The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is celebrating a birthday in September--they will be 20 years old. In honor of this, they will have their annual fundraiser to help spread joy and terror throughout the Western world. The very right Reverend, MSNBC host, and winner of this years Race Card Award, Al Sharpton is slated to be the keynote speaker. That should be fun.
Translating for Sharpton will be America's favorite Muslim Congressman, the honorable Keith Ellison. Also in attendance will be Congressman James Moron Moran, and CAIR Board Chair Roula Allouch.
Sharpton has agreed to be pulled away from Ferguson, MO where he is marching arm-in-arm with the Brown family, whose son, Michael, was shot by a police officer, as well as marching side-by-side with an assortment of people who genuinely care about justice, race issues, and looters who don't a fig about anything but stealing.
Sharpton has been called a "race hustler" by his critics and a guy you can get high with, by his friends. He is President Obama's "go-to black leader," according to a 60 Minutes report. They say that not only does Sharpton travel just to see Obama and breathe the same air, but Obama travels on taxpayer money to see him, according to the report (that phrased it slightly different).
CAIR claims its mission is "to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding," but in truth, this is unadulterated BS.
Even Senator Chuck "Nostrils" Schumer says of CAIR " . . . we know it has ties to terrorism."
Steven Pomerantz, former FBI chief on counter-terrorism said that "CAIR, its leaders, and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups."
And John P. O'Neill, Sr., who died in the World Trade Center on 9-11, and was also a counter-terrorism chief, named CAIR in a lawsuit as having "been part of the criminal conspiracy of radical Islamic terrorism."
CAIR is seen by many as an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, so it is highly possible that Sharpton is going to the fundraiser to scout things out for Obama. The motto of CAIR is: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Quaran is our law. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu Akbar!"
How peachy.
So who is Roula Allouch? She describes herself as a "Northern Kentucky girl" shucks, and is an attorney who heads CAIR since this past June. She is 34 and grew up in Berea and Lexington and went to the University of Kentucky and later moved to the Greater Cincinnati area 8 years ago.
Allouch has been involved with CAIR since law school and in 2008 became active with the Cincinnati board.
In an interview with, Ms. Allouch was asked: "What's the biggest challenge Muslims face in Greater Cincinnati? Has life for Muslims gotten better or worse in recent times?"
Her response: "I think the biggest challenge is really that members of the Muslim community want the same things that people in the greater community want: secure jobs, safety for their families, education for children and on top of that, members of the Muslim community sometimes face scrutiny from others who may have misconceptions about what our faith means and what it means to be someone practicing our faith. I think very similar experiences as the greater community in terms of day to day concerns but there's just that added pressure unfortunately sometimes impacts us." That's what was reported, verbatim. I'm not totally sure what she was trying to convey in her last sentence, but you get the gist.
It would be great if Allouch actually knew what the facts are regarding attacks on Muslims versus the number of attacks on Jews across the country. The numbers are staggeringly higher for anti-Semitic attacks.
The next question: "What's the biggest misunderstanding or misconception that people not familiar with the Islamic faith have about Muslims?"
Her reply: "I think to me the biggest thing is looking at people in the Muslim community as another instead of understanding that we practice a faith that is a monotheistic faith. We have the same core set of values and principles. We just, I think, too often are looked at as the other instead of people understanding that we practice a different faith, but there's so many similarities."
I'll give her some of that--Islam is monotheistic, but there is no comparison of Allah with any other deity except to say that pretty much anything pisses him off. Allah hates nonbelievers, Jews, gays, apostates, and Christians, but not in any special order. Allah says that making war is good for you. It's in the Koran--read the damn book if you don't believe me.
Muslims love to make themselves out to be the victims. Even that piece of human excrement who beheaded James Foley yesterday blamed his butchering on Obama. It's like the abusive husband who tells his wife, "Don't make me come over there and beat the crap out of you, Stella." Yes, they blame the victim and claim to be mistreated by them (see Hamas).
There's a lot more to the interview with Allouch. Just keep a barf bag close by as you read it, and try not to think about James Foley.
So Al Sharptongue and Keith Ellison have finally come out of their closets. Sharpton clearly hates Jews and Ellison, who is a Muslim, seems to side with Obama's take on the Muslim Brotherhood. Maybe Ellison also hates Jews--what the hell--it's becoming the "cool" thing to do among the cretin set.