Friday, January 31, 2020

CoronaTrumpVirus hits CNN: brains turn to bat dung

The Comedy News Network (CNN) has been hit with the CoronaTrumpVirus (CTV--but not the Canadian television network) and it's been affecting their staff to the point where they can no longer think rationally.

While governments around the world work to address the fast-moving outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus, a CNN political writer, a dork whose experience with medical problems came from that dripping, burning sensation he experienced after a night out on the town, made a serious [LOL] observation about the U.S. team working for President Trump. Brandon Tensley, a CNN political writer, complained that the team isn't diverse enough.

Seriously. He wasn't making a CNN joke, although they aren't called the Comedy News Network because people take them seriously.

post at CNN  on Thursday took issue with a tweet sent out by President Donald Trump on Tuesday with pictures of a briefing he received on the virus from administration officials.

Trump tweeted:
"Just received a briefing on the Coronavirus in China from all of our GREAT agencies, who are also working closely with China. We will continue to monitor the ongoing developments. We have the best experts anywhere in the world, and they are on top of it 24/7!"
So Tensley made what he believes is a brilliant observation:  "Who are these experts?" he asked. "They're largely the same sorts of white men (and a couple women on the sidelines) who've dominated the Trump administration from the very beginning."

The CNN political writer then compared Trump's coronavirus advisers to the ones former President Barack Obama employed in response to the 2014 ebola crisis.

"Neither was it so abysmal in terms of gender diversity. (Of course, to contextualize, Obama's administration, on the whole, was far more diverse than Trump's.)," Tensley wrote, as if anyone worried about the coronavirus cares if the doctor who can cure it is diverse enough.

"President Obama, we're having a global spread of the ebola virus, what should we do?"

"Well, let's find us three women, one of whom is a black transgender woman who was denied use of a woman's public toilet in Toledo, one bisexual Hispanic and one either Asian or white--they're practically the same--and let's get three men, one who is gay, one a transgender Iranian-American man who was not allowed to compete in women's wrestling, and one who is black, formerly incarcerated and has any sort of deformity. As long as they have "Doctor" in their title, they can be any sort of doctor. In fact, the more diverse their doctor degrees are, the better."


Anyone complaining about the amount of racial diversity within a group of people trying to combat the spread of a deadly virus is astronomically obtuse. The World Health Organization declared an emergency of "international concern" over the issue, so my guess would be that getting the best doctors with the best creds (regardless of their intersectional creds) is more important than the content of their diversity.

But you have a writer with an agenda and he must find fault with whatever President Trump does, no matter what. If the Trump administration cured cancer, this guy would complain about the LGBTQ, black, Hispanic and women doctors he made jobless.

The left has gone nuts with Trump's win in 2016. Maybe when he wins again this year, they will reconcile it in their angry minds.

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Fox Sports will air LGBTQ ad on Super Bowl but refuses a Pro-Life ad

Life News recently reported that FOX Sports, the carrier of this year's Super Bowl, between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers will be showing a commercial featuring drag queens and LGBTQ etc., etc. activists, as was originally reported by NBC News.

However, Fox won't approve a pro-life commercial, because apparently, advocating for sparing the lives of the unborn is controversial while men dressing and pretending to be women is honky-dory.

As Life News explained, pro-life advocates with the new Faces of Choice organization said they have been waiting at least six months for an answer from FOX about their ad and have received zilch, nada, in response.

The drag queen ad from Sabra hummus already is stirring up controversy. It features drag queens Kim Chi and Miz Cracker from “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” But don't be fooled; these guys have male junk below their equator.

LGBTQ marketing strategist Bob Witeck celebrated the significance of the ad, telling NBC:

“For queer audiences, it is an art form and an ‘outsiders’ language,” Witek said of drag. “Reaching the Super Bowl means taking our language into every home in the nation and millions around the world.”

If it is an art for to dress in the gender to which you have not been born into biologically, then art has lost its meaning, and true art has lost its beauty.  

Witeck said the Sabra ad, which could reach around 100 million viewers during the Super Bowl, of which at least a thousand or so are gay, queer, lesbian or otherwise confused.

He said that it's indicative of a sea change in the public perception of drag, which he said has been normalized in the mainstream [by forcing it on children at public libraries] for many years. 

But FOX and the mainstream media is afraid to touch ads that promote right to life for all people, including those waiting to be born.

Faces of Choice leaders said they have been trying for more than six months to purchase ad time during the Super Bowl, but FOX Sports has repeatedly ignored them. Their powerful new ad premiered at the March for Life last week, and it featured the stories of more than a dozen people who survived abortions.

Lyric Gillett, the 28-year-old founder of Faces of Choice and producer of the ad, said they have a shortened version ready to air during the big game. She provided FOX Sports with all the paperwork required for the ad, and answered all their legal team's questions. FOX refuses to give her an answer, thus far and the game is in two days as of this posting.

“Every great human rights movement in history has been anchored in the stories and the faces of its victims,” Gillett said. “That’s what we aim to do; we simply want to tell their forgotten stories and there’s no larger mega-phone than the Super Bowl. After months of correspondence with the Fox network, we are asking for a definitive answer immediately.

This week, Faces of Choice and My Faith Votes launched a campaign urging pro-lifers to contact the network and ask for a final decision on the ad.

They asked people to email Fox Corp. SVP, Standards and Practices Barbara De Santis, VP, Commercial Clearance Maryana Dezarlo, SVP, Ad Sales Jim Reeder, and EVP, Corporate General Counsel Claudia Teran. The pro-life organizations also began a petition here.

