Friday, April 30, 2021

Biden-Harris administration denies Mount Rushmore 4th of July fireworks in "partisan and political" move:Gov Noem

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem took the Biden administration to task for denying permits that would permit the state to host 4th of July fireworks at Mount Rushmore. She described the move as a "very partisan and political" move on "Your World."

[H/T Fox News]

[The Biden administration] told me they would circle back, but they have denied giving us our permits that we need to host this event. And for me, I’m incredibly disappointed. Because it wasn’t based on anything significant. We had met all the environmental checklists, we had the go/no go checklist prepared and agreed to. We had consulted with our tribes. It appears to be a very partisan and political denial of our right to host this forewords event.
[Last year] we had 7.500 people there celebrating America, our founding fathers, that wonderful monument, and our nation’s independence. We want to do that again this year, we think our country could use it, we could use a celebration and bring some unity to this country in a time that we need it so desperately, and we think it’d be a fantastic event. We’re very disappointed that this White House won’t let us do it.
If the Biden-Harris administration has taught us anything in the first 100 days, it's that no matter what they say, they are doing all they can to demonize conservatives and the Republican Party and use their default position of racism to castigate the right.

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Chad Wolf calls Biden's blaming Trump for border crisis a "pure lie"

"There are lies, damn lies and statistics" --Mark Twain

And then there is Joe Biden. 

Former Department of Homeland Security acting Secretary Chad Wolf called President Joe Biden's claim that Wolf's DHS stonewalled Biden's transition team, further claiming that it led to the current immigration crisis at the U.S. southern border.

In an interview with the "TODAY" show that aired Friday morning, Biden claimed Wolf's department refused to share information with the Biden team and that this left a mess for his administration to clean up after he and Harris took office.

Wolf went on Twitter and accused the plagiarist POTUS of lying [yet again] while attempting to scapegoat former President Trump's administration for Biden and Harris' policy screwups.

“While I respect the Presidency, this is a pure lie. The admin is looking for any reason to explain the crisis they created. We briefed the transition team numerous, numerous times,” Wolf pointed out.

Wolf also pushed back at claims by the addled Biden that Trump had left DHS and the Department of Defense understaffed after firing many officials.

“And the reference to firing officials is lunacy. Someone might want to remind the Admin that firing a federal employee is near impossible. The media needs to hold the Admin accountable for lying to the American people,” Wolf said, perhaps knowing that it will never happen. If Hunter Biden can avoid prison, nothing can stop Biden from lying. 

In the interview, the mumbling Biden blamed Trump for the unprecedented crisis Biden’s administration is struggling to handle on the southern border as a flood of illegal immigrants rush into the United States butt to bellybutton. Biden said the crisis comes from “the failure to have a real transition — cooperation from the last administration, like every other administration has done,” according to NBC News.

“The two departments that didn’t give us access to virtually anything were the immigration and the Defense Department,” Biden claimed. He added that both departments were “understaffed considerably” by the time he took office. And now the Biden-Harris administration would like to defund those departments if they could get away with it, but that doesn't count.

Americans largely disapprove of how Biden is handling the border crisis. The Biden administration and Democratic leaders have refused to call the flood of illegal immigration a “crisis,” repeatedly referring to the situation on the border as a challenge. If there is a challenge, it's Biden's cognitive abilities.

Most Americans  consider the southern border to be in “crisis,” however, according to a CNN poll. Those who don't see it that way, may have come to that conclusion after eating too many Tide Pods. 

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Catholic Bishops may decide to ban Biden from receiving Communion

Joe does his signature "Joker" imitation

The decision to allow Biden to receive the Body of Christ, in spite of his decision to allow unborn babies to be killed, is being decided in June by American bishops. They will vote on a document clarifying whether high-profile pro-abortion "Cafeteria Catholics," such as our brain-addled President, be denied Holy Communion. It's even possible that New York Gov. Andrew "Nobody Beats My Covid Score" Cuomo (D) will have his Communion privilege revoked, and this means he can go to hell.

The talks have been going on for months by several prominent Catholic leaders as Biden and others who embrace abortion are effectively kicking the Church in the clappers. 

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will face differing views, with some leaders saying the church needs to send a message to public figures that they cannot defy the teachings of the Catholic Church while posing as devout, faithful Catholics, and others evidently think having a U.S. President in their corner and the "Don of New York" might be a harsh step, even if Jesus would agree with the former group.

Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, said focusing on abortion makes it more difficult for the bishops to find common ground with Biden on other issues such as climate change, immigration and inequality. He left out the issue of morality and taxpayer funding that supports the killing of babies, and the fact that Gov. Cuomo agrees that killing babies is a big business that should not be stopped and that he may be guilty of sexual misconduct. But hey, it's the Catholic Church, so who knows how they're going to decide?

“If a politician is targeted as a negative example by his own church, that sets a sad context in which the church can deal with this Catholic president,” Stowe said. “It contributes to the polarization of the church and of society.”

Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego stupidly said Communion should not become a weapon. He seems to forget that the Body of Christ is only to be received by those whose souls have been cleansed via confession, and confession only works when the person confessing is sincere. But who am I to speak about religion when we have political bishops who can do that for me?

