Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dem debate: Tim Ryan refused to hold his hand over his heart during Nat'l Anthem, stuff followed

The following is satire, but it's true that Ryan did refuse to put his hand over his heart during the anthem.

So the second first-string Democratic-socialist debate is now in the history comic books. As always, the debate started out with the playing of the National Anthem, which seemed to bother a lot of people.

Tim Ryan (Dummy-OH) was the only leftist to refuse to place his hand over his heart in respect of the country and our flag. Every other candidate did so, but they noticed how Ryan was getting attention for his unpatriotic display.

Not to be outdone by Ryan's display of who hates America the most, Sen, Bernie Sanders (Idiot-VT) took a knee.

Once Sanders bent his arthritic knee in defiance of the Star Spangled Banner, Sen. Elizabeth "Cowabunga" Warren got into the act and removed a small American flag from her purse and performed a Cherokee war dance upon it as it lay on the ground and lit it on fire.

Marianne Williamson quickly ran over to where Warren was carrying on, and picked up the flaming flag and put the fire out with a glass of water CNN provided for her. She then picked up the smoldering flag, whispered something inaudible, and hugged it to her face.

"And the home of the brave."

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Trump calls Al Sharptongue a 'con man' but he's only 33% correct

The back of his head is shaped like that
because it's stuffed with waste
Washington -- In reaction to Al Sharptongue parachuting over Baltimore to join the brouhaha between President Trump and Elijah Cummings, POTUS called the fake "reverend" a 'con man.'

Trump is merely one third correct in his assessment of the angry hate-filled activist.

Sharptongue is also an anti-Semite and a racist too. Even then-congressman Joe Scarborough had something to say about big Al as explained in The Federalist.

But now the Democrats have embraced the race hustler because former President Obama took him out of the shadows from where he went after losing credibility over the Tawana Brawley, Freddy's Fashion Mart and Yankel Rosenbaum scandals, and brought him into the White House at least five times. Obama's motives, of course, were self-serving. He needed backup to deal with Jessie Jackson and other black leaders who were upset with black unemployment.

If Al Sharptongue is the darling of the Democrats, Trump will have another four years to continue growing the economy.

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Judicial Watch demands investigation of Rep. Ilhan Omar

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch demands that the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics investigate Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for potential crimes tied to allegations that she may have married her biological brother. The ethics complaint was hand-delivered to David Skaggs, chairman of the committee.

Omar has made news due to her racially inflammatory anti-Semitic views, including her support for a terrorist front group. But JW's current demand is not about this, but it concerns her alleged criminal behavior.

JW wrote:
“The evidence is overwhelming Rep. Omar may have violated the law and House rules. The House of Representatives must urgently investigate and resolve the serious allegations of wrongdoing by Rep. Omar. We encourage Americans to share their views on Rep. Omar’s apparent misconduct with their congressmen.” 
Here is Judicial Watch's full complaint.

There are other credible implications that Omar and her family may have committed immigration fraud by using another family's information ot gain access into the country when Omar was a child. And Omar herself may have done the same with getting her brother into the country and being married to two men at the same time, one being her brother.

Hopefully, the truth will emerge and Omar will get what she deserves.

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Monday, July 29, 2019

GOP Senator introduces resolution declaring USA will never be a socialist country

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) introduced a resolution on Monday condemning "the growing socialist movement in our country" and to take a stand for freedom.

Speaking on the Senate floor Daines asserted that "America was founded upon the principles of liberty, the free enterprise system, and the promotion of national sovereignty and a strong national defense--under these principles we have built the greatest country in the history of the world."

Several progressives, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threw up in their mouths upon hearing patriotic verbiage. Mumblings of "racist" could be heard in the hallowed room.

"We have shown the world time, and time again, the genius of American ingenuity and the grit of American determination," he continued. "What makes America so great is not that we are bonded by one ethnicity or one race, but that we are bonded together by the idea of liberty."

Daines explained that Democrats have gone off the rails of the values which they historically held. He said that the Democrat's voice has since been replaced with "a radical, socialist, far left movement."

The Montana senator put forth that Democrats have strayed from the values that the party has historically held and its voice is subsequently being replaced with "a radical, socialist, far left movement."

And Alexandria Obviously-Communist is no help putting the Party back on track.

"The words and the actions of certain radical members of the Democratic House highlight this new standard for the Democratic Party," Daines asserted, apparently taking aim at AOC, the whiny Democratic socialist and self-proclaimed "radical,"  along with her self-proclaimed "Squad" members Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), all of whom have displayed anti-Semitic and racist behavior and statements.

"Radical Democrats are advocating for disastrous policies that would wreck our economy under the guise of cleaning up the environment," he continued before adding that "fantasy policies" like the Green New Deal and Medicare for All would be "a disaster" for the American people.

"We, as Americans have a choice: one path leads to complete government control, undermining our constitution and our American way of life – the other path is the path of freedom," Daines said. "Capitalism and the free enterprise system has done more than any other system in the world to lift people out of poverty."

The Senate resolution, first obtained by Fox News, not only acknowledges that socialism is a failed ideology that poses a threat to freedom, liberty, and economic prosperity but also accepts that it is a “failed experiment” that “inevitably ends in misery and suffering.”

It also sucks and has never been successful. The only people who benefit from it are those at the top, and they want their power like an addict wants his drugs.

The resolution also declares that the United States “has been a beacon of light shining like a lighthouse to the rest of the world,” proclaims that freedom and liberty are the surest foundation of government, and affirms that the United States will never be a socialist country.

Meanwhile, Joachim Castro has introduced a bill to scrap terms "alien" and "illegal alien," because censorship is a staple of the left, and the resolution by Daines is in stark contrast to how the left views America.

