Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Highly trained gun owner turns in his AR-57 and brags about it

Just days after the horrific and tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 dead and 14 wounded, a gun owner said that he's had enough and is turning his legally-owned rifle to the police.

This prompted millions across the country who own knives, baseball bats and motorized vehicles to turn their potentially evil weapons in as well. 

Ben Dickmann, a Florida resident, posted on Facebook that he was giving up his AR-57 rifle along with 100 rounds of ammunition to Broward County Sheriff's Office for free.

Dickmann (his friends call him "Dick") writes that he's "a responsible, highly trained gun owner," and that "no one without a law enforcement badge needs this rifle," causing a surge in sales of black market law enforcement badges.

Dickmann bragged:
"I enjoy shooting this rifle immensely but I don't need it, I have other types I can shoot for the same enjoyment. I have surrendered this rifle to The Broward Sheriff at the Tamarac Post. I could have easily sold this rifle, but no person needs this. I will be the change I want to see in this world. If our law makers will continue to close their eyes and open their wallets, I will lead by example."
Dickmann's post has over 200,000 shares and lots of comments. 

We have a Constitution, and we definitely do need it, just like we need real solutions to this problem, not knee-jerk reactions that support a political agenda.

We already have serious gun control laws in this country, but our FBI and other law enforcement agencies were the problem in this tragic shooting and nobody on the left is talking about that.

It's time to stop blaming the tool and blame the user and look for real solutions to a very complicated problem.

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