“I do not see how depriving the president or other political leaders of the Eucharist based on their public policy stance can be interpreted in our society as anything other than a weaponization of the Eucharist … to pummel them into submission,” McElroy said in February.

Ah, but if the Church denies the Eucharist to all those who believe in abortion, then perhaps we can save some of the unborn, or at the very least, cleanse the Church of people who agree with the abortion issue. 

And how can a bishop not see how vital the pro-life, anti-abortion issue is? Yes insofar as Biden is involved, it is political. But it is also a tenet of the Church and as such, should be respected and followed.

Unless the bishop himself is a Cafeteria Catholic.

Why should the Church bow to the beliefs of politicians who refuse to bow to the tenets of the Church, but "respect" those who bow to the flag they pretend to represent?

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Drs. Jill Biden and Anthony Fauci call for radical masking "until every human being is covid-free

World renown doctors Jill Biden and Anthony Fauci are doing everything ["on God's green Earth," according to the President] to ensure the entire eradication of the COVID-19 virus, even if it means that everyone must wear at least one, preferably two masks to do so.

"I know I said masks don't help," Fauci began, "but I was only saying that to make sure first responders wouldn't be short-changed by not being able to obtain a mask. Now I am saying, now that we have plenty of masks to go around, that everyone, every man, woman and child,  should wear at least one mask all the time."

Brain Flushings' crack reporter, Tillio Cachevitz, asked Fauci, "Even at bedtime?"

"Especially at bedtime. Think about it. When you sleep, you breathe the deepest and this can propel the virus all over the place. Also, you might snore and that would spread the little pathogens here and there and everywhere. So yes, wear a mask at bedtime, and the mask I suggest is the NP1, from the Nancy Pelosi collection."

"What about eating?" Cachevitz pressed.

"We are working on a mask that Israel has already developed that has a mouth-gate which opens only when you move a clever lever you can hold in your non-feeding hand and move it over to accommodate your fork. It also has what we on the left like to refer to as a "watergate" which has a round opening to fit a paper straw because plastic straws are killing the Dolphins."

These idiots have been fully vaccinated

Not to go unnoticed, Doctor Jill Biden spoke up. "You can get your Pelosi mask at Amazon or Walmart. Tell them Jill sent you and you get a ten percent discount."

Joe Biden, not to go unnoticed added: "Build back better bedibahdoo."

Dr. Jill said that she wants children as young as their fourth trimester to wear a mask, even if it makes them cry. "And let us not forget your pets. Dogs, cats, and even pet ferrets might be capable of spreading this dread virus, so mask them up, and when you do, be sure to use the proper NP mask, because when NP is happy, and AOC is happy, the Democratic Party is happy."

You can catch Dr. Anthony Fauci every chance he gets on the Comedy News Network (CNN).

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NYC radio host tells her FB audience "F*** the police. Then allegedly rams cop with car, kills him, speeds away

A New York radio host streaming on Facebook said, "F**k the police." Several hours later, she allegedly, and with a suspended drivers license, drove her car into a NYPD highway cop who was redirecting traffic, killing him and fleeing from the scene at high speed. 

She was later caught.

Jessica Beauvais, 32, posted on her "Face the Reality" radio show an approximately two-hour Facebook stream in which she spoke about the Derek Chauvin trial; the former Minneapolis police officer found guilty in the George Floyd murder trial.

“This week we are going to talk about the ignorance that was the Derek Chauvin trial — or the ignorance that is essentially just is this f***ing justice system,” and played the lovely song “F**k Tha Police,” by N.W. A. She added, “Like NWA say about the police – if you’re going to kill me, at least I get to take someone with me. I’m one of those people. If I’m going to go, someone is coming.”

Beauvais was vaping and drinking a dark liquid from a recyclable plastic cup and later washed down something in a red shot glass with a bottle of Snapple, according to The Daily Mail. They also said that she later admitted to guzzling vodka before the deadly alleged murder of the police officer.

“What happened to fighting?” she asked, according to the outlet. “I grew up on fighting. I like to fight. My hands and my feet and teeth. It does something for me — what does it do for you? F***ing people up never stopped being a thing. Shooting people is still wack. It means you can’t fight. It means you’re a cop.” 

Her logic is amazing. She is able to dismiss all the shootings in Chicago, New York, Detroit, and other cities that are perpetrated most often by minorities, but instead comes to the conclusion that when someone is shot, it's by a cop.

After signing off around 2 a.m. by saying, “F*** the police. F*** them,” Beauvais drove onto the Long Island Expressway, according to the criminal complaint, and allegedly plowed her car into Anastasios Tsakos, 43, while he was redirecting traffic after a separate fatal car accident on the Long Island Expressway.

“Tsakos was in full reflective gear, next to a marked police car with flashing lights and a series of cones,” ABC 7 reported.

According to court documents, Beauvais stated, “I did hear a thump, so I knew I hit something but I didn’t see what it was.” She also may have noticed that her windshield was completely shattered and the front of her vehicle was badly damaged. She may have also concluded she struck someone when the officer went flying in the air about 100 feet in front of her and landed in the grass along the side of the road.

