On May 2, 2021 a drive-by shooting took place on the West Bank, allegedly perpetrated by a Palestinian anti-Semite named Muntasir Shalabi. Yehuda Guetta, 19, was killed and two other teenage Israeli students were wounded, one seriously, for the crime of being Jewish.
To the quiet dismay of U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Shalabi was charged at the Judea Military Court with intentional homicide, three counts of attempted homicide, possession and use of an unlicensed weapon, and obstruction of justice.
Shalabi, 47, is suspected of driving to the Tapuah junction in the northern West Bank on May 2 and opening fire at a group of Israeli students from the nearby yeshiva in the Itamar settlement. The act of blatant anti-Semitism and abject cowardice fatally wounded Yehuda Guetta, seriously wounded another teenager, and slightly wounded another.
According to court papers, prosecutors say Shalabi planned to carry out an attack at the junction a month earlier, but twice put it off because he evidently had a tummy ache, possibly because he was worried that his targets might shoot back.
On the day of the attack, he drove to the junction with a pistol on the passenger seat, hidden beneath an Islamic prayer mat that smelled like hummus.
On the day of the attack, he drove to the junction with a pistol on the passenger seat, hidden beneath an Islamic prayer mat that smelled like hummus.
He pulled over to an area alongside the bus stop then shouted a hearty “Allahu akhbar!” (Allah is greater) and started shooting and kept firing until his handgun malfunctioned. [He got it at a fire sale.] He then drove away nearly soiling himself as soldiers guarding the junction opened fire at him.
The jihadi was injured, but he escaped to the West Bank town of Aqraba where he ditched the car, which was later set ablaze by local anti-Zionists as Israeli soldiers arrived to seize it.
Next, the crap weasel went to the home of an acquaintance and confessed what he had done, prosecutors say. From there he was helped to a nearby farm, where he was given more assistance by anti-Semites and a goat.
Shalabi remained frightened and alone, hidden in a deserted building at the farm for nearly three days, his only friends were the chickens and that "special goat." He moved on, just hours before Israeli security forces reached the location and surrounded the building.
Shalabi traveled to Fasa’il in the northern West Bank where he disposed of the cheap pistol and called an anti-Semitic friend, asking him for help. The friend took him to Qalandiya, a town where the "U" didn't follow the "Q," where he next took a taxi to Ramallah. There he cut and dyed his hair, switched clothes, identified as a woman, and bought a new cellphone made by Chinese Uighurs.
He met up with another fair weather friend and they decided that he was better off giving himself up to Palestinian Authority security services than taking his chances of escaping Israeli authorities because the Palestinians sympathize with anti-Semites [much like Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)] and they might give him money and a head start.
However, officers from the Israel Police’s Special Policing Unit and IDF troops, acting on intelligence gathered by the Shin Bet, the badass Israeli intelligence organization, and they raided a building in the village of Silwad, near Ramallah, and took Shalabi into custody. The arrest came an hour after student Yehuda Guetta succumbed to his injuries.
Attorney Haim Bleicher, from the Honenu legal aid organization representing the Guetta family, said in a statement that “the time has come to do justice and sentence the terrorist to death.”
But sadly, Israeli law does not permit the death sentence for convicted terrorists. After all, Israel is not Gaza. They don't even target teenagers and children like Hamassholes and Hezbollah are fond of doing as lShalabi also did.
Muntasir Shalabi |
However, officers from the Israel Police’s Special Policing Unit and IDF troops, acting on intelligence gathered by the Shin Bet, the badass Israeli intelligence organization, and they raided a building in the village of Silwad, near Ramallah, and took Shalabi into custody. The arrest came an hour after student Yehuda Guetta succumbed to his injuries.
Attorney Haim Bleicher, from the Honenu legal aid organization representing the Guetta family, said in a statement that “the time has come to do justice and sentence the terrorist to death.”
But sadly, Israeli law does not permit the death sentence for convicted terrorists. After all, Israel is not Gaza. They don't even target teenagers and children like Hamassholes and Hezbollah are fond of doing as lShalabi also did.
Bleicher also called for legal charges to be held against all those who assisted Shalabi, including the goat, who provided warmth and comfort for the fugitive.
At Thursday’s hearing, Shalabi’s defense attorney claimed that the defendant suffers from serious psychological disorders [known as anti-Semitism] and asked for an assessment by the district psychologist, Army Radio reported.
No assessment has been carried out so far, but another mental health professional who examined Shalabi determined that his claim of having a disorder is inconsistent and unreliable and that he is apparently putting on act, according to the report.
Shalabi, a father of seven future jihadis, is not believed to have any affiliation with Palestinian terror groups, the Shin Bet security service has said. "He's just one angry bast**d who hates Jews and Israel."
Last month IDF Central District Commander Tamir Yadai signed off on an order to demolish Shalabi’s home in the West Bank town of Turmus Ayya. His family objected against the demolition but the army rejected their objections and the house is slated for a new look.
At Thursday’s hearing, Shalabi’s defense attorney claimed that the defendant suffers from serious psychological disorders [known as anti-Semitism] and asked for an assessment by the district psychologist, Army Radio reported.
No assessment has been carried out so far, but another mental health professional who examined Shalabi determined that his claim of having a disorder is inconsistent and unreliable and that he is apparently putting on act, according to the report.
Shalabi, a father of seven future jihadis, is not believed to have any affiliation with Palestinian terror groups, the Shin Bet security service has said. "He's just one angry bast**d who hates Jews and Israel."
Last month IDF Central District Commander Tamir Yadai signed off on an order to demolish Shalabi’s home in the West Bank town of Turmus Ayya. His family objected against the demolition but the army rejected their objections and the house is slated for a new look.
But not to worry--the money President Biden has given the Palestinians will more than pay for a new home and a monthly payday for the Shalabis and other martyrs.
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