Sunday, August 24, 2014

Reid and Biden: 2 Pods with Pea Brains

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Duh-NV) spoke on Thursday to a group of Asian businessmen and women at a meeting sponsored by the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of his being there was to convince the group to endorse Lucy Flores (Duh) for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada.

In true Reid form, his tongue went into gear before he engaged his brain, but because of this, his true feelings were exposed. "I don't think you're smarter than anybody else, but you've convinced a lot of us you are," Reid said in a serious-as-Ebola-tone. 

His concluding statement was even more pea-brained: "One problem that I had today is keeping my Wongs straight." Nice touch. If at first you don't insult, try, try again.

As it turned out, the group did not endorse Ms. Flores, an Hispanic, but instead endorsed her Republican rival, Mark Hutchison. 

And speaking of Hispanics, back in August of 2010, Reid made this comment: "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican. Okay? Do I need to say more?" So Harry likes to put different "heritages" into neat groups and remove their individuality.

But do you remember the best one? Back in 2008 Harry suggested that Obama's success was largely due to his "light-skinned" appearance and his ability to turn his "Negro dialect" on and off as needed.

Now old Harry is aghast over the Washington Redskins name and is refusing to go to any games until the club changes its name. He even sent a letter to the Washington Redskins President Bruce Allen saying that he is "promoting a racial slur by retaining the name." He also said that the name "disgraces the American people," [especially light-skinned Negroes].

It's a good thing Harry is a leftist Democrat. He gets a free lifetime pass at having to accept the race card. (It has Al Sharpton's photo on it.)

Then we have Joe-the-Village-Idiot-Biden. 

It's no secret Biden hates the Serbs. The Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Parliament representative Jovan Palalic told the press that Biden was on a vicious crusade against the Serbian nation and state.

Biden appeared on CNN's Larry King Live when he stated that "Serbs are illiterate degenerates, baby killers, butchers and rapists," in 1999 when he spoke over NATO aggression against Serbia and added: "all Serbs should be placed in Nazi-styled concentration camps." And so on.

I don't know, I just think there has to be a least a handful of Serbs who aren't baby killers, rapists and butchers. In fact, it sounds more like he's talking about ISIS than Serbia, which have committed the exact crimes he mentioned, but Joe hasn't said much on those terrorists.

And who can forget when back in 2007 after Obama announced his candidacy, Joe Biden calling Obama: "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright, and clean, and a nice-looking guy"?  Or when speaking to a black crowd in Danville, Virginia that "Republicans are going to put y'all back in chains."

All you need to do is imagine Mitt Romney saying any of the above. You know what would happen.

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