Sure, even though officer Tsakos leaves behind a 3-year-old son and a 6-year-old daughter, it's Beauvais who is the real victim here because people just might assume she hit him on purpose. 

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea told the press that Beauvais was driving while intoxicated and with a suspended license.

“I think that when you see the images of [Beauvais’] car and the windshield that is completely shattered, as well as damage to the front of the car, there is no way to not know that you struck an individual,” he said, as The New York Post reported.

She reportedly passed multiple exits on the L.I.E., eventually driving onto a curb. According to prosecutors, when police surrounded the vehicle, she allegedly backed into a police car in an attempt to get away. Maybe she was hoping to score another kill.

“When finally arrested, the agitated suspect ranted and swore at the cops taking her into custody for vehicular manslaughter, DWI and driving with a suspended license in the tragic death of Tsakos, police said. ‘F— you,’ a source quoted her telling the arresting officers. ‘I don’t have to listen to you,'” The New York Daily News reported. Actually she does.

On Tuesday afternoon, as she was exiting NYPD’s 107th Precinct in handcuffs, Beauvais stated, “I’m sorry that I hit him and that he’s dead.” Actually, she's sorry she got caught, is my guess.

Beauvais faces up to only 15 years in prison, a sentence that is too short. Among the 13 charges brought against her are second degree manslaughter, second degree vehicular manslaughter and leaving the scene of an incident. 

The insanity continues. . .

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Government planned to arrest Derek Chauvin had he been found innocent

The Biden Department of [in]Justice was reportedly planning to arrest Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer, and charge him with civil rights violations if the jury found him innocent of murdering notorious George Floyd. Lucky for Chauvin, he was found guilty on all three counts against him, even several which didn't seem relevant to the case.

So while the police officer was found guilty, it turns out we are living in a police state under this crazy radical administration. This is not to excuse what Chauvin did--it appeared to be horrendous--but it's beginning to look rather obvious that justice comes in colors and that isn't justice at all.

report from the Minneapolis Star Tribune stated: 
“Leading up to Derek Chauvin’s murder trial, Justice Department officials had spent months gathering evidence to indict the ex-Minneapolis police officer on federal police brutality charges, but they feared the publicity frenzy could disrupt the state’s case. So they came up with a contingency plan: If Chauvin were found not guilty on all counts or the case ended in a mistrial, they would arrest him at the courthouse, according to sources familiar with the planning discussions.”
But the "backup plan" wasn't "necessary" the report said, once Chauvin was found guilty on April 20th [which also turns out to be Hitler's birthday, may he rot in hell]. He was found guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. If they were able to convict him on jaywalking, they would have done so, but the video doesn't indicate he crossed the street illegally.

However, the oxymoronic DOJ is moving forward with the case, planning to level charges of civil rights violations against the former officer, who is still awaiting sentencing for the murder and manslaughter convictions. 

Notably, before the jury announced their verdict, Co-President Joe Biden publicly said he was “praying” jurors would hand down the “right verdict” and convict Chauvin. [During his prayers, at least 250 American babies across the country were brutally put to death in the wombs of their mothers because Biden never let his religion get in the way of his politics.] 

“I can only imagine the pressure and anxiety they are feeling," Biden said, "and so I waited until the jury is sequestered and I called [the Floyd family]. I wasn’t going to say anything about it … it was a private conversation.”

Floyd, a multiple offender who is best known for putting a gun to the stomach of a woman while her child looked on, and for doing massive amounts of drugs, has become the poster child for Black Lives Matter, an organization with an obvious semantic overload of a title, that clearly only cares about the black people who suit their socialist agenda.

Biden, who is obviously cognitively deteriorating in front of us as he mumbles and gaffes, should have kept his nose out of the court's business altogether, but he didn't. Neither did other members of the Democratic Party such as Rep[ulsive] Maxine Waters (D-CA) who called for crowd intervention if Chauvin skated and then later denied her intentions.

But let's get back to the point at the beginning: the fact that the DOJ can be wielded as a political weapon should concern all of us. There is no doubt that they handle conservatives differently than they do the left. The latest example is that of Rudy Giuliani and Hunter Biden, both failed to report foreign dealings but only Giuliani's home was raided by the FBI for his electronic devices.

And when Rudy asked them to take his computer with information about Hunter Biden, they refused to take them. Now that smells fishy.

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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Androgynous-looking MN man fined $12million for torching police station at George Floyd riot

A Minnesota man helped set a police station on fire at a protest in Minneapolis last summer as his way of honoring the death of fellow miscreant, George Floyd. The man, Dylan Shakespeare Robinson, 23, is being fined $12 million and faces four years in the slammer where he will likely end up as somebody's boy toy.

Robinson pleaded guilty in December to one count of conspiracy to commit arson and was accused of lighting a Molotov cocktail that was chucked by a co-schmuck at the Third Precinct HQ in Minneapolis.

His lawyer argues that Robinson will never be able to pay the fine to cover the severe damages he and his buddy caused. Fortunately, nobody was killed or else he might have gotten out a few years later.

"On the night of May 28, 2020, Mr. Robinson chose to depart from lawful protest and instead engaged in violence and destruction," acting U.S. Attorney Anders Folk said, told KSTP. "With today’s sentence, Mr. Robinson is held accountable for his actions."

