Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Florida teens marching for gun control have quiet leftist sponsors

It's pretty bad when adults use children to make their point, to put them on display as if they are the moral authorities and people who disagree with them are evil. Jimmy Kimmel did that with his baby son--he used him as a prop to make the point that people who didn't support Obamacare are heartless creatures who want children to die.

That's vile and disgusting.

Now we've learned that large progressive organizations, donors and other high-powered people are backing the March For Our Lives movement, ostensibly run by some of the teen survivors of the Stoneman Douglas school shooting that happened on Valentine's Day.  

The other teen survivors, those who oppose gun control and believe that having trained armed staff inside schools would prevent or eliminate these violent attacks, have not been heard from, supported, or given voice in the mainstream media because it doesn't fit their agenda.

In days following the Parkland, Florida shooting, which killed 17 people, the survivors were all over cable news and went from a handful of Twitter followers to a bazillion followers and organized a rally in Washington D.C. in support of gun reform.

It was only two weeks ago the teens were hanging out in one of their parents' homes and planned a trip to Tallahassee to meet with state lawmakers and planning to deal with the media.

But since then large organizations such as Everytown, Giffords, MoveOn, Planned Parenthood and the Women's March LA helped the kids with logistics, strategy and planning for next month's March For Our Lives rally and more, according to BuzzFeed News.

It's unclear exactly what resources are being provided by the organizations, but it sounds as if they are funding these kids and using them like a Jimmy Kimmel prop to push for more gun control.

Giffords is an organization that was started by former Rep. Ganrielle Giffords. It's purpose is to fight gun violence and is working with Everytown and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America to plan the huge march on Washington along with rallies across the country.

They never let a tragedy go to waste, as "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky teaches, a book followed by Obama and Hillary Clinton, both who viewed Alinsky as a god.

Giffords "will be lending support in any way the students need, especially helping to operationalize these marches from logistics to programming," they told BuzzFeed. 

And probably footing at least part of the costs, I suspect.

"We applaud these students for demonstrating incredible leadership and demanding that our lawmakers do more to help protect Americans from gun violence," their spokesperson said.

If they really want to do something to help protect Americans from gun violence, they would have more to say about the Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, as well as the FBI along with the mental health facility that said the shooter wasn't a danger to himself or others.

Instead, the teens attacked the NRA, proving they really care more about their leftist agenda than solving the real problem. This one was totally preventable.

And isn't it ironic that Planned Parenthood is all in for gun control to "save lives," but are willing to take the lives of the unborn.

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