Tuesday, August 19, 2014

James Foley of Stars and Stripes Beheaded by ISIS

Stars and Stripes, the military newspaper, printed a report by Patrick Dickson today stating that their former reporter, James Foley has been beheaded by ISIS. He had been held captive in Syria for over two years.

Foley, a graduate of Marquette University in 1996, was deployed to Afghanistan for Stars and Stripes in 2011. He went missing while freelancing in Northwest Syria on November 22, 2012. Foley is from Rochester, NH and is the oldest of five siblings.

Not all news outlets are stating as fact that Foley had indeed been killed but Stars and Stripes is stating this as fact.

ISIS terrorists released a video today that allegedly shows the brutal, callous, Islamic-style beheading of the 40 year old journalist. 

It is now time the United States wreak havoc and mass slaughter on these scumbags. It's highly doubtful that this will happen, however, based on the track record of our so-called Commander-in-Chief.

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