The young domestic terrorist was present at the rioting on May 28, 2020 when hundreds of rioters gathered outside the police station and began tearing down a fence and breaching the building, much like, but even worse, than the January 6, 2021 breaching of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., which caused Rep. Alexandria Obviously-Communist (D-NY) to nearly swoon several blocks away from the building.

The lawyer for the terrorist felt it unfair that his client should have to serve "the sentence for the other thousand people who participated." 

Sorry, but even if the first guy hit you first but the ref caught you hitting him back, you're the one that gets the penalty flag thrown.

"Many others, far more culpable than Mr. Robinson, were not identified," said William J. Mauzy, a lawyer for Robinson. "He had no role in throwing any Molotov cocktails or constructing any or building any."

Well, it seems Robinson had more direct involvement with violence than the idiot wearing a painted face and horns who sat in Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi's chair at Capitol in the D.C. riot.

"There is no realistic chance that he [Robinson] is going to pay anything but a minuscule amount toward that," Mauzy continued. "None of the defendants have an ability to pay a significant sum."

Of course not. They probably don't have jobs other than what George Soros might be paying them to riot, and that can only buy so much wacky weed. But it's a safe bet that Mauzy got paid by Robinson for his representation.

The prosecution cited surveillance video evidence from the precinct and a Snapchat account that federal officials claim was used by Robinson, according to The New York Times, a former newspaper that best served as birdcage liner.

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Marymount School of NY goes wokest woke

The Marymount School of New York, a private all-girls Catholic school in Manhattan, is holding an event limited to "parents of new students of color." For science fans, that translates to "parents of new students with higher melanin levels having developed at the equator than Caucasian students who didn't."

The woke institution boasts of its "white anti-racist spaces." These are physical areas where white kids admit that they are racist in order to absolve them of racism and indicate that they are better than white kids who don't admit they're racists. Kids who claim they are not racist and even have friends of color, are the worst kinds of racists, according to anti-racists because they aren't willing to go along with the anti-racist racists who see everything in terms of race.

The school also has  "bias awareness programming" which programs students to think the way the school administration thinks about color awareness as they bow to woke culture.

The school, posing as "better than thou" woke non-racist anti-racists, is hosting a welcome reception for "parents of new students of color" and parents of white students can go to hell. Failure to see this as anything other than racism is failure to accept reality.

“You are cordially invited to a welcome reception for parents of new students of color,” reads an invitation to the May 20 event.

If parents who are not invited to the event based on the color of their skin do not rise up and take legal action, they deserve to be treated as less than ___ [fill in the blank].

A parent, who argued that he had no problem with the reception, acknowledged that the move is consistent with Marymount’s new “anti-racist” priorities. 

This guy probably wore the infamous "pussy hat" and double-masks when he's alone in the house watching porn.

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4 Biden Lies [aka misspeaks] During His Soporific Speech Wednesday

President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.'s joint session of Congress speech had less energy than a Solyndra solar panel at midnight in a cave. He sounded like a harmless old coot, but if you listened without dozing off, you might have been a bit nervous over his words.

But he even lied to the American public in the speech and here are just a few of the myriad fibs he foisted on the public.

1. He lied about travel with Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Biden said: “I spent a lot of time with President Xi, traveling over 17,000 miles.”

But even the left leaning Washington Post said it  “could not get the travel to add up to anything close to 17,000 miles.” Perhaps Biden meant 17,000 meters.

2. He made false and misleading claims about guns, as is his wont and that of the Democratic Party in general.

What "Mumbles" said was: “In the ’90s we passed universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that hold 100 rounds that can be fired off in seconds. We beat the N.R.A. Mass shootings and gun violence declined, check out the report, over 10 years. … We need a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. And don’t tell me it can’t be done. We did it before and it worked.”

Left-wing ProPublica reported:

A definitive study of the 1994 law – which prohibited the manufacture and sale of semiautomatic guns with “military-style features” such pistol grips or bayonet mounts as well as magazines holding more than ten rounds of ammunition – found no evidence that it had reduced overall gun crime or made shootings less lethal. “We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence,” the Department of Justice-funded study concluded in 2004. “Should it be renewed, the ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.”

And if you can't believe a left-wing report that goes counter to a left-wing President who pretended to be a moderate in his campaign, you probably wouldn't believe anyone.

Biden's words: “We need a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. … Talk to most responsible hunters and gun owners. They’ll tell you there’s no possible justification for having 100 rounds in a weapon. … These kinds of reasonable reforms have overwhelming support from the American people, including many gun owners.” 

This comes from the old guy who recommends shooting a shotgun in the air if an intruder tries to get into your home. He's a "shoot 'em in the leg" kind of guy who has no idea of what he speaks, or remembers what he just said, or where he said it.

When Biden or any president says there is "no justification for having 100 rounds in a weapon, that in itself justifies having 100 rounds in your weapon. He and his Party is the reason for the Second Amendment.

The Washington Post fact-checked a similar claim that Biden made 10 days ago when he mush-mouthed these words at a press conference: “The folks who own weapons, the folks who own guns, they support universal background checks. The majority of them think we should not be selling assault weapons.”

