Wednesday, July 3, 2024

DSM 5 Rev. changing term "dementia" to " common cold"

The Fifth Edition to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders will soon be changing the diagnosis of Dementia (290 - 290.4) to Common Cold, which is designated by the ICD-10 as J00 and medically known as acute nasopharyngitis. 

Originally the term dementia was categorized as a Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD) but due to our present state of political correctness, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has simply changed the nomenclature, not the actual diagnosis.

Now the DSM-5 [apart from the ICD-10] defines the  "common cold [J00]" as a major neurocognitive disorder, as a significant decline in one or more cognitive domains that interferes with a person's ability to perform everyday activities. The cognitive domains that may be affected include: 
1) complex attention.
2) executive function [no pun intended]
3. learning and memory
4) language
5) perceptual-motor function
6) social cognition
So when U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. falls asleep after 4 p.m., or when he undergoes a week of intensive debate preparation but forgets the debate preparation, or when his language sounds muddled and totally confused or becomes a word salad, or when he has frequent falls up stairs, off bikes, or when he shakes hands and nobody is there, do not call it dementia or neurocognitive disorder. 

Call it the common cold.

After all, that's what his staff calls it--at least in public.

But at least he got over it the next day when he was at the Waffle House.

Biden braintrust blame WH staff for Joe's demented debate performance

". . . anyway . . . "

Doctor Jill and Hunter Biden, along with Joe's inner circle, blame the White House staff for Joe's demented performance at the Presidential debate with a living person named Donald Trump. They believe the staff gave him too much information for his addled brain to process and overloaded him with words. They even overloaded him with facial makeup that made him look pale.

Fortunately, they fixed the latter problem and spray-tanned his face to make him look Trump.

Meanwhile, the first family is urging Joe to stay in the race despite the debate debacle at the first Presidential debate last Thursday, because if he drops out of the race, Hunter will likely go to prison for his crime, and Jill will lose the Munchausen presidency syndrome by proxy.

Even the DNC's New York Times and MSNBC called the Democrats' reaction to Biden's disastrous [albeit predictable by Republicans] performance as "panic" Jill and Hunter are practically begging Joe to not give up the ship of fools.

One leftist source close to Biden’s inner circle said, “the entire family is united” in keeping Joe Biden in the race and denied that The President is considering dropping out. Fact is, Joe Biden's only consideration is one scoop or two.

His family members have said, “You get up and keep fighting,” according to the source.

The Biden family is venting its anger on White House staffers rather than blaming Biden’s age, advanced dementia, poor judgment, inability to complete two sentences without a teleprompter [and then it's still a crap-shoot] his chronic lying, his visual hallucinations and his infirmity for the poor showing.

John Morgan, a top Democratic donor and friends with Joe's brother Frank, made the following claim: “Biden has for too long been fooled by the value of Anita Dunn and her husband,” Morgan wrote on social media. “They need to go … TODAY. The grifting is gross. It was political malpractice.” 

And he was not referring to Hunter or the Biden family's political malpractice.

Morgan said in an interview, “It would be like if you took a prizefighter who was going to have a title fight and put him in a sauna for 15 hours then said, ‘Go fight,’” he said. “I believe the debate is solely on Ron Klain, Bob Bauer, and Anita Dunn.” Certainly not on Joe Biden's inability to hide his dementia from the American public.

Anita Dunn serves as Biden’s senior adviser; her husband, Bob Bauer, is his lawyer, and Ron Klain is the former chief of staff and is known to be a total jerk.

Biden’s family and friends have accused Klain of overloading him with statistics and long words during debate preparations, not giving him adequate rest, and even allowing makeup artists to make him look pale.

And if you believe that was what affected Joe's performance, you're probably working for MSNBC.

Our country is being run by somebody behind the proverbial curtain. It sure as squirrel poop is nutty, it isn't Joe Biden running anything.

Shalom, mon. Bob Marley's grandson has his Bar Mitzvah

Abraham Marley, the grandson of raggae legend Bob Marley, celebrated his bar mitzvah last week. (Bet you didn't know Bob Marley was half Jewish.) 


Abraham Marley's dad, Ziggy, shared a photo on Instagram of the bar mitzvah saying: “I share this photo of Abraham and I from his celebration of becoming a man according to the ancient tradition. He has reached that age of responsibility and change. JAH.” 

Ziggy Marley was raised in the Rastafarian faith of his father, which, like Judaism, is an Abrahamic religion rooted in the Torah. Abraham’s mother, Orly Agai Marley, is Israeli, of Iranian Jewish descent.