But it may be too late.

FOX knows that people, no matter what they decide regarding the pro-life ad, will tune into the game because America is a captive audience. Still, I would ask that you follow Gillett's advice and shut off the commercials during the Big Game and instead you can watch the abortion survivors’ stories instead on YouTube. Find the video here.

Abortion survivors pose a vital question to abortion activists through the new ad, “Can you look me in the eye and say I should have been aborted?”

Life News writes: "Ultimately, Faces of Choice leaders hope their stories will break down the myth of 'choice.'"

You can complain to Fox Sports by going to their Facebook page or Twitter.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Beto blows it for his Texas leftist candidate

Beto changes a flat tire
The Senate election and presidential candidate loser Robert Francis [aka Beto] O'Rourke, a guy who had to adopt a fake Hispanic name to try winning their vote, didn't do any better with his support for Democrat Eliz Markowitz in her race against Republican Gary Gates for state House District 28.

It was a blowout on Tuesday for Gates who polled 58% of the vote to Markowitz's paltry 42% in final, but still unofficial results, according to the Associated Press.

This victory for Gates comes in spite of the other endorsements by leftists like billionaire Michael Bloomberg, and multi millionaire liar Sen, Elizabeth "Dances Like Tree" Warren (D-MA).
Eliz plays a guitar
Regarding O'Rourke, the AP wrote: “Beto O’Rourke practically made the district a second home after ending his own presidential campaign in November, spending weekends knocking on doors in Katy’s affluent neighborhoods. One national Democratic group called Forward Majority, which is spending millions of dollars nationwide to flip GOP-controlled state houses, says it has spent $400,000 on the race, at least four times what the group spent on any other Texas district in 2018.”
Beto also plays guitar
Democrats and the media had tried to claim that this was a bellwether race for this November that this race was going to help them push their narrative that Texas was turning purple. Hopefully they are right about this bellwether prediction as it seems that red is the new purple.

“It’s the symbolism,” said Mark Jones, a political scientist at Rice University. “It would help Democrats with the narrative that Texas is turning purple.”
Beto shreds on skateboard
Abbott’s office published a video on Twitter showing Gates celebrating the victory late on Tuesday night.

Abbott took a shot at O’Rourke earlier in the evening, writing: “Wait. Beto math was that if he won or was close in a House district then he could help a democrat win. He came within 3% in this district. Early returns show the Republican winning by about 18% Beto math doesn’t work. All of that $ was incinerated.”

Markowitz tried to do verbal calisthenics after her bellwether double digit loss, pretending somehow that it is a win. This makes perfect Democrat sense, if losing is the new winning. She bloviated that Texas Democrats had established momentum heading into November. If by momentum she means staggering losses, then she makes a good point.
Beto goes to the dentist
“We knew this election would be tough — it’s not easy to take on Republicans in an off-year special election, but we made this seat competitive in a way it’s never been before,” Markowitz bloviated. “We head into November having established a movement for change and that movement will continue across the state of Texas through November. This is a grassroots campaign dedicated to putting people over special interests, and we’ve built a network that will last for years to come.”

And by grassroots, if Markowitz means that she is smoking grass, then point well taken.

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel responded to the blowout win by writing on Twitter:
“Big GOP win in a TX special election! Dems spent $1M+ and called #HD28 a “bellweather” [sic] for 2020. National Dems like Biden, Bloomberg, Beto & Warren went all-in. Congratulations @GatesforTexas , @RSLC , and our hundreds of grassroots volunteers who got involved!”
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

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CNN's Lemon poorly explains why he laughed at mockery of Trump supporters

When you purchase a vehicle and it breaks down within days, they call the vehicle a "lemon." When you have a CNN host laugh at "jokes" that mock Trump supporters and southerners as stupid rubes who can't even read, they call that host Don Lemon. 

In Lemon's case, he mocks people who disagree with him politically and he's an idiot for doing so. 

Calling a large swath of America "stupid rednecks" is a very stupid thing to do. It's clear that CNN has a lemon in Lemon.

The Lemon defended himself for the social media blowback but his explanation was a lie and disingenuous. He did not apologize because he isn't really sorry. He simply [emphasis on 'simply'] said that he was merely laughing at the joke itself, and that he doesn't mock people because that isn't how he rolls.

Below is the video in question. Ironically, the YouTube video got more views than the CNN segment it depicts.

This should become a Trump 2020 campaign video. It clearly shows what the left thinks of conservatives and Republicans in general. Mocking us is not a smart strategy but CNN will never be accused of that.

The cast in the video along with the Lemon, is leftist Wajahat Ali, and make believe Republican Rick Wilson, a guy who's as much a Republican as Jennifer Rubin who also pretends to be on the right.

Here is Lemon's response to the broadcast:
"This is personally important for me to address this, OK? Ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you- I don't believe in belittling people, belittling anyone for who they are, what they believe, or where they're from. During an interview on Saturday night, one of my guests said something that made me laugh. And while in the moment, I found that joke humorous. And I didn't catch everything that was said. Just to make it perfectly clear, I was laughing at the joke and not at any group of people." 
The specific joke Lemon was referring to remains a mystery. The first joke was an attack of President Trump while the rest of the jokes mocked all of his supporters.