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Marianne Williamson admits she screwed up 1st debate

Marianne Williamson was the great hope for the GOP in the first debate, except that she is campaigning on the Democratic ticket. Republicans love her because she came off as the perfect whack-job to give Trump another four years if she could miraculously achieve the nomination.

Her first debate performance certainly made her stand out, but it also made her the subject of Twitter memes and roundtable jokes. Now she plans to reverse that trend by presenting herself as a serious candidate in next week's Democratic Party presidential debates.

It's debatable whether or not she can pull it off, but we shall see.

Speaking with USA Today, the wellness self-help pontificator plans to change up her delivery this time around so that it would reflect more of her substance, something lacking in the Democratic Party for many years.

"I hope that this time my delivery will be more aligned with my substance," Williamson told the outlet. "I don’t regret the substance of anything I said, but I understand that my delivery made me vulnerable to mockery." [Hahahaha]

"Every day on the campaign trail is preparation. Every day you’re thinking about issues, writing about issues, talking about issues, learning about issues," she continued. "It’s a continuous process. To me that’s the best preparation."

"I need to just be myself," she mistakenly concluded.

Marianne Williamson rose to prominence in the early '90s as a regular guest on "The Oprah Winfrey Show," where she would often preach her new age balderdash about love, healing, and external forces that people can harness if they just love each other more [and kissy-huggy, snuggle bunny better].

At the first Democratic debate in June, she gave America a small glimpse into her psyche when she declared that she would harness the power of love to defeat President Trump's harnessing of fear:

"I’m sorry we haven’t talked more tonight about how we’re going to beat Donald Trump. I have an idea about Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not going to be beaten just by insider politics talk. He’s not going to be beaten just by somebody who has plans. He’s going to be beaten by somebody who has an idea what the man has done. This man has reached into the psyche of the American people and he has harnessed fear for political purposes. 
"So, Mr. President — if you’re listening — I want you to hear me please: You have harnessed fear for political purposes and only love can cast that out. So I, sir, I have a feeling you know what you’re doing. I’m going to harness love for political purposes. I will meet you on that field, and sir, love will win."
Rim shot!

While her performance inspired chuckles and mockery, people also fell somewhat in love with her whacky persona and couldn't get enough of it. Republicans even began donating to her campaign just to keep her on the debate stage.

Some liberals have warned that Democrats should not ignore her candidacy, arguing that she's the perfect embodiment of a left-wing Donald Trump — an ultra-feminine public figure who appeals to wellness-oriented suburban housewives more effectively than a naive Marxist radical like Sen. Bernie "Pass the Pudding" Sanders (I-VT).

Rolling Stone referred to her as the "cosmic sorceress we need now," while Mary McNamara of the Los Angeles Times warned Democrats to "ignore Marianne Williamson at your own peril."

Imagine if she does, by some divine intervention, win the nomination for the 2020 election. What nickname would President Trump bestow upon her?

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2020 Dem hopefuls don't allow a tragedy go to waste in their campaigns

The Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting Sunday in Gilroy, California left four dead including the shooter. Among the dead was a 6-year-old boy. Fifteen people were also injured, some critically, some less serious--let's pray for them.

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls, never letting a tragedy go to waste, jumped at the chance to respond to the shooting as they addressed the country's "gun violence epidemic."

Former Vice President weighed in on Twitter: "This violence is not normal," he said, contradicting himself and the other candidates who claim that gun violence is now a normal occurrence in America. "How many more families will have to lose  loved one before we fix our broken gun laws? We must take action, starting with real reform."

The gun laws in California are among the strictest in the nation. Aside from confiscating all legal guns, and making former gun owners defenseless, what will stricter gun laws do? 

Authorities in Gilroy along with officials from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives reported that a single gunman, who may have had an accomplice, opened fire on the crowd. In under one minute he was engaged by police officers and killed by good guys with guns.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the state’s former attorney general, took to Twitter to call the shooting “horrific.”

Gee, ya think?

“Our country has a gun violence epidemic that we cannot tolerate,” she tweeted, implying that she would ban all firearms leaving only the people who don't follow the law to have them.

Sen. Cory "Mr. Potato Head" Booker (D-NJ), said on Twitter that his "heart breaks" for the families involved in the shooting, and also pointed to the gun violence “epidemic.” But he was only acting when he said it and offered no solutions.

Robert Francis "Beto" O’Rourke, did not mention the Gilroy shooting in a Sunday tweet sent from his proctologist's office, but said he was “sending love to all who are hurting tonight—and all who are affected by the 40,000 gun deaths in America each year,” A significant number of them by suicide that he failed to clarify.

It is unclear how love can be sent via Twitter as it is a platform normally used to send hate and/or insults, but O'Rourke is a special character.

Gun control has been a key issue for Democrats and many have laid out plans on how they will approach the issue. Spartacus Booker unveiled a wide-ranging gun control proposal this week and showcased his call for federal licensing of firearms, which will bring in more money to the government but will not do a thing to curtail gun violence as it is a cultural problem. 

This is why it's a good idea not to mention the names of the perpetrators who do such things as they are often looking for notoriety and fame.

Harris said she would move quickly to curb gun violence if elected to the White House, vowing to use executive action if Congress didn’t act in her first 100 days.

She is likely to meet stiff opposition on this issue if elected, but is likely not to be elected in the first place.

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Sunday, July 28, 2019

India: Islamist plotted to poison food offered at Hindu temple--40,000 could have died

India -- How much hatred can a person have, and how can a so-called religion of peace call for the murder of about 40,000 people? Thankfully the plot was foiled.

Jihad poisoning attempts aren't new--al Qaeda has a history where they pondered the contamination of food as a mass murder tactic. And in 2017, ISIS encouraged Muslims to poison food in Western supermarkets and at grocery stores.

