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Michael Moore's house |
But back to the beef.
The movie was described by The Daily Beast as a wide-reaching, fast-paced political documentary jumping from Flint, Michigan to Alexandria Googly Eyes Ocasio-Cortez.
It also compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler which minimizes the actual horror of who der Fuhrer was and what he did, but leftists do that most of the time when describing someone they don't like, no matter how many Holocaust survivors and families they insult.
The article states that "Moore's best zingers and most penetrating indictments lnd on the Democratic Party, whom he implicates (along with dominant liberal news media) as part of an establishment system continually churning in place to maintain the status quo and impede forward movement. He even calls out Obama on a few occasions: for letting down the people of Flint, for accepting Goldman Sachs money, for deporting immigrants, for drone strikes. But best of all, Moore acknowledges and emphasizes that he himself is not totally free from that establishment either."
Because he knew he would be attacked for it and tried to handle it pre-emptively.
So the fat man wants us to look at the squirrel and not his bank account. He wants us to look at the illegal aliens coming into the country and being detained, and not his jumbo house. He wants us to be upset with Obama for being a hypocrite for taking money from Goldman Sachs, but not see him as a hypocrite for getting fat off of capitalism while promoting socialism. He wants us not to use drone strikes on our enemies, but he offers no way of dealing with those who want us dead. He attacks the establishment who helped to make him wealthy.
He pretends to be a revolutionary, but he's a fat cat in so many ways, and he's dishonest.
In June this year, Boston Light & Sound, Inc. filed a lawsuit against Moore's Traverse City Film Festival claiming that a total payment of $256,500 had been due September 30, 2017 for their work in the 2017 film festival. "TCFF paid a $100,000 deposit towards the Contract Amount on July 12, 2017," the legal documents claim.
"BL&S performed all of its obligations pursuant to the contract. However, since the 2017 film festival, TCFF has only paid an additional $2,000 toward the outstanding balance owed."
So Moore owes them $159,055.
Chapin Cutler, President of Boston Light & Sound, a 13-year Film Fest collaborator, said his "2017 contract with Film Fest, totaling $256,500, was comparable to past contracts and pricing has not changed," the Traverse City Record-Eagle reported.
In April 2018, big Mike Moore claimed the Traverse City Film Fest "ran a rare deficit last year." [So he believes he doesn't have to pay?]
"It became apparent the festival had overextended," Cutler alleged. "The festival's eyes were a bit bigger than their finances could handle [but not bigger than you-know-who's stomach], and we were the people left standing, holding an invoice."
BL&S further alleged that "On April 24, 2018, BL&S sent letters to TCFF requesting payment fo the contract balance. However, rather than paying the contract balance, or any part thereof, in response to demand letters, TCFF attempted to avoid fulfilling its contractual obligation and the debt incurred by threatening to distribute false and defamatory stories to harm BL&S' good name and business relationships." [Google also Dianne Feinstein's secret about Brett Kavanaugh].
The Traverse City Film Festival has denied these allegations. They also countered saying that the "budget" that BL&S attached to their claim is an "estimates for services, and does not constitute a 'contract' as alleged by BL&S...TCFF did not enter into a 'contract' with BL&S as alleged, and therefore has not refused to pay an outstanding contract balance."
So why did they pay anything if there was no contract?
Anyway, the legalize goes back and forth but it shows that Michael Moore is at least as honest as Hillary Clinton.
The case is now slated for a February jury trial and both parties have "listed Fest Founder Moore as a likely witness."
And there's enough of him to go around for both sides.
In between burgers, Moore chose to discuss the lawsuit at a recent TCFF appearance and his remarks caught the attention of a respected film critic and historian Leonard Maltin.
Maltin, along with his daughter, Jessie, next to him begins by saying he respects Moore but adds that he "can't sit by silently" as he "slanders dear friends of ours, Deborah and Chapin Cutler, and their company Boston Light & Sound."
Jessie then summarized that "The quickest way for us to explain it is that they had to file a lawsuit, because the festival told them they were broke, and they owed them over $150,000.
"And were not interested in finding a way to make a payment plan," Leonard Maltin interjected and went on to describe BL&S as 'miracle workers,' calling them "Decent, hardworking people who hire other decent, hardworking people. They do this as a labor of love."
"So when we heard that Michael Moore was talking about them," Jessie continued, "saying that this lawsuit was some sort of personal vendetta . . ."
"Yes, personal vendetta is what he said," Leonard confirmed. "I don't call it a personal vendetta when I get stiffed for money that I'm owed and that I've done the work required to do. I don't get that, I really don't. And Michal Moore is a man who's always stood up for the little guy, right? [They're all little guys compared to him.] And wants people to do the right thing? Well do the right thing is what I'm saying, and I hope we will hear."
Seriously, is anyone surprised to discover that a leftist can be a hypocrite too?
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