Steve Krakauer of TheFirstTV tweeted:


When CNN has to pay airports $100 thousand per year to broadcast their programming, you know they're desperate for viewership. When they have a far-left, Trump-hating people such as Lemon and Chris Cuomo, [aka Fredo], you can understand why they should be referred to as the Comedy News Network.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Rashida Tlaib refuses to apologize for her "blood libel" retweet

Anti-Semite Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) walked back a controversial retweet spreading "blood libel" against Israel that blamed for the death of a young Palestinian boy on the Jewish state. Instead of actually apologizing for her obvious anti-Semitism, she vowed to "strive" for higher standards over sharing information on social media.

Reptiles have higher standards than this disgusting woman who the Democratic Party refuses to rebuke or criticize in any way.

On Saturday, Tlaib shared an unverified tweet claiming that a 7-year-old Palestinian boy was "kidnapped and executed" by Israeli settlers and was "assaulted and thrown in a water well." 

This is the typical "blood libel" trope that has been used by anti-Semites for thousands of years--literally. 

But later it was reported by The Jerusalem Post that the boy's death was an accidental drowning after the area was hit with heavy rain.

After the terror group known as the Palestine Liberation Organization committee member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi deleted her bullcrap tweet and offered an apology on Sunday, Tlaib finally addressed the retweet on Tuesday but offered no apology.

"In this era of inaccurate and manipulative news, I will also strive to hold myself to the highest standards for what I share," Tlaib lied, sharing Ashrawi's mea culpa. "Know that I always seek truth as we uplift the oppressed and fight for equality, justice, and freedom."

And one day chickens will darken the sky, if you believe that one.

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt condemned Tlaib for sharing the blood libel tweet.

"This is an example of how the blood libel works in 2020. @RashidaTlaib retweets a vicious lie steeped in centuries-old accusations used to demonize Jews, then says nothing when it's disproven. An apology is overdue," Greenblatt wrote on Sunday.

Tlaib has and her squad buddy Rep, Ilhan Omar (D-MN) cannot go a full hour without making an anti-Semitic comment. They are truly a disgrace to the U.S. Congress.

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Monday, January 27, 2020

Adam Schiff reads Trump's mind . . . again

Adam Schiff (D-CA) is the House Intelligence Committee Chairman, which of course, is an oxymoron. He may be touted to be the voice of freedom and wisdom by CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and the rest of the mainstream media, but anyone with more than two brain neurons to rub together know that he's a self-serving liar and a fraud.

Schiff is now reading President Trump's mind.

On Sunday, Schiff claimed that the tweet from Trump is "intended to be" a threat.

"I don't think it was personal to refer to the CBS story, what may be personal though, and I think I have to be very candid about this, I made the argument that it's going to require moral courage to stand up to this president," Schiff said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Schiff, the lead House impeachment manager in the Senate trial, added that Trump is a "vindictive" president, but Schiff is not. Just look at his eyes and you can tell.

"I don't think there's any doubt about it, and if you think there is look at the president's tweets about me today saying that I should 'pay a price,'" Schiff said nervously as he looked around for a possible piker.

Trump tweeted early Sunday calling Schiff a "CORRUPT POLITICIAN," who has "not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country." 

The tweet came after Trump's defense team factually highlighted Schiff's lack of credibility during their opening arguments in the Senate proceedings on Saturday.

When Schiff made reference to a CBS News report that GOP senators' heads would be on a "pike" if they break with Trump over the impeachment trial, the senators, including those moderate Republicans who could swing votes to allow witnesses, were angry. This was news to them--fake news--and they are pissed.

Schiff said he wants to speak "candidly" about the problems or hardships Republican senators would face if they break with President Trump. By "candidly," Schiff means "as he crysta balls it." He said he worries that they would be offended, and thus, not vote to remove Trump from the 2020 ballot.

"It is going to be very difficult for some of these senators to stand up to this president, it really is, and there's no question about it," Schiff said. "And I want to acknowledge that, and I don't want to acknowledge it in a way that is offensive to them, but I do want to speak candidly about it."

So Schiff is claiming that there exists no separation of powers in government, which is utter nonsense.

Schiff added that "if this weren't an issue," senators would not have a problem with calling witnesses. But then again, Schiff had problems allowing Republicans to call witnesses in the House impeachment, and he doesn't want Republicans calling Hunter Biden as a witness when Biden, in fact, is a main witness in the Ukraine debacle.

If impeachment becomes a common occurrence in every administration, the Democrats are going to come to regret what they've done when pens are being handed out as souvenirs.

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Sunday, January 26, 2020

AOC forgets who she was campaigning for at campaign rally

Socialist darling of the left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), is endorsing fellow socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for president of America. She is also out on the campaign trail as a Bernie stand-in. now that he is back in the Senate in the hopes of removing President Trump from the 2020 presidential ballot by impeachment.

As the new star of the far-left, leftist Cortez [aka Alexandria Obviously-Comatose] goes hither and thither for Bernie, she has been spreading the message of the benefits of socialism [at least in her mind] to her young fans composed of people who are deeply concerned about, and opposed to farting cows, people owning their own businesses, the Second Amendment, the First Amendment and free markets.

With Bernie stuck in the Senate listening to the babblings of bug-eyed, lunatic Democrats relentlessly repeat their call for Trump's removal so they can win the election, Obviously-Comatose is a perfect spokesperson for Bernie's at the rally in Iowa.

AOC, 29, who is her own perfect selfie, along with Michael "I Never Met a Burger I Didn't Love" Moore, went to the rally to speak on behalf of their hope for the presidency.

But only Michael Moore understood why he was there and actually praised comrade Sanders. 

