Friday, August 29, 2014

Cameron Almost Has it Right

British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke about radical Islam (which is really orthodox Islam) today as more was learned about Islamic State's murderous butchery in Iraq and Syria. Speaking from 10 Downing Street Cameron talked about the problem of home-grown "radical jihadists" who joined other orthodox Muslims in the Middle East and threatened attacks on the West.

"This is not some foreign conflict thousands of miles away that we can hope to ignore," Cameron said. "The ambition to create an extremist caliphate in the heart of Iraq and Syria is a threat to our own security here in the UK.

"We cannot appease this ideology," the Conservative Party leader correctly said. But what he does not seem to have correct is the notion that Islam has been trying to build a caliphate and eventually a world caliphate, for centuries. "It's how we roll," their prophet once said in different words.

The Prime Minister's words came after President Obama told the world that he plans to do nothing about ISIS in Syria for now. "I don't want to put the cart before the horse. We don't have a strategy yet." Then he went off to golf or something, not concerned with the fact that on Thursday, a video showed ISIS marching about 100 Syrian soldiers who only wore their underwear in the desert and then executing them. Obama was also unperturbed that on Friday, ISIS released photos of Kurdish Peshmerga who were captured in Iraq, showing one of the men beheaded.

So the UK raised its terror threat from "substantial" to "severe," or the fourth of five levels in response to ISIS. This level indicates their belief that a terrorist attack is highly likely, but cannot produce evidence that it's imminent. 

"My first priority as Prime Minister is make to sure we do everything possible to keep our people safe," Cameron said, to which Obama might have replied: "My first priority as President of the United States of America is to myself and to improve my slice."
A very presidential: Hang in there, baby

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said today that we have no current plan to raise our threat level; "that's for pussies." (Okay--he didn't really say that.) But he also bent over backwards to assert that the U.S. is not "at war" with Islamic State and, Allah willing, we never will be. 

That's refreshing to know. The Islamic State is at war with us, but we aren't at war with them. It's like finding yourself in a boxing ring and your opponent is hitting you while you're trying to convince him that you didn't come there to fight.

Cameron plans to bar those who leave the UK to fight in jihad from returning to the homeland, and make it easier to revoke passports of those who would bring harm to the UK.

David Cameron almost has it right. His ideas on how to deal with home-grown terrorists seem viable. His understanding that these scum buckets cannot be appeased is also true. His sense of urgency is refreshing to see at a time when our own president appears to be totally incompetent.

But Cameron needs to understand that what we are seeing in the world and the jihadist movement is the playing out of the Islamic ideology at its core. This is not radical Islam--it is orthodox Islam.These are not a tiny minority of Muslims who believe in sharia law and in a caliphate. Many millions of Muslims have said they would like to see this, and many Muslims have said that 911 was justified.

Now all we need to do is hurry up and wait for Obama to ponder the situation.

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