Friday, August 22, 2014

Race-Baiter Agitators

If Barack Obama was president on September 11, 2001 and went back on vacation September 12, 2001, liberals would defend him. It's a knee-jerk reaction like the reaction blacks and race-baiters have for the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, MO. And besides blacks and race-baiters like the very Revolting Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, we have the left-leaning news media practically calling Darren Wilson guilty of murder even before the facts have been totally compiled. That's racist.

Spike Lee, the producer of such misogynistic films such as that 2004 gem "She Hate Me," and the 1996 phone sex "comedy" called "Girl 6," has also gotten involved in the protesting in Ferguson. "Something smells bad in Ferguson and it's not just the tear gas." He might have been referring to his movie, "Summer of Sam," made in 1999, depicting panic and distrust in New York City in the summer of 1977 when David 'Son of Sam' Berkowitz went on a killing spree. This movie was an attempt to depict with the fear and paranoia in the city at that time, but the flick smelled of Martin Scorsese below par excess. But that wasn't what Spike was referring to--he believes that there is a war being waged on the black male.

Spike Lee is correct: there is a war being waged on the black male; he just hasn't figured out who the real combatants are in this war.

Only a tiny percentage of black males are killed by the police each year--less than one percent. The overwhelming percentage of blacks are killed by other blacks. 

Where is the outrage? Where are the race-baiters on this issue? They are too busy using the race card on the "white oppressors." That's racist.

The New Black Panthers are clearly racist, if we really were to be honest. They are calling for Officer Wilson's head on a platter. In the last presidential election, the New Black Panthers intimidated white people at a Philadelphia polling place--it's on video--and when it was brought to the attention of the DoJ, Eric Holder refused to prosecute. When special privileges are given to one group at the expense of another, that's racist (see Holder, Eric).

People who say that Officer Wilson is guilty of "slaughtering" or "executing" Michael Brown would not say this if the races were reversed. Without all the evidence they have tried Wilson and found him guilty based on skin color. When you prejudge the facts based on race, you're a racist.

Now Eric Holder is in Ferguson and has made it clear to the press that he is, indeed, black. That's code for "I'm going to look at this case and prove Officer Wilson killed that sweet young man in cold blood, in "broad daylight," (as MO governor, Nixon said). The term "broad daylight" implies that a crime had been committed, and while Nixon is white, and possibly not a racist, he is a self-serving political hack like some other people in government you may be aware of (see Obama, Barack Hussein).

What is Eric Holder doing in Ferguson before the case has gone before a grand jury? Well, Obama sent him. Obama is the master race-baiter saying we need peace and calm, we need to not prejudge, but then sends in the head of the DoJ who makes it clear that he's black and justice will be done.

And all the while the media huddle up in Ferguson, they have totally disregarded a similar case in which an unarmed 20 year old white man, Dillon Taylor, was shot and killed by a black police officer, whom the local media refers to as "not white." The shooting took place in Salt Lake City, Utah and you can read more on this and see the video here. I have a strong gut-feeling that Eric Holder is not going to show up in Utah any time soon.

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