He eventually introduced the belchy-voice AOC who spoke about her main issues: immigration policy [everyone gets a free gift] Medicare for all [everyone runs out of toilet paper] and the environment and her Green New Deal. [We're all going to be dead in ten years, so duh, why bother?]

She honked on about this and that, and everything she deems important, but never once, not one single, solitary time, did she mention Bernie Sanders by name.

She couldn't even get that right because she is so left.

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Vet Org. wants POTUS apology regarding TBI ASAP

Trump discusses Adam Schiff's manliness
A veterans organization is asking President Trump to apologize for one of his recent "Trumpianisms" in which he said that traumatic brain injuries are "not very serious." It is possible that he's confusing the symptoms of the Democratic Party with TBI, but that is not the case here.

Trump spoke at the Davos World Economic Forum on Wednesday and was asked a question by a reporter about the TBIs reportedly suffered by some Americans at the Ain al-Asad airbase recently hit by an Iranian retaliatory strike after the United States killed Cassem Soleimani, the terrorist leader of Iran's Quds force. 

The reporter asked, "Mr. President, a question on Iran. Initially, you said repeatedly to Americans that after Iran retaliated for the Soleimani strike, no Americans were injured. We now know at least 11 US servicemen were airlifted from Iraq. Can you explain the discrepancy?"

The President responded, "No. I heard that they had headaches and a couple of other things, but I would say, and I can report it is not very serious, not very serious."

The reporter then asked: "So you don’t think that [their] potential traumatic brain injury is serious?"

President Trump answered, "They told me about it numerous days later. You’d have to ask Department of Defense. No, I don’t consider them very serious injuries relative to other injuries that I’ve seen. I’ve seen what Iran has done with their roadside bombs to our troops. I’ve seen people with no legs and with no arms. I’ve seen people that were horribly, horribly injured in that area, that war. In fact, many cases – put those bombs, put there by Soleimani, who’s no longer with us. I consider them to be really bad injuries. No, I do not consider that to be bad injuries, no."

In response to the president’s comments, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) National Commander William Schmitz issued the following statement on Friday:

In light of today’s announcement from the defense department that 34 U.S. service members suffered traumatic brain injuries as a result of Iran’s retaliatory strike and President Trump’s remarks which minimized these troops’ injuries, the Veterans of Foreign Wars cannot stand idle on this matter. 
TBI is a serious injury and one that cannot be taken lightly. TBI is known to cause depression, memory loss, severe headaches, dizziness and fatigue – all injuries that come with both short- and long-term effects. 
The VFW expects an apology from the president to our service men and women for his misguided remarks. And, we ask that he and the White House join with us in our efforts to educate Americans of the dangers TBI has on these heroes as they protect our great nation in these trying times. Our warriors require our full support more than ever in this challenging environment.

In a Reuters report, that according the Pentagon said that, “on Friday … 34 service members had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury following missile strikes by Iran” on the Iraqi airbase.

This recent number of injured surpasses what was previously announced to have been the total number of traumatic brain injuries following the strike.

According to the Pentagon, 17 of the injured are already back in Iraq and on duty. Eight are back in the United States who had been taken to Germany. Some of these personnel are at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, while nine remain in Germany "undergoing evaluations and treatment."

So President Trump evidently doesn't understand the gravity of TBI as evidenced by his minimizing its severity. It has also been known to cause severe depression and in some cases, has led to suicide, as evidenced by several NFL players in the past.
President Trump has, thus far, not responded to the apology request from the VFW, but knowing his history, it's unlikely that an apology will be forthcoming until it snows in Hades. President Trump doesn't play that.

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Saturday, January 25, 2020

Former Native American wants cabinet full of women if she's elected

Liz shows off her signature rain dance move
Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) believes a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man, so why is she promising a cabinet full of women if, by some incredible glitch in the cosmos, she not only wins the nomination of her party, but goes on to beat President Trump? Does she mean that a man who thinks he is a woman can be in her cabinet, if God forbid, she wins? And what about biological women who believe they are men?

If the former Native American wins the presidency in November, she has made a promise to the heap big god of fertility to appoint a cabinet that is at least half female in an obvious effort to rally the feminists to her socialist cause and set up the men in her cabinet for sexual misconduct lawsuits.

In a lengthy Medium post in which she laid out her plan on “Restoring Our Government After Trump,” Elizabeth Warren made a number of proposals as to whom she will appoint to serve in the Executive Branch. After promising to ensure her picks best represent the people in both economics and influence, she then promised to ensure her cabinet will be one of inclusion consisting of at least: 50% women, 10% black, 10% Hispanic, 10% transgender men, 10% transgender women, and 10% queer. It is unclear how she plans to break down the minority staff. Will she do 5% black men, for example? If so, will that not interfere with the 50% women number?

The math is daunting, but Warren has a plan. It isn't necessarily a good plan, it might even be a stupid, unrealistic plan, but a plan she has.

“Our government officials can best serve the American public when they reflect the diversity of the country itself,” said Warren non-factually. 

“The federal government does a dismal job on diversity and inclusion. The share of Latinas in the federal workforce is about half that of the entire workforce.”

The federal government does a dismal job at everything except when it comes to the military, but socialists like Warren want government involved with all aspects of your life.

