Friday, February 23, 2018

If you can't buy a beer, you shouldn't give your opinion on CNN

"If you can't buy a beer, you shouldn't be able to buy a gun," a father of one of the school shooting survivors said to President Trump. 

But if you can enlist in the military, use a gun, risk your life and fight for the country but still can't buy a beer, then what?

And yet CNN and other mainstream media outlets are using kids who can't buy a beer to give soliloquies about the gun debate. It's like Jimmy Kimmel using his child as a prop to lecture you about Trump's cruelty over Obamacare--its rather disgusting.

So why should we believe victims and family members of victims of atrocities are in any way experts in knowing how to deal with them?

Because they're off limits to criticize, which is why CNN uses them as spokespeople for the anti-gun movement that fits CNN's agenda.

How can you say to a kid who has just experienced a trauma at his or her school that you don't know anything about how to solve the problem? They've somehow reached the moral high ground, even though all they did to get there was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Don't get me wrong--I have total sympathy for these kids, but I also have total contempt for CNN and any other media outlet that uses them and their dead classmates to push their agenda.

It seems the best strategies for dealing with school shootings is to make it tougher for the shootings to happen in the first place, and to identify potential shooters. Mental health issues are at this core.

In the Parkland, Florida case, law enforcement is almost totally to blame. From the police who went to the shooter's house 38 or so times, to reports received by the FBI, to kids seeing something and saying something, to the police officer who [for some reason that will haunt him to the grave] failed to immediately intervene and probably save lives, law enforcement failed miserably to do their jobs.

The left will use the cop who didn't go into the school to stop the shooter as some sort of proof that people with guns protecting the kids is not the solution. Taking away everyone's guns is their solution, and they lie about the facts.


One cop's screwup does not universally define outcome in such situations. In truth, most cops are incredibly brave--this guy is the exception, not the rule. He should have been a school crossing guard instead of a law enforcement officer.

The left, and even President Trump, want to raise the age of people being able to purchase long rifles. I don't see how that will solve the problem.

The way I see it, the left is like the Islamist who wants to slowly push sharia law until it becomes the law of the land. The left wants to push one measure after another after another on gun control, until only the government has guns. 

And that was the very reason the Second Amendment was written in the first place.

In terms of mass shootings, over 90 percent of them have occurred in "gun-free zones." The left must have done studies "proving" that even mass shooters would never think of breaking the law and taking a firearm into a "gun-free zone." Heck, that's illegal.

Cary Gruber, the father of a Parkland student, begged President Trump: "It's not left and right--if you can't buy a beer, you shouldn't be able to buy a gun."

Okay, then if you can't buy a beer, stop pretending to speak with authority based on being a victim. 

Nobody wants to see kids get shot, not even those of us on the right who don't want to give up our constitutional right to defend ourselves.

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