Friday, September 14, 2018

Liberal anti-gun prof. shoots himself to protest Trump--seriously!

Las Vegas -- A liberal anti-firearms sociology professor got revenge on President Trump. He shot himself in the arm and this is no joke. An actual liberal professor shot himself in the freaking arm with a .22 cal. handgun.

You've probably seen people on Twitter tweeting that liberalism is a mental disorder. This definitely lends credibility to that assertion.

The real question is: how does shooting yourself make Trump look bad and you look good?

The mental giant prof suffered non-life threatening injuries and needs more time on the range, evidently, and he's facing multiple charges that could land him in jail.

Mark Bird [honestly, that's his name] teaches at the College of Southern Nevada.

The possible charges he faces is bringing a gun onto campus, a "gun-free zone," to carry out the brilliant protest. He also faces charges for "carrying a concealed weapon without a permit and possessing a dangerous weapon on school property."

There is no law against being incredibly stupid.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that Bird shot himself in a bathroom on campus, then [ha ha ha] stumbled out "bleeding, before he collapsed."

He taped a $100 bill to the mirror before shooting himself to protest Trump. The money was a tip to the janitor for having to clean up the blood he was prepared to spill because he's a schmuck.

Bird was hired by the college in 1993. This may earn him some serious points with the liberal faculty and may possibly get him laid.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha . . . .

Practice, practice, practice, Bird. You might win the Darwin Award.

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