Following Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, Ziggy publicly supported Israel by signing a letter from the Creative Community for Peace and posted, “Free Gaza from Hamas” on October 20. This support underscores the Marley family's commitment to peace and justice and maybe a spliff or two of Jamaican ganja. 

Bob Marley would undoubtedly be proud of his grandson taking his place as a member of the tribe. Sadly he passed away in 1981.

His words from “Redemption Song” resonate deeply: “How long shall they kill our prophets/While we stand aside and look? Ooh!/Some say it's just a part of it:/We've got to fulfill de book.”

Japanese "journalist" denies Hamas atrocities

Mrs. Hanky 

Miki Otaka, a fake news "journalist" in Japan is being bashed for denying that on October 7th, Hamas raped, murdered, beheaded, burned and generally did atrocious things to people for being Jewish.

Otaka denied Hamas and civilian Gazans raped Israeli women and girls, and committed horrible atrocities during the Oct. 7 invasion of Israel. After making these obviously anti-Semitic claims, she accused Israel of using unconventional weapons to commit genocide in the Gaza Strip. She also said Israel fabricated the massacre altogether, in spite of Hamas bragging about it and using Go-Pro cameras to film their barbarism, and called home to mommy and daddy to brag about how many Jews they killed.

In the Japanese-language podcast, the POS also accused Israel of spreading radioactive material in Gaza to “eliminate” the local population. She is a tool of Hamas and is clearly someone who needs to find other work, perhaps in the Middle East.

“October 7th was a fabrication,” the lying Otaka said. “Israel uses depleted uranium bombs to eliminate Gaza in the future. The land in Gaza is already contaminated with radioactive soil. In fact, there are already cases of children inhaling smoke from depleted uranium bombs and suffering from pneumonia, radioactive contamination, and cancer.”

And she knows this how?

“Israel has a vision for Gaza, as a first step, and then it wants to settle Jews there. A UN report says the radiation will remain there for 450 years,” Otaka continued in her lies.

The 55-year-old Tokyo-born journalist went on to falsely claim that Gazans are denied drinking water. Israel currently supplies the coastal enclave with water, including during the ongoing conflict, in spite of photographic evidence to the contrary.

“There is no drinking water in Gaza. The only way is to drink seawater, and of course, this water is not healthy. Israel has imposed a total blockade on Gaza. The Palestinian ambassador said the main reason for the attack on Rafah is to lock all Palestinians in, so they will never leave the ghetto. If all supplies, food, medicine, and water brought there are cut off, these people will die.”

If you've been drink seawater you can expect to die. It's extremely dangerous and leads to severe dehydration, kidney failure due to high salt concentration, and eventually death. There is zero evidence that Gaza's water supply has been cut off. In fact, the evidence of food and water denial is caused by Hamas stealing it and in some cases reselling it to Gazans.

But the disgusting anti-Semite continued: “There were videos and photos of the atrocities committed by Hamas. However, a report came out saying these were actually fabrications,” Otaka claimed without backing up her bull crap.

“I’m not saying all of them, but… the biggest justification for retaliation against Hamas is that Hamas beheaded 40 babies; even Biden said that. And mass rape of women by Hamas. I also met with the Palestinian ambassador, and the ambassador told me: ‘How could they afford to do that when they entered Israel, risking their lives?’ Meaning they were in a high-alert combat situation in enemy territory, so they probably didn’t even think about raping women.”

In response to her balderdash, the Simon Wiesenthal Center filed a protest with the Japanese government, calling on Tokyo to condemn Otaka’s comments.

SWC Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action Agenda Rabbi Abraham Cooper penned a letter to Japan’s ambassador to the United States, Shigeo Yamada, urging him to denounce Otaka’s false claims.

“Ambassador Yamada, we all know the power of social media to influence people and in the case of Ms. Otaka, there are those who would take this journalist’s screeds as fact since she is influential enough to regularly write for a publication that carries articles written by members of the Japanese Diet.”

Rabbi Cooper also noted that “she has ‘liked’ a pernicious and lurid online posting that alleges that there was a nursery in Auschwitz and links Holocaust denial to the denial of Oct 7th.”

Miki Otaka is a garbage human being who supports obvious terrorists.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Israeli Defense Forces end 40 Hamas terrorists in Shejaiya, central Gaza

In this wild and crazy world where it's acceptable for some in the West to support terrorists whose religious imperative is to kill Jews, especially Jews in Israel, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) renewed their operations in the city of Shejaiya on Thursday after Hamassholes fled there to regroup in order to kill more Jews.