In Britain, it happened at least twice. In one case, shop owners unwittingly sold chocolate cake sprinkled with human feces.

Poison is probably the most cowardly way to kill, short of having someone else kill for you. 

We know that jihadis have long wanted to poison public water supply. In 2002, federal agents arrested two Muslim jihadis who were carrying plans about how to go about this process. The following year, Al-Qaeda threatened to poison water supplies in the West, and this also happened in 2011 in Spain.

Seven Muslim "chemical engineers" were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir, a key supply for Boston, in 2013. In June, a month later, locks were cut at the aqueduct that supplies water to Greater Boston.

Canada has also faced the same attacks on the water supply. Jihadists were caught in May 2013 who were planning to poison the air and water supply to murder up to 100,000 Canucks. 

And this goes on and on in the USA.

But now it has come to India, home of snake charmers, cricket and my dear wife.

Zee News, July 25, 2019 reported that "[T]he Maharashtra anti-terror squad has foiled a plot by terrorists to poison the ‘mahaprasad’ of the famous Mumbreshwar Mahadev temple in Thane district. A terror suspect named Talha Potrick has hatched the conspiracy to poison the prasad.

"The Maharashtra ATS got the information about the plot during the questioning of 10 suspects, who allegedly had links with dreaded terrorist group Islamic State. The information was furnished by the ATS in the chargesheet against them filed on Monday."

So jihad is everywhere and the media and certain members of Congress say that it's our fault. But at least the Maharashtra Anti Terror Squad is a better squad than some others.

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Leftist tears fall like rain over Trump comments

The following is satire.

CNN's Victor Blackwell admitted that the network, colloquially known as the Conspiracy News Network and the Comedy News Network, admitted that the only reason he teared up when discussing President Trump's negative take on the city of Baltimore, was because immediately before he went on air, he pulled out a nose hair to get the desired flow of tears.

"I'm not much of an actor," Blackwell admitted, "but CNN demands that we act out our truth, our reality. Sure, I was upset that Trump called Baltimore a horrible city where nobody wants to live, but c'mon, do you really think I'd cry over such crap? I'm a big boy."

In January 2018, another CNN actress, Alison Camerota also went all snot-nosey and tearful over President Trump's accurate remarks about s*** hole countries.

"I don't know why this one makes me so emotional," Camerota said, but Blackwell confessed that all CNN staff are instructed to wait just before going on the air and then pull out that nose hair.

Camerota wasn't available for comment.

But that only provides us with more leftist tears. What's so bad about that?

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Rand Paul offers to pay for 'ungrateful' Omar to go to Somalia

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) offered to give Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) the money to pay for a trip to Somalia, the country of her birth. Rand said she should go there to "learn" and "appreciate America more."

His comments followed President Trump's verbal assault on Omar and her three socialist girlfriends known as the "Squad," for their anti-American remarks.

Paul’s comments come after President Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked Omar and her close allies, known as the “Squad,” for their remarks about a range of issues, including dismissal of some American traditions.

 In a campaign video [below] released this week included an attack on Omar for saying: “Ignorance is very pervasive in this country.”

Omar came to America as a refugee when she was a child and is now a naturalized American citizen and a blatant anti-Semite and Islamist.

“I’ve met people who have come here from behind the Iron Curtain. They got away from communism, they’re some of the best Americans we have, because they really appreciate how great our country is, and then I hear Representative Omar say America is a terrible place,” Paul told Breitbart.

“Well, she came here and we fed her, we clothed her, she got welfare, she got [schooling], she got healthcare, and then, lo and behold, she has the honor of actually winning a seat in Congress, and she says we’re a terrible country? I think that’s about as ungrateful as you can get.”

Sara Carter from Epoch Times tweeted:
@RandPaul on @IlhanMN: “I’m willing to contribute to buy her a ticket to visit #Somalia… she can look and maybe learn a little bit about the disaster that is Somalia.” “After she’s visited Somalia she might come back and appreciate America more.” https://t.co/g4Hmw0J1HHpic.twitter.com/RKjSASWbne
— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC)
Paul said that he would kick in money for Omar’s plane ticket to Somalia, but the chances of her actually going back there to explore the differences between our country and her birth country are as likely as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer getting impaled by a unicorn in Times Square on a Sunday at noon. [It's much more likely to happen on Capitol Hill, of course.]

“I think she can look and maybe learn a little bit about the disaster that is Somalia—that has no capitalism, has no God-given rights guaranteed in a constitution, and has about seven different tribes that have been fighting each other for the last 40 years. And then maybe after she’s visited Somalia for a while, she might come back and appreciate America more,” Paul said.

Paul previously stated that he was “sort of dumbfounded how unappreciative she is of our country.”

“She has this bitterness and anger toward the country,” Paul said. “So I think she does deserve a rebuke over trying to say we have a rotten country.”

She even got to marry her brother, it's alleged.

Paul was responding to Omar’s comments about America, which included saying that the country is perceived as “great” but that “we don’t live these values here.” He was also defending Trump after he started a firestorm on July 14 when he blasted Omar and the other stooges in the "Squad."

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” Trump posted on Twitter at the time.

When Trump called some countries "s-holes," Somalia clearly falls into that category.

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough.”

Sounds like a decent plan.

About Omar, he added: “Somebody that comes from Somalia, which is a failed government, a failed state, who left Somalia, who ultimately came here and now is a congresswoman, who’s never happy. [Omar] says horrible things about Israel, hates Israel, hates Jews, hates Jews, it’s very simple.”

Omar should go, should go. She needs to see with her own lying eyes how great the United States of America is compared to her own Somalia.

