Saturday, February 24, 2018

Michael Moore thinks the NRA is worse than ISIS

Grandma Moore
The FBI blew it. The Broward County Sheriff's Department blew it. The school officer and several of his colleagues who failed to go after the shooter at Parkland, Florida's massacre blew it. The child welfare agency that claimed the shooter was not a danger to himself or others blew it.

But Michael Moore and his eating disorder blames the NRA, which proves that he blows it.

People didn't do their job and the left pretends it's all about the NRA.

The fat man said the NRA is worse than ISIS, an organization who beheads non-NRA members, collected taxes from non-NRA members, burned to death a Jordanian pilot in a cage and recorded it for public consumption.

To equate the NRA with ISIS is immoral and disgusting, much like what Moore has for dinner.

The adipose poseur says that an American organization which teaches how to enjoy the Second Amendment and one's fundamental right of self-defense with gun safety, who has never had one of its members go on a mass shooting spree, is worse than ISIS.

What a colossal ass. What a horrible, vile fool. What an anti-American piece of cesspool pond scum he is. He reaffirms the belief of many conservatives that liberalism is a form of mental illness.

Moore proves that he knows nothing about the NRA and even less about ISIS.

He tweeted on Friday: "The NRA is a terrorist organization. The media should speak of the NRA in the same way they do ISIS."

And conservatives should speak of Michael Moore in the same way we do of the mentally challenged.

If he actually knew what he was talking about, he would be an immoral, horrible person. 

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