Wednesday, January 29, 2020

CNN's Lemon poorly explains why he laughed at mockery of Trump supporters

When you purchase a vehicle and it breaks down within days, they call the vehicle a "lemon." When you have a CNN host laugh at "jokes" that mock Trump supporters and southerners as stupid rubes who can't even read, they call that host Don Lemon. 

In Lemon's case, he mocks people who disagree with him politically and he's an idiot for doing so. 

Calling a large swath of America "stupid rednecks" is a very stupid thing to do. It's clear that CNN has a lemon in Lemon.

The Lemon defended himself for the social media blowback but his explanation was a lie and disingenuous. He did not apologize because he isn't really sorry. He simply [emphasis on 'simply'] said that he was merely laughing at the joke itself, and that he doesn't mock people because that isn't how he rolls.

Below is the video in question. Ironically, the YouTube video got more views than the CNN segment it depicts.

This should become a Trump 2020 campaign video. It clearly shows what the left thinks of conservatives and Republicans in general. Mocking us is not a smart strategy but CNN will never be accused of that.

The cast in the video along with the Lemon, is leftist Wajahat Ali, and make believe Republican Rick Wilson, a guy who's as much a Republican as Jennifer Rubin who also pretends to be on the right.

Here is Lemon's response to the broadcast:
"This is personally important for me to address this, OK? Ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you- I don't believe in belittling people, belittling anyone for who they are, what they believe, or where they're from. During an interview on Saturday night, one of my guests said something that made me laugh. And while in the moment, I found that joke humorous. And I didn't catch everything that was said. Just to make it perfectly clear, I was laughing at the joke and not at any group of people." 
The specific joke Lemon was referring to remains a mystery. The first joke was an attack of President Trump while the rest of the jokes mocked all of his supporters.

Steve Krakauer of TheFirstTV tweeted:


When CNN has to pay airports $100 thousand per year to broadcast their programming, you know they're desperate for viewership. When they have a far-left, Trump-hating people such as Lemon and Chris Cuomo, [aka Fredo], you can understand why they should be referred to as the Comedy News Network.

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