Democrats have to use identity politics and intersectionality to get votes because their ideas, while they appear to be virtuous, are nothing more than immoral--taking from people who have more is often thought of as robbery, except when the government does it because they call it "taxes." And if everybody is supposed to pay their "fair share," then how is paying the same percentage across the board not fair?
Liz being "real"
“Even though Black women are disproportionately represented in the federal workforce, they are nearly absent from its leadership ranks,” she continued, failing to explain why this may be true but implying by her silence that it may have to do with rrrrracism! 

Warren went on to talk about white workers, because when you focus on skin color, you bring people together. She doesn't like the "white man;" her like other skin colors, kemosabe.
Liz being even realer drinking beer on video to
prove it
 “White workers make up nearly 80% of the senior civil service despite making up only 63% of the overall federal workforce. The Obama administration worked to raise the proportion of people with disabilities to more than 14% of the federal workforce, but that dropped to 9.2% under Trump.” 

She didn't mention, however, how wages and the number of jobs increased for people of all skin colors, and unemployment and taxes went down for most people in the country.

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Stephanopoulos caught cutting his throat on camera when Jay Sekulow spoke to press

Evidently afraid the public was about to hear the other side of the story, the American Bullcrap Corporation's [ABC] George Stephanopoulos was caught on camera doing a "throat slash" or cut, gesture as President Trump attorney Jay Sekulow took questions from actual journalists on Thursday during the Senate impeachment trial coverage.

Stephanopoulos was a staffer for former President Bill "I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman" Clinton. We can surmise that Stephanopoulos was signaling to his producers to stop allowing his one viewer [named Jim] to hear Sekulow's thoughts about the trial.

The cut gesture was made after explaining that Trump’s legal team will call witnesses who don’t think alleged actions are impeachable. It was then that the camera cut back to Stephanopoulos, who was making the throat-slash gesture.

The embedded Democrat Stephanopoulos then smirked, appearing to realize his gesture was caught on live television. He is the epitome of fake news along with Jim "Dear Diary" Acosta, Chrissy Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Chrissy Hayes and avowed Communist Lawrence O'Donnell.

“And that is Jay Sekulow right there,” Stephanopoulos told viewers before zipping his fly and quickly moving along to a leftist panel discussion.

Just before ABC cut off the press feed, Sekulow was telling actual journalists that the President's legal team plans to prove two different views on impeachment and both would result in Trump remaining in office.

Stephanopoulos' hate Trump lizard brain kicked in and he made the cut sign.

“We’ve got lawyers that are going to be put forward when our side of the case goes, that represents multiple schools of thought on what is and what is not an impeachable offense,” Sekulow said. “But they have one thing in common, that the actions alleged and the actions of the president do not reach that level. No matter what school of thought you’re on… our position is, you still have to meet basic, fundamental constitutional obligations and they haven’t.”

Before becoming an embedded Democrat in ABC, Stephanopoulos was a Bill Clinton staffer who due to his grossly overt sycophantic behavior got him a senior aide position, possibly "with benefits."

But Stephanopoulus' ties to the Clintons eventually became a source of embarrassment to the American Bullcrap Corporation when he was again caught in an illuminating position. That is, he was caught secretly giving money to the Clinton Foundation and had to recuse himself from hosting any presidential debates

It isn't as if he's the only one with ties to the Democrats or someone who is nefarious. Let's not forget Donna Brazile who gave Hillary Clinton the debate questions in the Democratic nomination campaign of 2016 when she went up against Bernie Sanders, or how the head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz had to resign as the DNC chair after it was learned that there was an agreement in which Hillary would control the party's finances, strategy and all the money raised. Her campaign also had the right of refusal of who'd be the party communication director and all the decision-making on all the staff.

No, Stephanopoulos, like the above-mentioned Democrats, got caught. Donna Brazile got a gig on Fox News for some odd reason. Wasserman-Schultz is still in office. And George Stephanopoulos still works for ABC.

The left controls the media and buys digital ink by the barrel. Those of us on the right need to be very smart and call them out whenever we see injustice or lies.

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Schiffless cites CBS "head on pike" BS angering GOP

The Senate Republicans, even the potential swing-voters, are infuriated after Adam Schiff, House Impeachment Manager, (D-CA) made reference to a report by Complete Bull S*** News (CBS) that GOP members were threatened with dire consequences if they voted to convict President Trump. The only fact in this claim is that CBS made the fake news report.

"CBS News reported last night that a Trump confidant said that key senators were warned, ‘Vote against the president and your head will be on a pike.’ I don’t know if that’s true," Schiff lied, while trying to manipulate Senate Republicans to vote with "moral courage" rather than in their political self-interest [or lack of any evidence].

Several senators went on record objecting to Schiff's BS.

"I thought he was doing fine with [talking about] moral courage until he got to the 'head on a pike.' That's where he lost me,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski, (R-AK) said. She previously stated that she would be open to calling witnesses in the trial. "He's a good orator. ...It was just unnecessary," she added.

After the bug-eyed liar made his remark, several Republican Senators reportedly shook their heads and said, "That's not true," after Schiff made his repugnant remark.

“I hope it’s not true,” Schiff lied. He hates Trump and has repeatedly lied about nonexistent "facts," and non-existent "evidence."

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), considered another key Republican vote, agreed with Murkowski. ["I would like to kick Schiff right in his solar nuts," she was probably thinking.]

“Not only have I never heard the ‘head on the pike’ line but also I know of no Republican senator who has been threatened in any way by anyone in the administration," she told reporters.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), called the story "baloney." She said she was listening to Schiffhead, "until he got to the part where he just completely made a bunch of bullcrap up," [aka BS].