Bull pucks. That's a bald-face lie and he used to know it when his brain was functioning at a mediocre level.

The Post reported:

Numerous surveys show that a vast majority of Americans, including gun owners, support enhanced background checks. But Biden went too far in claiming that a majority of gun owners also support a ban on assault weapons. Personally, I don't know of even one person who owns a gun and holds this view because it's a lie.

The White House could not point to even one poll that supported the claim, while a recent Post poll found that a narrow majority opposed it. The president earns Two Pinocchios and a free discount ticket to a Denny's buffet with a free dessert.

Biden's words were: “From the very beginning, there were certain guns, weapons that could not be owned by Americans. Certain people could not own those weapons, ever. We’re not changing the Constitution. We’re being reasonable.” 

Biden may not have realized who those "certain people" he referred to forbidden to own guns were blacks and Native Americans [we used to call them Indians].

National Review senior writer David Harsanyi, who is a Second Amendment expert, disputed a nearly identical comment that Biden made 10 days ago.

Harsanyi wrote:

I can’t even begin to imagine what rickety basis there is for making such a claim. I mean, I wrote a book on the history of American guns, and never once did I run across any law that restricted Americans from owning any weapons they desired (unless we’re talking about blacks or Indians; because most gun restrictions in U.S. history have been employed to unarm the people who need weapons most). The idea of the federal government conducting any kind domestic “gun policy” whatsoever would have been a completely alien concept to anyone before the 1930s. Even then, no specific types of guns were banned from use. It wasn’t really until 1986 that that fully automatic guns were effectively banned by the federal government.

3. Biden took too much credit for the vaccinations that are being administered, almost as if he was the one who came up with the vaccine in his basement lab with his doctor wife.

What Biden mumbled: “When I was sworn in, less than 1% of seniors were fully vaccinated against COVID-19. One hundred days later, nearly 70% of seniors are fully protected.”

That's because the vaccine, under the Trump administration [as opposed to the Harris-Biden administration] had just been rolled out. By the time Biden took office, about one million people a day were being vaccinated and the increase, by the time Biden was sworn in remained along the same inclined curve that came before him. Had Trump won the presidency--and some believe he did--the same increase would have probably been achieved.

The Harris-Biden administration are idiots for wearing face masks along with the congressmen and women in the Capitol during the speech. They are all vaccinated and still did their anti-social distancing in the chamber with their "fear diapers" on the faces. 

Even the GOP stupidly went along with this moronic theater.

The Washington Post said that Biden’s claim is a “misleading statistic,” adding:

When Biden took office, vaccinations had been given for only about a month. Moreover, health-care workers, residents of long-term care facilities, front-line essential workers and people over the age of 75 were in line to be the first to be vaccinated, which is why a relatively small percentage of people over 65 had been fully vaccinated.

4. Biden also lied about illegal aliens saying,  “Over 11 million undocumented folks, the vast majority of here overstaying visas.” 

The Washington Post stated that while visa overstays outpaced illegal aliens who entered the U.S. in recent years, he “was wrong to say the ‘vast majority’ overstayed their visas.”

But let's face it, Biden was wrong to run for President in the first place and should have known that if he had any awareness that his brain is less dependable than a paper condom. 

And his wife, Doctor Jill Biden, perhaps one of America's foremost doctors, should have encouraged him to ride off into the sunset and plagiarize a book or something instead of running for President.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

President Biden worried he'd "be in trouble" if he continued talking

"Where in G-d's name did I put my mask?"
Co-President Joe Biden told reporters who were shouting questions to him on Tuesday that "I'm gonna be in trouble if I keep answering" [their] questions. It isn't so different from asking a person in the middle stages of dementia for street directions to a local hospital while you stand there bleeding. They understand the severity of the problem and also understand the severity of their limits.

Biden was speaking about new federal health guidelines regarding mask-wearing for those vaccinated and unvaccinated. Reporters shouted their questions and he answered a couple of them, but he apparently realized he didn't have a Teleprompter or Co-President Kamala Harris to help him out, and the questions were getting harder and harder to address, he bailed on the reporters.

"I'm sorry," he said, after listening to questions about his own outdoor mask-wearing and a potential summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. "This is the last question I'll take, and I'm really gonna be in trouble."

As President of the United States, it wasn't clear with whom he would be in trouble, but my best guesses would be: Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Communist China or Valerie Jarrett. Pick one.

Since being elected as the leader of the free world, Biden has avoided the press like a high school's Homecoming Queen who was being incessantly phoned up by the school band's dorky kazoo player. 

Biden's success in the presidential election can be attributed to the fact that he stayed hidden from the public using the excuse that Covid was gonna get him. And now that he is fully vaccinated, nothing seems to have changed--he has put a lid on life.

While White House Press Secretary, the lovely ginger circle-backer Jen Psaki, has held daily press briefings, reporters have finally begun to feel the frustration for the administration's translucency over border issues and the lack of access to Biden. This was never the case with former President Trump. 

Au contraire, the Donald loved the camera and beating up on the press.

