Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hamas Bleeds All Over Itself While Claiming Victory

Right now, just as I write this, Israel and Hamas have begun a cease-fire. I wouldn't bet the house that this will last beyond my writing this post, but let's hope it does.

Hamas has suffered great losses in this conflict. Three of their top terrorist leaders have been killed (may they rest after they finish with their 72 virgins) and much of the infrastructure of Gaza has been leveled. On the terror side of the fence, over 2,000 people have been killed in spite of Netanyahu doing everything humanly possible to target only Hamas-holes.

There is a funny part to this story. It seems that Hamas is taking cues from the Obama administration and declaring victory in spite of the beating they took. It doesn't matter however, because Hamas will not disarm and Islam will not give up on their anti-Semitic beliefs.

I believe it's just a matter of time when this all begins again. Hamas is to Israel as ISIS is to America. If we do nothing, we will find ourselves "subdued." 

As it stands now, we are complying with the Islamic demands out of political correctness as we saw in Vermont this week when a restaurant removed an ad for bacon because it offended a Muslim woman. I don't see Jews doing the same and bacon is also taboo (non-kosher) to them. Islam has become the annoying salesperson who rings your bell and refuses to take their foot out of the door.

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