to save the free world

Actress and comedienne hopeful Jennifer Lawrence has decided to take a year off from pretending to be someone else and speak words written by other people in order to save the country, and possibly the world as we know it. 

The Kentucky-born 27-year-old daughter of Gary, a construction worker, and Karen, a summer camp manager, is the youngest of three--having two brothers, Ben and Blaine.

Jennifer suffered from social anxiety and hyperactivity as a child and her mother didn't allow her to play and have fun with her peers. In fact, Jennifer was considered a misfit. [She hated her childhood, which wasn't very long ago.]

But when she pretended to be someone else on stage or in front of the camera, her anxiety level disappeared.

She signed with CESD Talent Agency and they convinced her mother to allow her to audition for roles in LA under the condition that she graduate from high school. She was then home-schooled in LA and graduated.

And now with acting under her belt, a high school diploma and a yen for impeaching President Trump, Jennifer Lawrence intends to take time out to "fix our democracy." She revealed that plan while promoting her new movie "Red Sparrow."

"I'm going to take the next year off," she told Entertainment Tonight. "I'm going to be working with this organization I'm a part of: Represent.Us. It's just trying to get young people engaged politically on a local level."

She says her activism work will not be politically partisan. "It's just anti-corruption and stuff trying to pass state-by-state laws that can help prevent corruption, fix our democracy. And then I don't know what I'm going to do next." 

Probably run for president once she's old enough.

Represent.Us claims to bring together "conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful anti-corruption laws that stop political bribery, end secret money, and fix our broken elections."

Below is a video of Lawrence drinking "a ton of wine" and explaining all about the organization.
Lawrence is not a one-issue activist, however. She is also very involved with climate change, the gender pay gap (which doesn't actually exist) and hating on President Trump.

Last year in a Channel 4 News interview, Jackie Long questioned her about a statement director Darren Aronofsky made at the Venice Film Festival. It begins: "It's a mad time to be alive." Long said those words had an "end of days feeling" and suggested it might resonate with the American public.

"It's scary," the actress cum political pundit responded. "This new language that's forming. I don't recognize it. It's also scary to know that climate change is due to human activity and we continue to ignore it, and the only voice that we really have is through voting."

She went on: "And we voted, and it was really startling. You're watching these hurricanes now and it's hard, especially while promoting this movie, not to feel Mother Nature's rage or wrath."

Ironically, and rather hypocritically, the actress often  takes private jets to travel to acting or activist gigs, putting more carbon emissions into the atmosphere than a family of five does in three years. [I've fudged the actual numbers but you get the idea.]
She wears her heart on her . . . heart

Lawrence has attacked President Trump many times. In 2015 she said, "If Donald Trump becomes president, that will be the end of the world,"
according to Entertainment Weekly. She even suggested that the Texas and Florida hurricanes were signs of "Mother Nature's rage and wrath" at America for electing Trump and not believing in man-made climate change [a term feminists must find offensive].

Those statements come from Lawrence's deep knowledge of high school meteorology and generalized anxiety.

In spite of her relationship with Represent.Us and it's allegations of being non-partisan, Lawrence joined with dozens of  brave Hollywood trained seals to sign a letter imploring Senate Minority Leader Chuck "Nostrils" Schumer (Democrat-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi (Democrat-Calif.) to pass legislation to protect DACA recipients, [none of whom live near any of those brave Hollywood trained seals, senators, congressmen, congresswomen, or Jennifer Lawrence].

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