Sunday, July 28, 2019

India: Islamist plotted to poison food offered at Hindu temple--40,000 could have died

India -- How much hatred can a person have, and how can a so-called religion of peace call for the murder of about 40,000 people? Thankfully the plot was foiled.

Jihad poisoning attempts aren't new--al Qaeda has a history where they pondered the contamination of food as a mass murder tactic. And in 2017, ISIS encouraged Muslims to poison food in Western supermarkets and at grocery stores.

In Britain, it happened at least twice. In one case, shop owners unwittingly sold chocolate cake sprinkled with human feces.

Poison is probably the most cowardly way to kill, short of having someone else kill for you. 

We know that jihadis have long wanted to poison public water supply. In 2002, federal agents arrested two Muslim jihadis who were carrying plans about how to go about this process. The following year, Al-Qaeda threatened to poison water supplies in the West, and this also happened in 2011 in Spain.

Seven Muslim "chemical engineers" were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir, a key supply for Boston, in 2013. In June, a month later, locks were cut at the aqueduct that supplies water to Greater Boston.

Canada has also faced the same attacks on the water supply. Jihadists were caught in May 2013 who were planning to poison the air and water supply to murder up to 100,000 Canucks. 

And this goes on and on in the USA.

But now it has come to India, home of snake charmers, cricket and my dear wife.

Zee News, July 25, 2019 reported that "[T]he Maharashtra anti-terror squad has foiled a plot by terrorists to poison the ‘mahaprasad’ of the famous Mumbreshwar Mahadev temple in Thane district. A terror suspect named Talha Potrick has hatched the conspiracy to poison the prasad.

"The Maharashtra ATS got the information about the plot during the questioning of 10 suspects, who allegedly had links with dreaded terrorist group Islamic State. The information was furnished by the ATS in the chargesheet against them filed on Monday."

So jihad is everywhere and the media and certain members of Congress say that it's our fault. But at least the Maharashtra Anti Terror Squad is a better squad than some others.

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