But the only regrouping 40 of them ended up doing was in a place called Jannah, or Islamic Paradise. The IDF eliminated them and it's more likely that number is conservative because of the active airstrikes that destroyed buildings and tunnels where the rats like to hide and "regroup."

Israeli troops discovered new tunnels in Shejaiya and also went into central Gaza's Netzarim Corridor.

The operation is being carried out by the 98th Division, with two brigades: the 7th Armored Brigade and the Paratroopers Brigade. 

These guys are the real deal. The IDF also raided Hamas headquarters where some were booby-trapped with explosives and terrorists.

Israel’s military fought in Shejaiya in December and dismantled a battalion there.

Hamas slithered back to the region in April as the IDF lessened the intensity of its operations there.

On Thursday, the IDF fought Hamas at a school in Shejaiya that was turned into a Hamas terror complex and discovered a rocket launcher. The fighting was intense as Hamas fought them with snipers, explosives, and rocket propelled grenades (RPGs).

In two separate incidents in the city over the weekend, two IDF soldiers were killed and three were wounded.

The two fallen soldiers are Staff Sgt. Yair Avitan, 20, of the Paratroopers Brigade’s 890th Battalion, from Ra’anana and Sgt. First Class (res.) Yakir Shmuel Tatelbaum, 21, of the 7th Armored Brigade’s 77th Battalion, from Ma’ale Adumim.

May their memories be a blessing.

The total number of Israeli troops that have been killed since the beginning of the war in Gaza is 318.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would conduct a situational assessment of the war at the IDF’s Southern Command.

Netanyahu emphasized on Sunday that Israel “will not end the war until we achieve all our goals.”

Clearly, Netanyahu's goal is to eliminate the threat and perhaps even changing the situation in Gaza and Israel after Israel wins.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Mother of US hero angry Prince Harry got her son's award: "I am shocked"

Medals L-R: for holding in flatulence; for learning to fly; 
for marrying Meghan Markle; for being born in royalty. The
silver cross is for the loss of his testicles from said marriage

Pat Tillman was an NFL safety who joined the Army Rangers after the September 11, 2001 attack. He put his football career on the back-burner and risked his life for his country. Sadly, he was killed in a firefight, and it is believed it came from friendly fire. But that's irrelevant--it was his bravery and sacrifice that matters.

ESPN, the far-left sports network, has decided to honor Prince Harry with the Pat Tillman Award because a) he isn't American; b) he isn't heroic; and c) conservatives tend to think of him as a castrated schmuck. This is what happens when a sports network gets involved in politics and forgets that their viewers watch them for sports.

Mary Tillman, Pat's mother, said she was never consulted by the far-left network to give the Duke of Sussex the American award named after her son. 

“I am shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award,” Mary told the Daily Mail. 
“There are recipients that are far more fitting,” she added. “There are individuals working in the veteran community that are doing tremendous things to assist veterans.” The only thing that Harry does is Meghan's bidding. 

She added that Harry is already famous and has received numerous awards in his life, so ESPN should have chosen someone else who’s never been in the spotlight [and has actually done some good for others].

The Pat Tillman Award has often been given to unsung heroes, with last year’s recipient being the Buffalo Bills training staff who revived a player who had suffered a cardiac arrest in the middle of a game. Harry has never revived anyone. 

Pat Tillman

Mary said she was confused as to why ESPN would choose such a polarizing figure [who is married to an even more polarizing B actress]. 

Mary’s condemnation was echoed by ESPN analysts Pat McAfee, who accused his own network on Friday of "trying to piss people off" by selecting Harry for the award.

“It’s going to Prince Harry,” McAfee said on his talk show, “who I don’t even think is a Prince anymore, right? He said don’t call me that? See, why does the ESPYs do this s–t?

“This is like actually the most embarrassing thing I’ve seen in my entire life,” he added.

Mary Tillman

In picking Harry and others to receive honors during the upcoming ESPY Awards (Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly), Kate Jackson, VP, Production at ESPN, touted the recipients as those who have changed the world.

“These honorees have used their platforms to change the world and make it more inclusive for marginalized and suffering communities, demonstrating incredible resilience, positivity and perseverance, and we’re thrilled to celebrate them at the 2024 ESPYs,” Jackson said.

Tillman, a former safety for the Arizona Cardinals, served in Iraq and then Afghanistan before he was killed by friendly fire in 2004, with the soldier posthumously awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart for his service.

DSM 5 Rev. changing term "dementia" to " common cold"

The Fifth Edition to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders will soon be changing the diagnosis of Dementia (290 - 290.4)...