Sen. John Barrasso [R-WY], said, "No Republican senator has been told that. What he has proven to all of us is, he is capable of falsehoods [aka BS] and will tell it to the country. And would tell it to us when we are sitting in the Senate chamber. When every one of us knows it is not true."

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), who has a great announcer's voice, also said he would be open to witnesses and old reporters it’s “completely, totally false.”

“None of us have been told that,” he said. “That’s insulting and demeaning to everyone to say that we somehow live in fear and that the president has threatened all of us.″

Even some Democrats were miffed by the remark.

Sen. Joe Manchin, (D-W.VA.), hasn’t revealed how he plans to vote. Regarding Schiff's BS, Manchin said, "That could have been left out, that's for sure."

Other Democrats scoffed, suggesting the outrage was a made-up excuse to oppose calling witnesses. This too is BS--the Republicans would be happy to call witnesses that make the President's case, such as the main witness, Hunter Biden.

Minority Leader Chuck "Nostrils" Schumer (D-NY), told Communist outlet MSNBC, "The Republicans are so afraid to confront the actual facts here ... they're always looking for a diversion."

The actual facts, as Schumer says, are in the transcript of the phone call, the fact that the left, since the day Trump got elected, planned to impeach him, and the fact that Adam Schiff vetoed every witness the Republican House wanted to testify.

Trump’s defense team will begin their opening statements in the trial Saturday morning after the 28,000 pages of House BS is delivered.

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Friday, January 24, 2020

Gray Lady: Kamala Harris considers major move to back Biden

In a characteristically unprincipled move, by an obviously unprincipled politician, specifically, a woman who slept her way into politics, Kamala Harris seems to be edging toward a public endorsement of the person she referred to as a "racist," former Vice President Joe "Where the F**k Am I" Biden, according to The New York Times, a former newspaper and current birdcage liner.

As The New York Times explains it, the move “could enhance her chances of becoming vice president but could also anger liberals in California.”  

Citing “multiple Democratic officials familiar with her deliberations,” the rag [aka The Times] reported Thursday that Harris is “weighing an endorsement” of "Sleepy Joe." 

She referred to him as a racist in the first Democratic debate.

“Such a move could lift Mr. Biden’s campaign and perhaps do even more to enhance Ms. Harris’s chances of becoming vice president, but it could also anger her liberal base in California,” The Times’ Jonathan Martin wrote.

The good news is that Biden will probably not beat Trump in the election, and he might not even get the nomination as Bernie Sanders [pronounced "Sandahs"] is closing the idiot gap of people who believe he will help the country.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the "Paper of Rectum" that if she does end up endorsing Biden, or any candidate for that matter, she will likely laugh inappropriately and then hold off until the Senate impeachment trial is over.

“Yet she and Mr. Biden, the former vice president, have remained in contact since she exited the race and had a long conversation in the immediate aftermath of her departure,” Martin writes. It is not alleged if they are being intimate, or if it is physically possible on Joe's part to be thus.

Democrats “close” to Harris [except for Willie Brown] told the rag that she is “mindful” that her endorsement would impact the remaining female senators in the race, Sen. Elizabeth "Dances Around Facts" Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Amy "Eat It With Your Hair Comb" Klobuchar (D-MN), and is “uneasy about the prospect of backing a candidate only to see him or her lose California.”

When asked if Biden would consider Harris as a running mate the confused former Vice President said, "Lemons are not always yellow. Did you know that? I kid you not. C'mon, man."

While Biden and Sanders contend for the top spot, the woman with the best shot at the nomination, Warren, has steadily lost ground, mainly because she is a disingenuous liar who is stiffer and less animated than Jeffrey Epstein was on the night of August 10, 2019.

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Ghislaine Maxwell had her email hacked.Uh oh-clients might be exposed in a different way this time

Ghislaine Maxwell was supposedly the late Jeffrey Epstein's friend but not his pimp allegedly. Epstein was a rich guy who was arrested in New York on sex trafficking charges and mysteriously committed suicide while in custody.

Maxwell has been accused by many of Epstein's victims as the person responsible for getting him girls and adult women who were then sexually assaulted by Epstein and his powerful friends.

As Epstein's alleged madame, she is believed to have critical information about many of those powerful male "clients" who allegedly abused or assaulted girls. She is also believed to be under investigation by law enforcement authorities for her alleged role.
"Airmiles Andy" with Epstein's women
When it came to light that on Thursday her personal emails were hacked, people-- such as former president Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, Prince "Airmiles Andy" Andrew, and hundreds, if not thousands, of others whose names may ring a bell--may have quaked in fear over the possibility that damaging information could be released to the public.

Ghislaine Maxwell's personal emails have been hacked, and damaging information, including the names of individuals linked to Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking case, are at risk of being publicly released.

“The revelation was made in a letter filed by the British socialite’s lawyers in the defamation case brought against her by Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Guiffre,” The Daily Mail reported. “The letter was sent by Maxwell’s attorney, Ty Gee, on December 5 to New York federal court Judge Loretta A. Preska but made public last week. The letter addresses the materials that should remain sealed or redacted in the case.”

I can just hear Wild Bill Clinton saying to himself, "What a revoltin' development this is."

Beyond the emails, there’s more information that Maxwell’s’ attorneys are fighting to prevent from coming out in court – thousands of other documents that have “damaging new sex claims about Epstein’s vast network of celebrity friends.”

So even if the emails aren’t leaked, some of this information is likely to come out anyway.