Biden's incoherent call for people who are fully vaccinated to continue to wear a mask when around others who have or haven't been vaccinated has no scientific basis as there is no data to support this call for CDC compliance. The masking guidelines is more a political-religion than an assuagement of the pandemic and merely serves to give the government a kind of narcissistic power over the people.

On one hand, Biden tells us to get vaccinated, while on the other hand he points out that even when we do, nothing will change. If it was up to him and his puppet master, we would be wearing masks until the cows come home and then for AOC to get rid of them as part of her Green New Deal.

Meanwhile, John Kerry is a traitor [allegedly] and will get away with it anyway.

I can't wait to hear what Biden, et al, will have to mumble tonight in his address to the nation.

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Texas school district woke-shaming white kids: parents livid

"I live in the ghetto and got my ghetto gear. 
Got my ghetto blaster
Got my ghetto fear
Got my ghetto woman
She be my ghetto wife
And we all be a rappin'
Our entire ghetto life."

by Rob Hoey 

Kids are stupid. Little kids are cute and stupid. Big kids are often stinky and stupid, but we love them all.

So that being said, it should come as no surprise that kids say stupid things and because they're kids we may just wash their mouths out with Tide Pods [which they often enjoy] or any old soap, and simply forgive them afterwards.

Texas' Carroll Independent School District of Southlake, a suburb of Dallas, had an uncomfortable incident whereby stupid kids sang along to racial slurs in rap lyrics. That must have been as uncomfortable as swim trunks filled with seashells.

 Anyway, this led to the school district adopting a radical approach to fight the racism their students seemed to possess--unless, perhaps they were just a bunch of stupid kids saying stupid things. But hey, what are the chances of that?

Federalist contributor Joy Pullman described the school district as the "top achieving school district in Texas." And according to her, “It has no racial achievement gaps, which is nearly unheard of. That’s because Southlake attracts high-achieving families of all races,” she wrote. 

“The local median income is more than four times the national average and poverty there is statistically nonexistent," she said. "According to district data, ‘micro-aggressions,’ bullying, and racially charged incidents happen approximately three times per month in the district of 8,500 students, meaning they involve 0.3 percent of students a year.”

Well, that is low it seems, but it ain't nada. But it show that even smart kids are stupid kids too.

So the videos of the kids doing the racist rap, along with the media attention they received, freaked out the district leaders so much that they went into full overkill mode [much like the infrastructure government financing] and introduced programs to combat "institutional racism" that only served to shame white kids for their immutable biological endowments. 

And what actually is institutional racism? What institutions is the left and far left talking about when they use that term? Are there companies and government agencies they can point out that have racist cultures embedded within them? If so, let's all fight those bastards. 

Otherwise, shut up.

“The idea that America is fundamentally flawed because some people have a [racist] problem in their minds, that’s a recipe to keep you in poverty and unhappiness for the rest of your life,” Juan Saldivar, a father of a Southlake student said in explaining his opposing the restructuring of Southlake schools around 'systemic racism.' “My parents always told me it doesn’t matter whether people like you, it matters whether the law protects you, and it does.”

By the way, systemic racism is something that doesn't go away by itself, [if it really exists]. You would need to get rid of the entire entity that contains it, like the nation's police, for example. It's pure Marxist garbage.

And no child of any race, religion or ethnicity needs to feel badly about who they are.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Cowardly anti-Asian attacker caught by police

A New York City black man was arrested for allegedly attacking a 61-year-old Chinese man, pushing him to the ground and kicking him in the head. The cowardly attack took place on Friday night in Harlem and it left Yao Pan Ma in a coma. 

[H/T New York Post]

Jarrod Powell, a 49-year-old scumbag was arrested Tuesday morning and charged with two counts of felony assault.

Ma was collecting cans in East Harlem when Powell allegedly pushed him to the ground and kicked him in the head. As of Tuesday, Ma is still in a coma and Powell still sucks as a human being.

Video of the incident shows the coward stomping and kicking Ma in the head at least six times while he was on the ground.

The incident is being investigated by the NYPD's Hate Crimes Task Force, but it is unclear if Ma was targeted because of his race or whether Powell will face a hate crime charge. Anti-Asian attacks have become common of late and the significant majority of those doing the attacking have been black men.

Ma’s wife said that her husband was just collecting deposit bottles and cans to help pay the rent and bills for his family.

"He is innocent. He did not do anything wrong," she said, according to a GoFundMe that has raised more than $400,000 for Ma's family, "He is a very kind person. He is quiet. He doesn’t cause trouble."

Powell claimed, while being taken into Manhattan criminal court Tuesday, that he attacked Ma because he was maced.

"I was maced. I was maced and attacked," Powell claimed, according to the New York Post. "Him and a couple of other Asians maced me — robbed me." 

Yeah, a 61-year-old man and his Asian can collecting cohorts maced him and took his money. Too bad it wasn't captured on video. 

In a different incident, a 38-year-old parolee previously convicted for murdering his mother was also arrested last month for allegedly pushing a Filipino American woman to the ground and stomping on her near Times Square. Yet another coward who tends to go after women, including his own mother.

A California State University, San Bernardino study found that while hate crimes overall declined 7% last year, Asian American hate crimes skyrocketed 149%!