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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Chuck 'n Nancy upset SCOTUS ruled to fund wall:

Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi are upset with the Supreme Court giving President Trump (R-USA) a small victory regarding funding for the promised border wall. The liberal tag team said that it is a "regrettable" and "nonsensical" decision, which is exactly the opposite to the facts.

All the decision allows for is a mere $2.5 billion in Pentagon funds.

The Democrats complain when the GOP funds the military. Now they're complaining that some of the funds for the military are being used to keep illegal aliens from waltzing into the country unvetted. Actually, they aren't 'waltzing' in--they are making a dangerous journey to come here with children, often times not theirs, and some are dying or being sexually exploited in the process.

It's as if the Democrats have stock in the Mexican cartels.

The 5-4 ruling, which broke along party lines, allows President Trump to use military funds to start work on replacing fencing along our southern border in California, New Mexico and Arizona.

Earlier this month, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in the Communist city of San Francisco had agreed with a lower-court ruling that prevented the government from tapping that funding. They don't want to stop illegal aliens from entering illegally because this is a major way for the Democratic Party to obtain future votes and grab power.

Trump declared a national emergency along the border to get up to $8.1 billion for wall construction, including the $2.5 billion from the Defense Department. He called the ruling a big win for "Border Security and the Rule of Law."

His Twitter finger at the ready, he tweeted:
"Wow! Big VICTORY on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction, allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!" 
Democrats criticized the court's logic and Trump's plans to use earmarked funds in an effort to come through on his signature campaign issue. Many argue a wall will not slow the flow of migrants into the United States. It would take a worse economy, fewer jobs and more border staffing, which the Democrats would also deny.

Arizona Rep. Raul M. Grijalva, whose district runs along the U.S.-Mexico border, called Trump's emergency declaration a "pathetic attempt to circumvent Congress." 

Actually, it would be pathetic if Trump was unable to circumvent Congress, but he did.

"Trump’s fake emergency was nothing more than a pathetic ploy to circumvent Congress and build his monument to his racist policies. This fight is not over, and I will continue fighting Trump’s efforts to destroy our environment and militarize border communities. #NoBorderWall," he tearfully tweeted soon after the ruling broke and he realized Trump won.

There is nothing racist about a wall--that's just stupid. Even Robert Frost wrote "Good Fences Make Good Neighbors," and although Frost was a privileged white guy [in the small racist minds of the left], he was not referring to race whatsoever.

House Speaker Nancy "Dancing Dentures" Pelosi (D-CA), used her frenetic hands to call the ruling "deeply flawed" over Twitter.
"This evening’s Supreme Court ruling allowing @realDonaldTrump to steal military funds to spend on a wasteful, ineffective border wall rejected by Congress is deeply flawed. Our Founders designed a democracy governed by the people — not a monarchy."
Right-it isn't Camelot--that was JFK. 

Pelosi doesn't really mean anything she says most of the time.

For his part, Senate Minority Leader Chuck "Considerable Nostrils" Schumer reminded his Twitter followers that when Trump was still a candidate for president, he promised us Mexico would pay for a border wall. 

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Do we really care how it gets built? Does he really think Trump's base actually believes everything Trump says?

Schumer tweeted:
"It’s a sad day when the president is cheering a decision that may allow him to steal funds from our military to pay for an ineffective and expensive wall for which he promised Mexico would foot the bill." 
Suddenly the Democrats worry that the military will not have enough money to buy assault rifles.

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Created Equal to broadcast abortion footage on jumbo screen outside Dem Debates

Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

An anti-abortion/pro-life group Created Equal plans to use their 12x17 foot JumboTron outside of the Democratic debates in Detroit this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. They plan to use live abortion footage to clearly show the debate attendees the reality of the horrific procedure of killing babies that the candidates support--some even down to the exiting of the child from the uterus.

The Daily Wire interviewed Mark Harrington, the founder of Created Equal. He explained that in the past, his organization had protested at the DNC for years, but had used still photography to bring home the horror of abortion. Now they plan to up their game with video.

This will be the first time video footage will be used outside of a major Democratic debate and he hopes to win a few hearts and minds of the attendees.

Harrington told Daily Wire, "These events are attended by the public, and while the actual candidates are probably whisked in through the back, that’s not the point. The point is, those who support the Democratic platform – which is unlimited abortion up until the time of birth, including tax-funded abortion, and for that matter, infanticide – those are the people who need to see it."

Harrington knows that the people outside the debate will not be pro-life individuals, and that while he hopes for good behavior, measures are in place if things go sideways:

"We all wear body cameras," he explained. "So, that’s a deterrent. Plus, if anyone acts out unlawfully, we have it captured on video, which is used to prosecute them, and also put online. We are also very well-trained in handling individuals who tend to get emotional."

I wish them the best and hope they can make many converts to the pro-life camp.

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Friday, July 26, 2019

GOP congressional candidate hoping to unseat Ilhan Omar allegedly gets caught shoplifting

If only she could have waited to be elected as a congresswoman running against Ilhan Omar before taking what didn't belong to her, like most political hacks do. Instead, a Minnesota congressional candidate hopeful to unseat the anti-Semitic Omar now Republican Danielle Stella ["Hey, Stella!"] faces felony shoplifting charges, according to a report.

Stella, a 31-year-old light-fingered supporter of President Trump, was arrested twice already this year, in the thefts of 279 items valued over $2,300 from a Target and $40 worth of goods from a grocery store, The Guardian reported. A grocery store sounds like it's privately owned--how terrible to steal from anyone, much less an independent merchant.

“I am not guilty of these crimes. In this country I am innocent until proven guilty and that is the law,” the special-education teacher told the news outlet.

But 279 items? Even if she didn't steal all 279 items, it seems very possible she may have stolen at least one. Allegedly. And a grocery store?