The Telegraph also revealed that Maxwell, in line with Hillary Clinton, had been using a secret email server.

After the Epstein case blew up in August, Maxwell sold her home in Manhattan and it’s not clear where she is now.

Remember, a person is innocent unless proven guilty . . . except for President Trump, according to the left.

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Fredo attacks Trumpsters over Greta Thunberg but forgot about Nick Sandmann

Chris "Fredo" Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo's younger blockhead brother and Comedy News Network (CNN) host, went after "Trumpers" for "going at a kid" on Wednesday. This came as a knee-jerk reaction [emphasis on "jerk"] to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin suggestion that 17-year-old Swedish socialist Greta Thunberg has no qualifications to lecture the world on economics [not to mention climate change].

Hmm. It looks like Fredo stepped into a big pile of "it" again.

Twitter users nudged him to sit this one out, and reminded him how CNN recently settled a $275 million defamation lawsuit brought by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann.

In reaction to the Washington Post's headline, "U.S. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says climate activist Greta Thunberg should go study economics, Fredo tweeted:
"Why do these trumpers think it is ok to go at a kid? U.S. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says climate activist Greta Thunberg should go study economics."
Here's the thing, if you're going to go public with your opinions, then the public has the right to question and challenge them. And furthermore, who the hell is Chris Cuomo to speak on this in the first place?

For example, conservative writer Jeremy Frankel responded on Twitter with:

Former Fox News digital editor Ken LaCorte reiterated, "CNN literally just paid $$$ to a kid they went at last year."

Steven Crowder, of "Louder with Crowder fame asked Fredo, "So it's only okay for CNN to go after kids if they're named Nick Sandmann?"

But let us not forget how they had no problem going after Barron Trump, who, at age 13, was younger than either Thunberg or Sandmann at the time.

And it isn't just the lip-drooling, shirt-tucking Cuomo and CNN who went after Nick Sandmann. He has viable lawsuits against: the Washington Post, disgraced CNN host Reza Aslan [aka Raised in Assland] for tweeting "Have you seen a more punchable face than this kid's?" He is also suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Ana Navarro, Maggie Haberman and Kathy Griffin, who has given up pretending to behead President Trump and now plans to attack teenage boys.

But it was CNN, along with several other outlets that circulated the short video of the encounter between the Covington students and Native American Nathan Phillips at the March to Life rally in Washington, D.C., last year.

Predictably, the students were fraudulently smeared by leftist journalists and pundits who were later forced to apologize when the full footage of what really took place that day was made available. It showed the students were the actual victims of taunting by several adults, including Phillips, who tried to push himself off as a Vietnam war veteran, but who never went there but instead worked as a refrigerator repairman. Phillips got in the face of Sandmann and incessantly was beating a drum in front of him as the kid stood his ground.

Predictably, Fredo Cuomo blamed Trump for the ordeal because idiots often are unable to understand logic and facts and don't understand the concept of blame.

Several on social media accused Cuomo of hypocrisy, but let's remember, the Comedy News Network is an arm of the left and have an agenda.

Below is Fredo's reaction from last year regarding the incident:

You would think that CNN and the other fake news purveyors would have learned their lesson by now, but they never learn. Somehow carrying water for the Democratic Party is more important than the problems that may bring.

But you can see why Chris Cuomo is currently rated as the dumber Cuomo brother. However, the race is close and things can change.

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Thursday, January 23, 2020

CNN Anal-ist admits he lied about GOP Senators' conversation

It's hard to know whether to call Joe Lockhart a Comedy News Network (CNN) political analyst or just an anal-ist. He apparently thinks with the part of his anatomy that resided down south, or that his readers are gullible.

Lockhart was a Clinton White House official so he evidently picked up the habit of lying from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. On Wednesday, he concocted a conversation from his butt that he said took place between two Republican senators who claimed they were stunned about all the things they were learning during the President Trump Senate trial.

Lockhart tweeted: 
“Overheard convo between two Republican Senators who only watch Fox News. ‘is this stuff real? I haven’t heard any of this before. I thought it was all about a server. If half the stuff Schiff is saying is true, we’re up shit’s creek. Hope the White House has exculpatory evidence.[‘]”
Not long afterward Lockhart added a second tweet to his first tweet: 
“Ok maybe I made up the convo, but you know that’s exactly what they’re thinking.”
If anyone at Fox News, or any other right-wing media outfit tweeted crap like that, it would be all over the news and likely all over for the person who posted it.

Republican National Committee (RNC) Rapid Response Director Steve Guest also noted that self-described Washington Post “conservative blogger” Jennifer Rubin, who is really as conservative as Karl Marx, promoted Lockhart’s fabricated quote on her Twitter account.
Is anyone surprised that @JRubinBlogger would push Joe Lockhart's FAKE NEWS tweet to her followers?— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) January 22, 2020
Lockhart was mocked on Tuesday after he went after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for tweeting during the Senate impeachment trial.

Cruz tweeted: 
“NEWSFLASH for Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff: @realDonaldTrump invoking Constitutional privilege is not obstruction of Congress. If it were, nearly every president would have committed impeachable conduct.”
Lockhart responded:
“Senators on the floor are sworn to silence and have no electronic devices. So how is this Senator tweeting? Did he sneak a phone in. Is he willing to go to prison? Or is the tweet from someone other than Cruz. @jack you should investigate”

Numerous journalists and political officials responded to Lockhart by noting that Democrat Senators were doing the same thing as Cruz, proving Lockhart's [and CNN's] journalistic dishonesty

National Republican Senatorial Committee senior adviser Matt Whitlock responded to Lockhart by highlighting tweets from Democrat Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, who were also tweeting during the Senate trial.

