Saturday, September 15, 2018

Michael Moore's 'ex' hauling his fat butt to court

Kathleen Glynn the ex-wife of Michael Moore and documentarian is hauling Moore to court on allegations that he stiffed her on profits from their movie projects. This is not Moore's first rodeo with people he has been alleged to have screwed over financially.

Glynn and Moore split in 2014 after 23 glorious years of marital bliss, and an even longer business partnership.

Glynn's attorney, Bonnie Rabin said in Manhattan Supreme Court suit, "She [Glynn] was the driving force in the making of many of [his] films and other ventures in which Mr. Moore was the featured personality, dating back to their first big success, 'Roger and Me' (1989)."

Glynn also produced "Bowling for Columbine" which won an Academy Award because it was so far left and used the deaths of children as props.

She also produced "Fahreinheit 9/11" --the highest-grossing documentary film of all time."

The suit claims Moore walked away from a binding arbitration that was required to "flesh out the terms of an important provision in their property settlement."

Ms. Glynn claims Moore's trying to obtain all the benefits of their divorce settlement where she "signed over essentially all of her interest in the fruits of the parties' joint efforts as filmmakers ... in exchange for a promise of future revenue-sharing by Moore."

The big guy was supposed to pay her 4 percent of total revenue from his creative works but gave her a paltry $541 in 2014, the suit claims. If you do the math, it would mean Moore only made $13,525 during the seven month period, according to court papers.

Moore eats that amount in bacon cheeseburgers in a week so Glynn isn't buying that amount Moore reported to the IRS--negative $350,862 in 2014, and negative $221,025 in 2016.

Thankfully, the couple have no children.

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