Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Judicial Watch demands investigation of Rep. Ilhan Omar

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch demands that the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics investigate Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for potential crimes tied to allegations that she may have married her biological brother. The ethics complaint was hand-delivered to David Skaggs, chairman of the committee.

Omar has made news due to her racially inflammatory anti-Semitic views, including her support for a terrorist front group. But JW's current demand is not about this, but it concerns her alleged criminal behavior.

JW wrote:
“The evidence is overwhelming Rep. Omar may have violated the law and House rules. The House of Representatives must urgently investigate and resolve the serious allegations of wrongdoing by Rep. Omar. We encourage Americans to share their views on Rep. Omar’s apparent misconduct with their congressmen.” 
Here is Judicial Watch's full complaint.

There are other credible implications that Omar and her family may have committed immigration fraud by using another family's information ot gain access into the country when Omar was a child. And Omar herself may have done the same with getting her brother into the country and being married to two men at the same time, one being her brother.

Hopefully, the truth will emerge and Omar will get what she deserves.

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