Saturday, July 27, 2019

Created Equal to broadcast abortion footage on jumbo screen outside Dem Debates

Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

An anti-abortion/pro-life group Created Equal plans to use their 12x17 foot JumboTron outside of the Democratic debates in Detroit this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. They plan to use live abortion footage to clearly show the debate attendees the reality of the horrific procedure of killing babies that the candidates support--some even down to the exiting of the child from the uterus.

The Daily Wire interviewed Mark Harrington, the founder of Created Equal. He explained that in the past, his organization had protested at the DNC for years, but had used still photography to bring home the horror of abortion. Now they plan to up their game with video.

This will be the first time video footage will be used outside of a major Democratic debate and he hopes to win a few hearts and minds of the attendees.

Harrington told Daily Wire, "These events are attended by the public, and while the actual candidates are probably whisked in through the back, that’s not the point. The point is, those who support the Democratic platform – which is unlimited abortion up until the time of birth, including tax-funded abortion, and for that matter, infanticide – those are the people who need to see it."

Harrington knows that the people outside the debate will not be pro-life individuals, and that while he hopes for good behavior, measures are in place if things go sideways:

"We all wear body cameras," he explained. "So, that’s a deterrent. Plus, if anyone acts out unlawfully, we have it captured on video, which is used to prosecute them, and also put online. We are also very well-trained in handling individuals who tend to get emotional."

I wish them the best and hope they can make many converts to the pro-life camp.

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