Sunday, August 31, 2014

Another Day, Another Lie

One week ago the Sunday Times reported that "president" Obama waited about one month before giving the green light to Special Forces to attempt the rescue of photo journalist James Foley and other Western hostages being held in Syria. Unfortunately, we were too late and Foley was beheaded by ISIS and the butchery was shown on YouTube.

Now the White House is denying that report, according to Jordan Schachtel for Breitbart News

The attempt was made to rescue Foley in the early summer but failed when no hostages were found at the location designated by our intelligence. There were gun battles between our Special Forces and the terrorists and no Americans were killed or injured.

The White House later went on to reveal this failure to the world--a brilliant non-strategy possibly conceived of by Joe-the-Village-Idiot-Biden.

Anthony Shaffer, a former "spook" in the military told The Sunday Times, "I'm told it was almost a 30-day delay from when they said they wanted to go, to when they finally gave the green light. They were ready to go in June to grab the guy [Foley] and they weren't permitted." No big deal to Obama--nobody in his family was in danger.

Once the news broke of the failure, Homeland Security Advisor Lisa Monaco spoke about the operation claiming that as the "opportunity presented itself, president Obama immediately took action," contradicting The Sunday Times report.

She didn't say what that action was, but I would not be surprised if it had something to do with hitting little balls into holes using various shaped instruments.

And speaking of little balls . . . 

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