Saturday, January 25, 2020

Former Native American wants cabinet full of women if she's elected

Liz shows off her signature rain dance move
Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) believes a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man, so why is she promising a cabinet full of women if, by some incredible glitch in the cosmos, she not only wins the nomination of her party, but goes on to beat President Trump? Does she mean that a man who thinks he is a woman can be in her cabinet, if God forbid, she wins? And what about biological women who believe they are men?

If the former Native American wins the presidency in November, she has made a promise to the heap big god of fertility to appoint a cabinet that is at least half female in an obvious effort to rally the feminists to her socialist cause and set up the men in her cabinet for sexual misconduct lawsuits.

In a lengthy Medium post in which she laid out her plan on “Restoring Our Government After Trump,” Elizabeth Warren made a number of proposals as to whom she will appoint to serve in the Executive Branch. After promising to ensure her picks best represent the people in both economics and influence, she then promised to ensure her cabinet will be one of inclusion consisting of at least: 50% women, 10% black, 10% Hispanic, 10% transgender men, 10% transgender women, and 10% queer. It is unclear how she plans to break down the minority staff. Will she do 5% black men, for example? If so, will that not interfere with the 50% women number?

The math is daunting, but Warren has a plan. It isn't necessarily a good plan, it might even be a stupid, unrealistic plan, but a plan she has.

“Our government officials can best serve the American public when they reflect the diversity of the country itself,” said Warren non-factually. 

“The federal government does a dismal job on diversity and inclusion. The share of Latinas in the federal workforce is about half that of the entire workforce.”

The federal government does a dismal job at everything except when it comes to the military, but socialists like Warren want government involved with all aspects of your life.

Democrats have to use identity politics and intersectionality to get votes because their ideas, while they appear to be virtuous, are nothing more than immoral--taking from people who have more is often thought of as robbery, except when the government does it because they call it "taxes." And if everybody is supposed to pay their "fair share," then how is paying the same percentage across the board not fair?
Liz being "real"
“Even though Black women are disproportionately represented in the federal workforce, they are nearly absent from its leadership ranks,” she continued, failing to explain why this may be true but implying by her silence that it may have to do with rrrrracism! 

Warren went on to talk about white workers, because when you focus on skin color, you bring people together. She doesn't like the "white man;" her like other skin colors, kemosabe.
Liz being even realer drinking beer on video to
prove it
 “White workers make up nearly 80% of the senior civil service despite making up only 63% of the overall federal workforce. The Obama administration worked to raise the proportion of people with disabilities to more than 14% of the federal workforce, but that dropped to 9.2% under Trump.” 

She didn't mention, however, how wages and the number of jobs increased for people of all skin colors, and unemployment and taxes went down for most people in the country.

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1 comment:

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