Ma's 20-year-old-niece told the New York Post that the surge in crime and the attack on her uncle makes her afraid to venture out in the night.

"I’m scared and paranoid. I don’t feel safe," she said. "I’m afraid to walk on the streets when it’s dark. I go home before it gets dark. There are so many of these incidents happening. Now it’s close to home … It is so wrong that this happens and it’s not just one time."

The Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill 94-1 last Thursday that would ramp up law enforcement's ability to protect Asian Americans against hate crimes. The House is expected to take up similar legislation in the coming weeks.

Now all that's left to do is for Harvard University to stop discriminating against Asian Americans in their admission policy. 

And let's pray for Ma's recovery.

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7 Reasons Why You Should Wear a Mask Forever

It doesn't take a genius scientist to know that face masks are basically useless for stopping the spread of coronavirus, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't wear one. There are myriad reasons that show how wearing a face mask is a good idea in spite of how it can cause other problems in our society. Below are those reasons and I hope you take them seriously.

1. Doctor Jill Biden recommends it. One of America's most eminent doctors and wife of our Co-President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., Dr. Biden wouldn't be caught dead without her face mask or even a borrowed one when hers is in the laundry. Doctor Anthony Fauci, another doctor not as prominent in the field of doctoring as Dr. Jill Biden, also recommends wearing a mask now, after having recommended not wearing one and admitted he lied to us. But we can believe him now.

2. It has your nose covered. If worn properly and your nose runs, the mask will absorb the mucous and other junk that is excreted from your nostrils. This  might be a problem for those folks with huge nostrils like those of Sen. Chuck Schumer, but most people would be able to benefit nasally. Afterwards simply throw the mask out in your kitchen garbage and put on another one.

3. Masks cover a multitude of sins. Unattractive people, such as Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, can hide their imperfections--specifically their face--and make a better public impression on other Democrats.

4. Masks provide a warm and cozy false sense of security. Masks may be as useful as a chicken wire fence as a barrier to pollen in the air, but they help us feel safe. Wear your mask in a Costco men's room and see what I mean. They do little or nothing to keep out microscopic airborne particles but feeling good makes us all feel good.

5. Masks help in the growth of the face mask industry. The face mask industry is slated to be the backbone of the nation in the not so distant future if things continue going the way they are. And what's wrong with that?

6. Like a novel virus, masks make a novel fashion statement. Just look at Rep. Nancy Pelosi--she has a new mask for every dress. Sure, she's been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, but that doesn't stop her nor others in her Party. They know that masks may not work against the virus, but they sure as the dickens get us all to fall in line with their agenda.

7. Wearing a mask everywhere you go shows your allegiance to the Democratic Party. They called the GOP science deniers but they were only kidding. 

And anyone who goes along with wearing a mask alone, outdoors, is either brain dead or a Democrat--but I repeat myself.

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The NY Times "buried" story about John Kerry informing Iran more than 200 times about Israel's covert operations

This is what stupid looks like trying to look

The Democratic National Convention's media outlet known as the New York Times, "buried" a bombshell story about John Kerry informing Iran about no less than 200 covert operations by Israel in Syria and is taking criticism for their failure as a journalistic outlet.

The Times piece focuses on leaked audio of Irans Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in which he speaks openly about Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps and a U.S.-designated terrorist group. It was 21 paragraphs into the 26 paragraph story that the Times exposed a major revelation.

Specifically that, "Former Secretary of State John Kerry informed him that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times, to his astonishment, Mr. Zarif said," Times reporter Farnaz Fassihi wrote.

Uh oh, John. Sounds incriminating, but don't worry, the "big guy" will make sure you're as safe as his own son.

Kerry, a man known for his incompetent dealings with the Iranians over the nuclear deal in which he gave Iran everything they needed to build a nuclear weapon in the future, and Iran gave the United States bupkis, is now Co-President Biden's special climate envoy and atmospheric polluter provider. Previous to this, Kerry served as former President Barack Obama's incompetent Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017, and Teresa Heinz's boy toy.

The US-Iranian nuclear deal was heavily opposed by Israel because they understood how screwed they were going to be in the future under the terms of the deal. But that only made Kerry more determined to get it signed because he harbors no love for Israel as a nation, and no love for the Jews who live there because he is a disgusting, useless bag of wind who proved his dislike of America after he returned from the Vietnam war and protested our nation and this is a run-on sentence because I'm pissed at the guy.

But back to the former newspaper. 

The Times was challenged by conservatives who wanted to know why the Kerry factoid was given less attention than a fly on an elephant. After all, Iran hates the United States as much as it hates Israel, our close ally.

HotAir's Ed Morrissey wrote:
"While no one would be surprised to hear that Israel carries out covert operations against Iran, why in the world would an American Secretary of State pass that information to a regime that leads 'Death to America' protests in its streets? Isn’t this the real news in the US, especially with Kerry now joining another administration as its 'climate change envoy'? 
"At best, this shows that Kerry is enormously and irresponsibly indiscreet; at worst, he’s exposing American intelligence to an enemy in order to attack an ally. And frankly, it looks a lot more like the latter than the former, and a lot more like an actual crime by a high-ranking US government official."
National Review's Jim Geraghty noted the Kerry revelation was "buried fairly deep" in the story. Actually, one could say almost at the very end, where many readers never go.

