Friday, September 14, 2018

Sen. Feinstein colluded with Chinese spies anonymous source tells Vinny Boombots

"I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese"--Dianne Feinstein
According to my man in the field, Vinny Boombots, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has been secretly hiring Chinese spies to work for her, sources revealed. These sources don't want their identities released as they are worried Feinstein may have them killed by the "Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique" as mentioned in the movie "Kill Bill."

They put nothing past her.

But it comes as no surprise that Feinstein claimed to be surprised to learn of this allegation. That may be due to the fact that while political scrutiny of foreign meddling is at its peak, the story has been hiding in plain sight, and the media likes it that way, so how is she supposed to know about her senate personnel if she can't read about it in The Times?

The story involves China and Feinstein, the former chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which in her case may be an oxymoron, Boombots asserted. It was buried deep inside a recent Politico exposé on foreign attempts to infiltrate Silicon Valley for purposes of espionage.
Former intelligence officials...[said] Chinese intelligence once recruited a staff member at a California office of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the source reported back to China about local politics. (A spokesperson for Feinstein said the office doesn't comment on personnel matters or investigations, but noted that no Feinstein staffer in California has ever had a security clearance]. 
But then again, no one in China who has read all of Hillary Clinton's emails has a U.S. security clearance either, but that's for another time.

The plot thickens and sickens:
According to four former intelligence officials, in the 2000s, a staffer in Senator Dianne Feinstein's San Francisco field office was reporting back to the MSS [China's Ministry of State Security, it's intelligence and security arm]. While this person [let's call him "Odd Job"] who was a liaison to the local  Chinese community, was fired, charges were never filed against him. (One former official reasoned this was because the staffer was providing political intelligence [an oxymoron like 'jumbo shrimp'] and not classified information--making prosecution far more difficult.) The suspected informant was 'run' by officials based at China's San Francisco Consulate, said another former intelligence official. The spy's handler 'probably got an award back in China' for his work, noted this former official, dryly.

This leads us to many questions, some of which are:

So who was the spy and how long was he being watched? What information about "local politics" was he passing to China? How close was he to Feinstein? Were they cuddling or sparking? Does her husband care? Did Feinstein expose herself . . . to potential blackmail [you have a dirty mind]. Is firing really the correct punishment for spying? Will Hillary Clinton ever go to prison as promised by Trump?

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