“If I was guilty of crimes, I would never run for public office, putting myself in the public eye under a microscope to be attacked by all political sides,” she added. This makes no sense as politicians are notorious for using money that doesn't belong to them for things they want.

This week Stella described Minneapolis as “the crime capital of our country.” And she should know.

Stella told the cops that she “remembers arriving at Target to purchase items but nothing else” due to post-traumatic stress disorder, and that “normally she goes to Target with someone because of anxiety around people,” according to a criminal complaint cited by The Guardian. 

Great--Stella has Social Anxiety Disorder and she wants to run for PUBLIC office.

Please don't do the Republican Party any favors. There are clearly better candidates out there and it should be relatively easy to beat the crazy Jew-hater, Ilhan Omar.

But after all is said and done, this is all going to end up being Trump's fault.

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'Slaughter the Jews' written in Arabic on 'Little Western Wall'

Jerusalem -- On the Jewish sabbath, Arab vandals spray-painted graffiti on the ancient wall from the Holy Temple in Jerusalem's Old City. The words, written in Arabic, urged people to "Slaughter the Jews."

Jerusalem City Council member Aryeh King called for an immediate investigation into the incident.

“I call on Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan to demand that police conduct a comprehensive, thorough investigation, since access to the Western Wall is covered by the security cameras of the Jerusalem District Police,” King said, according to the Jewish Press.

So we must wonder whether the Israeli police were looking the other way, agree with the message, or are just incompetent.

Following the arrest of an Arab girl (two have now been arrested), King requested of Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion to levy a hefty fine on the perpetrators and sue the girl and her accomplices for the destruction of property, according to reports.

Rabbi of the Heritage House in the Old City, Ben Packer, posted on his Facebook account Saturday night:
An Arab girl has been arrested for this, but is it really her fault? The place looks like a dump. There is a trash can and trash everywhere. There is nothing signifying in any way that this is a Jewish holy site. There is no guard/attendant? The real culprits? Chief Rabbi of the Western Wall, Mayor of Jerusalem, Knesset, etc. I’d let the girl go and FIX THE SITUATION THERE PERMANENTLY!!!
He sounds like Rashida Tlaib, and the rest of the liberals, blaming the victim, not the perpetrator of the crime. Why not do both? Fix the place and still arrest the girls and show that there are consequences to one's actions.

The “little Western Wall (Kotel HaKatan)” is a small portion of the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. It is located about 200 meters south of the Western Wall Plaza, next to Iron Gate (Sha’ar Ha-Barzel), near the Muslim quarter.

Due to the sensitive location, police have not allowed any physical improvements to the area, including benches or bookcases for holy books, even though it receives many visitors. Students from Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim pray there every Sabbath.

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Obviously=Comatose pushes victimhood conspiracy theory about POTUS

Hostage photo
"Nancy, blink twice if you're okay"
Socialist Rep. Sandy Cortez [aka Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] a New York Dumbocrat, is promoting an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. She suggests, without a shred of evidence that President Trump was purposely trying to get her assassinated.

The low-functioning socialist made her crazy claim on Twitter after a police officer reportedly posted on Facebook that Ocasio-Cortez "needs a round--and I don't mean the kind she used to serve." Anyone with firearms experience knows that a round is a round of ammo containing a shell and a bullet.

Democrats love to promote themselves as victims, either a victim of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and early childhood experiences. Of course, there are more areas of victimhood they use, but the list is too long for the purposes of this post.

Sandy Cortez [a name she used before becoming the youngest and least intelligent congresswoman[ claimed with no evidence whatsoever:
"This is Trump’s goal when he uses targeted language & threatens elected officials who don’t agree w/ his political agenda. It’s authoritarian behavior. The President is sowing violence. He’s creating an environment where people can get hurt & he claims plausible deniability.
But Sandy compared ICE facilities as a "concentration camp" and recently a far-left domestic terrorist attacked an ICE facility in Tacoma, Washington and used her "concentration camp" rhetoric in his manifesto to justify his attack. Not surprisingly, Cortez has repeatedly refused to denounce the terrorist attack on ICE, which she has repeatedly demonized. So here we have irrefutable evidence that Cortez's words were used to inspire a terrorist attack, and nothing more than Cortez's word to claim Trump is inspiring her assassination.

This is not the first time that Ocasio-Cortez has made wildly unsubstantiated bull crap claims like this.

Just a few weeks ago she suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was targeting her because Pelosi wanted her to get "death threats."

People who support AOC must be willfully blind or stupid or both.

"It's singling out four individuals, and knowing the media environment that we're operating in, knowing the amount of death threats that we get, knowing the amount of concentration of attention," Ocasio-Cortez told CNN's Manu Raju. "I think it's just worth asking why."


Blaming anyone for a violent act by somebody else, is wrong. No conservatives with a brain blamed Bernie Sanders for the domestic terror attack at the Alexandria, VA baseball field by a Sanders supporter.

Often short on facts, and always short on wisdom, AOC has repeatedly promoted conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality. From her claim in March about a "far-right" conspiracy that targeted her using a "dark-money internet operation" and a cable news "propaganda machine," to her empty claims about people on both sides of the aisle that want her removed from Congress, AOC is never shy of playing the "Woe is Me" card.

It will be wonderful if she becomes a one-term wonder.

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CNN photo editor a flaming anti-Semite

It's interesting how CNN and other leftist media imply that President Trump is a racist and an anti-Semite, in spite of what he has done and is doing for Israel, the fact that his daughter and son-in-law are Jewish, and his close ties with Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister.

But if the media didn't have low standards of reporting, they would have no standards at all.

But CNN has a problem; call it a CNN problem. They are apparently blind to real anti-Semites and fail to weed them out in their hiring practices. Or are they really blind?