Maybe one day Lockhart will remove his head from his cavernous nether regions, but that day has not yet arrived.

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Florida Trump hater kills Trump-loving childhood friend over politics

An anti-government, Trump-hating Florida man may have stabbed his long-standing friend and current manager over the latter's support of President Trump. After the Monday incident, he allegedly placed an American flag alongside his body, according to authorities. 

Mason Toney, 28, is accused of killing William Knight, 28, at an Orlando construction site near the Florida Turnpike, the Orange County Sheriff's Office said. 

Toney was arrested after a search lasting several hours, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

Witnesses said these friends, traveled from one job to another when they got into an argument, possibly over their political differences, according to an affidavit.

Toney is “anti-government and very outspoken about his beliefs that the government is bad and out to get him," Detective Fabian Ramirez wrote in the affidavit.

However, Toney is unwilling to relocate to a country that isn't bad nor out to get him, as is generally the case of leftists.

Mason Toney, 28, is charged with murdering his boss Monday. Authorities suspect the slaying may have been prompted by an argument over their opposing political views.

He wrote that Knight is a "proud and outspoken American and is pro-Donald Trump." Witnesses told investigators they heard Knight yelling for help around 10:30 a.m. They said Toney repeatedly stabbed him with a trowel.

The witnesses began throwing things at Toney before he "advanced on them with what they thought was a knife," investigators said. Toney fled in a white Dodge Ram truck, calling the other employees "terrorists," one witness alleged.

Investigators found a new American flag next to Knight's body when they responded to the scene. The witnesses said Toney had come to work with a backpack, which was unusual for him, according to the affidavit. It is unclear if the backpack was of the "Hello Kitty" variety or "Dora the Explorer."

Toney is charged with first-degree murder and is being held without bond. Knight's father, William Sr., told WESH-TV that the men had known each other for most of their lives.

“He was a friend of the family,” William Knight said of Toney. “My son went to elementary school with him and to middle school and high school.”

It's doubtful they were the best of friends most recently.

Somehow it feels as if the Democrats are going to blame the killing on President Trump, but it's obvious that it was the Trump supporter who was targeted by an Antifa-style supporter.

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O'Rourke joins with far-left Bloomberg group to flip Texas blue

Robert Francis Beto O'Rourke, the failed Democratic presidential candidate and failed senate candidate for the great state of Texas, is taking time out from eating dirt, going to the dentist, getting haircuts, and lighting his farts, to campaign for state-level candidates for the Texas legislature in traditionally Republican districts. The hypergamy former congressman is also partnering with radical leftist, anti-American groups to help support his agenda.

Unfortunately for the GOP, the Republicans in these districts are not worried, and therefore not energized to get out their vote and party leaders are worried that districts may be flipped.

The Democrats only need to pick up a few seats to flip the Texas House, and this could turn the state blue for future decades.

O’Rourke is campaigning for mildly obese left-wing candidate Eliz Markowitz, whose Second Amendment views align closely with O’Rourke’s extremist views in which he would confiscate guns legally owned, and declassify all religious institutions from their tax-exempt status if they don't fall in line and go against their religious beliefs regarding abortion.

O’Rourke and Markowitz have met and are engaged with Democrat presidential candidate Little Michael Bloomberg’s Mom’s Demand Action anti-freedom group, which exists to fight against the Second Amendment. He denies this group has any connection to the jihadi whose wrote: "How to Build a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom."

The GOP worries that O'Rourke [who sometimes goes by the name "Beto" in order to get the naive Hispanic vote] and Moms Demand Action, both of which are fringe views that aren't in line with Texans, were trying to flip a red seat while running on an anti-Second Amendment agenda.

O’Rourke power tweeted: 
With the amazing @MomsDemand and Women’s Center leadership in Fort Bend county. We discussed the connection between domestic violence and gun violence and the need to have courageous common sense leadership in the state house — @ElizMarkowitz 
If you believe that taking away perfectly legal firearms from law abiding citizens will somehow decrease gun violence because terrorists and criminals will follow the law, you have your head stuck in your nether regions. But of course, if you're reading this, you're not thinking that
way in the first place.
Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott
Markowitz is running against Republican Gary Gates, a successful business owner who has created hundreds of jobs for Texans and who doesn't hate the USA. 

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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Iranian commander made available for 72 virgin allotment

Residents of Qom, Iran meet Supreme Leader
Ali Khamenei after US killed of Soleimani
(Photo: Khamenei.IR)
Iranian Basij forces commander Abdolhossein Mojaddami was in front of his house when two masked men on a motorcycle gunned him down and killed him.

The Basij forces, like the Quds force, is one of the five forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC), are often used to suppress protests and demonstrations in Iran.

Iranian security forces are investigating the matter and are frantically looking for anything that can tie the killing to President Donald Trump as the impeachment debacle is going nowhere.

The one way ticket to Jannah--where brown-eyed virgins are doled out like condoms at a Democratic social club, and the rivers are made of wine--may be due to the possibility that the regime is up to its lips in a cesspool of discontent by the Iranian public.
(Photo: Millennial Post)

Mojaddami's murder follows the droning of IRGC Quds Force commander and terrorist scumbag Maj.-Gen. Qasem Soleimani earlier this month by US special forces. 

He too was not missed. 

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Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....