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Nose in the air |
But the most upsetting thing Kerry said wasn't about Trump, because we've all come to expect it. No, the worst thing he said was how teenage girls are "insecure."
If you can tolerate Maher's sycophantic antics and the trained seals clapping in the audience, you can watch all of the video. But if you want to cut to the chase, go to about 3:15 on the video to hear Kerry's horrible take on young girls.
If you listen to the entire crap-fest, try not to wet your skivvies when Maher talks about how it's only the left who's honest and honorable.
But Kerry thinks teenage girls are insecure. How demeaning of him and how sexist. I hope his wife didn't hear him say that or she may cut him off from her Heinz Company fortune.
Meanwhile, Kerry has been meeting secretly with Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to discuss Trump and encouraged him to wait until 2020 "when [I] have more flexibility," he was thinking, I bet.
Maher asked Kerry about those meetings, to which Kerry referred to previous secretaries of state who met with Russian and Chinese officials. The big difference, however, is that both of those countries have embassies in the U.S. and Iran, our worst enemy, does not and is on the U.S. list of terrorist countries.
It isn't known whether Kerry joined in with the Iranian public in their ritual of chanting "Death to America! Death to Israel!"
And let's be clear, Kerry spent only four (4) months in Vietnam. His first Purple Heart was awarded for a boo boo he got from a little piece of shrapnel he got above his left elbow from an M-79 grenade launcher he fired himself. He received 2 additional Purple Hearts but none kept him out of action. He also received a Bronze Star and a Silver Star under circumstances some veterans who served with him questioned in their merit.
But he's tall and has lots of hair.
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