On Thursday, the Comedy News Network's photo editor, Mohammed Elshamy was outed as an anti-Semite after other news outlets and political operatives explored his Twitter history and uncovered his hatred. Being a coward, [aka keyboard hero] Elshamy made his Twitter account private.

However, before CNN's photo editor went private, he publicly celebrated the deaths of more than four "jewish pigs" in Jerusalem. The weasel tweeted:
 “HAMAS HAMAS HAMAS #Anti-Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Hamas”.
In several tweets, political strategist Arthur Schwartz highlighted Elshamy’s elation at the news Jews were killed by terrorists in Jerusalem back in 2011. 
“More than 4 jewish pigs killed in #Jerusalem today by the Palestinian bomb explode."
Daily Wire reporter Jordan Schachtel pointed out that Elshamy was celebrating a terrorist attack that “killed a Christian woman who was studying in Israel & severely injured a 14-year-old Israeli girl who would succumb to her wounds 6 yrs later. The attack injured 39 more.”

Schwartz called out CNN for hiring Elshamy despite a public tweet that read: 
“Israel is the main enemy for the people of Egypt and shall always remain despite rulers who lick Jewish legs 3/3 #IsraelEmbassy.”
Mohammed Elshamy has a vivid imagination and an overt hatred of Jews and anyone associated with them.

The Washington Free Beacon uncovered a series of disgusting tweets the scumcrumpet put out during the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. 
“Only in #Egypt you find the Zionist embassy being a flag-less embassy,” he wrote with a smiley face. “The flag has been removed ALLAHU AKBAR #israeliembassy #cairo #egypt #israel”.
He later added:
“Despite everything happening now in Egypt. I'm proud of the army generation that liberated us from the zionist pigs @ 6 october 1973” 
Other outlets uncovered even more disgusting tweets which will not be shown here. Suffice it to say, Elshamy was even upset when the U.K. soccer team Arsenal hired a Jewish player.
After a number of hours, CNN finally responded to the outcry. 

CNN's bald-headed toilet bowl jockey, Brian Stelter tweeted out a statement from the network’s communications department. “The network has accepted the resignation of a photo editor, who joined CNN earlier this year, after anti-Semitic statements he'd made in 2011[forgetting to add the word 'unfortunately] came to light,” they wrote. 

It was CNN who sent out their "investigative reporter" Andrew Kaczynski to find and dox Trump supporters who shared mean memes about them, but when it came to real, hard core hatred by their employees, they didn't investigate their histories.

Maybe CNN isn't really an acronym for Comedy News Network. There's nothing funny about anti-Semitism. Maybe it simply stands for Compromised News Network.

That is CNN.

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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Israeli Air Force bombs Syrian positions in Golan Heights

The Israel Air Force's (IAF) fighter jets attacked the Tel al Hara area in the Dara's district in southern Syria, according to Syrian sources, hitting Hezbollah and Iranian infrastructure.

Syria’s official media outlet SANA news reported that the Israel attack occurred at about 1:30 am and that the damage was caused by the attack, but there were no casualties because Hezbollah fighters are already dead inside.

Militarily, Tel al-Hara is a strategic hill situated adjacent to the Israeli Golan Heights which it overlooks. The Tel al-Hara base controls the Dara'a-Damascus road and is the center for all intelligence operations in the southern Syrian province.

Israel has previously bombed Hezbollah and Iranian infrastructure while under construction in the region.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has assets in the war-torn country and reported that the Syrian army’s air defense systems responded to the attack in south-western Rif Dimashq, Al-Quneitra and the western countryside of Dara’a.

The targets hit were Syrian army positions and those of forces and militiamen loyal to the Syrian army, including “non-Syrian nationalities,” the SOHR reported.

The SOHR reported human as well as material losses in spite of the balderdash SANA news reported.

Israel has remained silent about this strike.

The purpose of these strikes are to prevent advanced weaponry from being transferred from Iran through Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon, or to prevent Iran's military buildup in the country, particularly on Syria's border with Israel.

Like most Islamic countries surrounding the tiny Jewish state, along with such American congresswomen as Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), they would like to see the total destruction of Israel and the total takeover of Israel by the so-called Palestinians.

Iran uses its positions in Syria to transfer weapons and infrastructure to its terror proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah, while attempting to establish another military front against Israel from the Syrian Golan Heights. They have openly announced their intentions to destroy Israel and kill all Jews everywhere.

The IDF in March announced that it had exposed a clandestine Hezbollah unit that was operating in southern Syria in the area reportedly attacked by Israel. The unit’s objective is establishing another front against Israel from the Golan Heights.

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Rocket Man launches 2 short range missiles: flips off POTUS

Kim Jong-un launched a pair of short range missiles in a show of defiance to President Trump and all he tweets for.

South Korean military leaders say the surprise launch took place in the Wonsan region in east of the rogue state.

Both missiles travelled approximately 270 miles before falling into the Sea of Japan, reports from North Korea say.

It is the first missile test reported since President Trump and the chubby NoKo leader met at the demilitarised zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas at the end of June, shook hands and smiled at each other like old friends.

The White House, Pentagon and US State Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment because they were probably slightly embarrassed over Kim's open defiance.

However, the joint chiefs said South Korean and US militaries were reportedly analyzing details of the launches.

A US defense official said the secret launch appears to be similar to the recent May 2019 launch where two short range missiles were also fired off.

"North Korea is clearly upset that the US and South Korea are conducting joint military exercises," Harry Kazianis of Washington's Center for the National Interest explained.

"We should not be shocked by this move and, in fact, we should have seen it coming."

Then why didn't we see it coming? And why didn't Kazianis warn us of the probable missile launchings? Who exactly is Harry Kazianis really working for? And what about Trump?

Pyongyang restarted missile testing following a moratorium of over a year, as negotiations with President Trump over disarmament and denuclearization stalled.

North Korea's most recent test was in May when a pair of missiles timed precisely 9 minutes before and 9 minutes after a US test of a nuclear Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

In a brazen taunt, the corpulent dictator Kim watched the firing of the weapon at North Korea's Academy of Defence Science.

And issuing a chilling warning, Kim said the test "serves as an event of very weighty significance in increasing the combat power of the People's Army," state media reported. Kim should never use the word "weighty."

North Korea warned the US it faces "undesired consequences" if it doesn't meet its demands in nuclear talks by the end of the year.

Yes, we face the undesired consequences of having to destroy North Korea if they test us enough,

Kim's regime is demanding the Trump administration show more flexibility - or else it will go back on its promise to scrap its deadly nuclear arsenal, a promise they never intended to keep.

Pyongyang says it will only ditch its weapons program if the US agrees to scrap crippling economic sanctions on the country. Of course, Kim is lying--if he gives up his nuclear weapons program, he might as well give up his dictatorship and put a gun to his head. Kim has made similar promises to other naive presidents such as Bill "It's Just a Cigar" Clinton and GW Bush.

In a chilling threat, North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui said in Korean: "Changing paths is not a privilege that only the United States has - but it could be our own choice if we make up our mind."

She added wantonly: "If the United States fails to reestablish its position within the timeline we gave, it will see truly undesired consequences."

On April 21, 2018, merely one day after Adolf Hitler's birthday, Kim Jong-un said the hermit nation was suspending long-range nuclear missile tests and shutting its test sites. He lied as he always does.
Trump: "Kim likes me and I like him."
At the Singapore summit on June 11, 2018, just 108 years after the birth of Jacques Cousteau, Trump and Kim agreed to start the denuclearization "very quickly." A very imprecise Trump-esque timeline, but at least he didn't hold Kim and himself to "very, very quickly."
"Ze water ees deep"

The US President said the meeting had gone "better than anyone could have expected," but a few of us were expecting it to go better.

"We are going to sign this historic agreement," said Kim. "The world will see a major change," he lied.

In the agreement, Kim overtly committed to "complete denuclearization of Korean Peninsula," as he covertly flipped the U.S. the North Korean "bird."

However, despite the pledge, the North Koreans have never halted their nuclear activities, the UN's nuclear watchdog said.

The Pentagon believes North Korea has about 200 missile launchers hidden within the country and these can fire short- and medium-range rockets.

The most likely target of such a missile launch would be South Korea, Japan, Australia and possibly US territories in the Pacific Ocean.

Revised estimates suggest the total number of missiles the rogue state has is believed to be between 13 and 21. And the regime is estimated to have at least four nuclear warheads.

Should North Korea attempt to strike any of these targets, the little country will be able to glow in the dark.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Bob O'Rourke saw Trump at a Nazi rally

The following is satire.

Robert Francis O'Rourke is a presidential candidate who isn't even honest enough to use his real name, Instead, he calls himself "Beto," because he hopes to win the Hispanic vote with that name and his gringo Espanol. Currently O'Rourke is polling at 2%, slightly higher than Marianne Williamson, whose numbers aren't showing because they're too low to be a whole number.

One possible reason O'Rourke [let's just call him BO for brevity, kind of like Barack Obama without the melanin] is doing so poorly may be due to his inability to think clearly and speak honestly.

The Democratic schmeckle compared President Trump's political rally in North Carolina last week to the Nazi Party rallies he secretly attended in nearby California, and the Nazi get-togethers Adolf Hitler held in Germany during his Third Reich reign.

O’Rourke said in an interview Monday with ABCDem News "I believe I saw President Trump at a Nazi hate rally and he didn't bring along his Jooo daughter or son-in-law. This proves he's a white supremist and a Nazi. This wasn't the first time I think I saw him there. He had to be the guy, I could tell by his hair, he was at the "Blondes Only Youth Rally" we, I mean they, put on the second Tuesday of every month, but I wouldn't really know anything about what they do there.

"And he was definitely there at the "Der Fuhrer Birthday Bash" this past April.

"Impeach Trump!  Sig Heil!"

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Bette Midler believes all black people think alike

This thing is making fun of Melania Trump's
Former talent Bette Midler is certain that "real" black folks all think the same way: they all like rap, jazz, tap dancin', basketball and the Democratic Party.  The only way you're going to get a black person to attend a Trump rally is if you paid him or her, because they also like easy money but they are all Democrats. She can't imagine that a black person can be a free thinker and support Trump's policies on the economy, abortion and the like.

On Wednesday morning, Hollywood resident Bette Midler, who has called President Trump a racist, issued a racist tweet of her own, deciding that black men pictured in the background behind President Trump at a Trump rally must have been paid to be there and labeling them “blackground.” She tweeted, “Look, there are African American men in this shot! How much did he pay them to be ‘blackground’?” How very sensitive of her to think they paid black people to leave the plantation for a few hours and pretend to like someone who she hates.

She's evidently too dimwitted to realize  how racist her thinking has to be in order to post such crap.

On Sunday, Midler ironically called Trump a racist. She tweeted to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey:
“Dear Jack Dorsey, why don’t you help your country and your planet, by kicking #Trump off of #Twitter? Or shutting down until the next election? You’ve made more than enough money and Trump is strangling the free world w/his racist bile. Be strong. You can improve the course of history!”
It seems that Midler is also not very knowledgeable when it comes to the U.S. Constitution, particularly the First Amendment [and the other nine of the Bill of Rights.]

The cockeyed pessimist hates Trump to the point that it's making her mentally ill.

In June she deleted a tweet in which she sweetly wrote, “He actually looks better here! Maybe someone in his camp can gently give him a shiv. I mean, shove.”

Just prior to that Midler, who has wind underneath her something, apologized for sharing a quote from Trump in 1998 that was a counterfeit in which he supposedly said Republicans were "the dumbest group of voters in the country.” She added, “He certainly knew his crowd.”

So in spite of her sharing a fake tweet, she also shared her feelings about Republicans and lumped us all together because it helps her hate more clearly. How very deplorable and Hillary Clintonish.

But never one to allow a person to dig their own political grave, or a chance to "punch down," Trump responded:
“Washed up psycho @BetteMidler was forced to apologize for a statement she attributed to me that turned out to be totally fabricated by her in order to make ‘your great president’ look really bad. She got caught, just like the Fake News Media gets caught. A sick scammer!”

Back in July 2017, Midler tweeted, “If there is a crisis, like 9/11 or the 2008 meltdown, we as a nation, will not survive under this administration. We have no leader!” By "leader" she meant "Hillary Clinton," who lost to Trump in 2016 and is not the first cis female president of the United States.

In May 2018, Midler claimed that Trump’s decision to move the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem was the cause of Palestinians rioting on the Israel-Gaza border and the ensuing reaction from Israel Defense Forces, writing, “Fifty-two people die in protest over moving American Embassy to Jerusalem. Thanks, asshole! Your uninformed and demented actions have consequences! Don’t you get it? Those people had families too!”

She blames Trump for the violent behavior of others. If she had her way, we would send fathers and mothers of murderers to death row instead of the killers.

As The Daily Wire noted at the time, “It never entered the intellectual giantess’ head that the Palestinians have been conducting these riots for weeks, that the riots are not ‘peaceful protests,’ and that Hamas, which engineered the riots, is hell-bent on murdering Jews and eliminating the Jewish state.”

In May 2019, Midler mocked Trump voters, effectively calling them illiterate bumpkins. Regarding Trump not releasing his tax returns, the horrible Midler tweeted, “There’s a theory that Trump doesn’t want his taxes released because if his base reads that he’s not as rich as he says, they might lose confidence in him. His base can read?”

Har har de har har.

Bette Midler is not a nice person. It's one thing to hate Trump; it's un-American to hate anyone who supports him politically, which is about half the country.

In November 2018, Midler took a shot at Melania Trump, posting an old modeling photo of the First Lady from a 2000 British GQ shoot with a caption many condemned as sexist. “The dry cleaning bill for the upholstery on Air Force One must be insane,” wrote Midler. The 72-year-old fart and self-proclaimed feminist added a “#FLOTITS” hashtag, an intentionally adjusted acronym for “First Lady of the United States.”

Sounds like Midler is incredibly jealous of Melania and is too limited in her repertoire of insults so she has to resort to schoolyard-style name calling. It's all part of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Marianne Williamson wants a 'Department of Peace' if she become POTUS

Is Marianne Williamson the antithesis of President Trump or simply a love-raging, stone-clutching lunatic whose goal as president would be to teach China, Russia and North Korea the words to "Kumbaya"? Is it possible that all she is saying is "give peace a chance?"

Williamson has called for a "Department of Peace" during her Monday night appearance on "The Late Show."  This nearly brought tears to the eyes of fellow leftist and the show's host Stephen Colbert.

Colbert asked Williamson, author of "Politics of Love" if she would order others to "kill our enemies" as POTUS, to which she replied "absolutely." She would kill the crap out of them.

"I think that when you take an oath of office of the president of the United States, part of that oath means that you are commander in chief," Williamson explained correctly to the simple studio audience. "But I think if you're going to talk about peace, you can't just back up into peace... My critique of our national security agenda is not a critique of the military. It's a critique of the politicians who have based our national security agenda as much on short-term profit maximization for defense contractors as it has on any agenda for creating peace. When was the last time you heard a politician talking about peace on this planet in 20 years? That's why I want a Department of Peace."

So what she's saying is, we only build up our military to enrich the pockets of defense contractors, not to actually defend the nation against foreign threats.

Colbert recalled a conversation he had listened to between former American diplomat Richard Holbrooke and stoner musician Willie Nelson where Nelson asked, "'Why don't we have a Department of Peace?'" To which Holbrooke responded, "'Willie, we do. It's called the State Department. It's just not used that way.'"

Williamson knocked the current budget for peace building agencies, which she said gets less than $1 billion of the $40 billion State Department budget.

The "Late Show" host then pointed out how she had the podium at the far end of the debate stage last month and asked Williamson if she felt "marginalized" because they put the more popular Democrats, those with the most support, in the middle since it makes  more sense.

"My placement on the podium is the least of of the ways that I feel marginalized in this election," Williamson responded. "But I understand how it works and I understand that there's this sort of political media industrial complex. [She was being totally serious when she called it the 'media industrial complex'.] And last time it was 'It has to be Bernie [Sanders] and this time it's 'Oh, it can be any of these four or five.' And I have a problem with that. I challenge the idea that only people whose careers have been entrenched for decades in the limitations of the mindset that drove us into this ditch that they're the only ones we should consider qualified to take us out of the ditch."

How can you not love this woman? She's a little verbose, a little cutesy and a whole lot Love Boat on steroids.

The presidential longshot dismissed the idea that the "safe choice" in someone like former Vice President Joe Biden since it could be "the most dangerous thing we could possibly do." That's because Biden needs a reminder to tie his shoes, much less run a country.

"I think that when we think of political qualifications today, we should expand our sense of what those qualifications are," Williamson blathered on. "A political qualification today should include political vision, it should include moral certitude, it should include the capacity to move groups of people, large groups of people towards a common goal, a common vision, a law for democracy and a law for our world and a love for our planet."

Williamson's political vision, outside of frequent hugs and perhaps drugs, is unclear.

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Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....