When Trump withdrew the United States from that crappy deal in 2018, it enraged Kerry along with other Obama leftists. Kerry revealed at the time he had engaged in behind-the-scenes diplomacy with Zarif to try to salvage the agreement.

"Diplomacy?" Maybe he meant treason--giving aid and comfort to our enemies. 

Of course Kerry denies the allegations that he divulged Israel’s covert operations. That shouldn't surprise anyone.

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Monday, April 26, 2021

Derek Chauvin's defense witness' tenure as chief medical examiner to be investigated

Maryland officials plan to conduct an investigation into all the deaths that occurred to those in police custody that were overseen by former police officer Derek Chauvin's defense witness. So if you testified on behalf of Chauvin, they're coming after you. 

The person in this case is state's chief medical examiner, Dr. David Fowler.

Dr. Fowler was Maryland's chief medical examiner from 2002 to 2019 and is now a member of a consulting firm. He testified that the primary cause of George Floyd's death was a sudden heart rhythm disturbance that occurred during police restraint due to underlying heart disease.

He also said the fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd's system, and possible carbon monoxide poisoning from auto exhaust, were contributing factors in his death. But his testimony contradicted the prosecution's experts who said Floyd, a notorious scumcrumpet, died due to a lack of oxygen. Fowler also classified the manner of death in the case as "undetermined," contradicting Hennepin County's medical examiner who ruled it as a homicide.

The investigation announcement came from Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh and Gov. Larry Hogan (D) on Friday less than 24 hours after the AG's Office received a letter from Washington, D.C.'s former chief medical examiner Roger Mitchell, and signed by 431 doctors [Dr. Jill Biden was not among the signees] from around the country. 

The letter stated that Fowler’s conclusions were so far beyond the bounds of accepted forensic practice that all his previous work could come into question.

The letter called for probes at the state and federal level into Fowler’s medical license as well as a review into the Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner during Fowler's 17-year tenure.

"Dr. Fowler's stated opinion that George Floyd's death during active police restraint should be certified with an 'undetermined' manner is outside the standard practice and conventions for investigating and certification of in-custody deaths," the letter said. "This stated opinion raises significant concerns for his previous practice and management."

"We agree that it is appropriate for independent experts to review reports issued by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) regarding deaths in custody," Coombs said in a statement. "We are already in conversations with the Governor's Office about the need for such a review, and have offered to coordinate it."

Bruce Goldfarb  the chief medical examiner's office spokesman, said the agency is "committed to transparency and will cooperate fully with an inquiry."

Like they have a choice.

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The Oscars in a nutshell

The Oscars were on last night and not many people watched it. The actors and other woke people, many of whom have private armed security, predictably trashed the police because they are on an anti American bandwagon.

Personally, I didn't watch the Oscars because I don't need these morons lecturing me about why I should hate the country I love.

Anyway, the best movie was one that I didn't see and the best actor's and actress' names I wasn't told because I don't really care to be informed about it.

These self-congratulatory, narcissistic make-believers no longer matter to me--like many other Americans, I no longer care.

Have a beautiful day.

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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Biden's approval one of the lowest in modern history but he probably isn't aware of it

Co-President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., has received one of the lowest approval ratings among presidents in the history of the modern era after his first 100 days in office are assessed.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll, conducted April 18 to April 21, found that old Joe's approval rating stands at an anemic 52%, basically at the bottom of the swamp and far below expectations Democrats had for their leader whose mental faculties are no better than a house plant.

As it turns out, Biden's number is "lower than any president at 100 days in office since 1945," according to ABC News. Only Gerald Ford, who suffered due to his decision to pardon Richard Nixon, and Donald Trump had lower approval ratings for their first 100 days in the White House. 

Biden's 52% is 10 points higher than Trump's 42% and Biden has the media as his personal cheerleader and Joy Behar as his brain trust.

Overall, the average approval rating for the 14 presidents from Harry Truman to Biden for their first 100 days in office is 66%, meaning Biden is 14% below the average as his cognitive abilities are also way below average.

The survey found that a majority of Americans — 64% and 65%, respectively — approve of Biden's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and supported his pandemic-related economic relief package. A majority, 58%, also support Biden's proposal to raise corporate taxes because those people don't understand how the economy works.

Bur Americans are split on Biden's handling of the economy with only 52% approving — and his multi-trillion dollar infrastructure package, which also earned just 52% approval because these people believe it actually has something to do with infrastructure and still don't understand how the economy works.

Biden has clearly done nothing to handle the border crisis and it seems obvious that allowing illegal aliens to flood into the country without covid testing and giving them preference over Americans, is his parties plan. Only 37% surveyed approve of Biden's handling of immigration and the border, and you can bet they don't live there nor will the influx of illegal aliens personally impinge on their lives. Others in that minority of survey-takers hate the country.

According to ABC News, respondents also dislike the house plant's trend toward enlarging the government, and a significant portion said they view him as "too liberal." Fully 53% are concerned he will do too much to increase the size and role of government. Forty percent see him as "too liberal," but he promised them he would be a moderate. Why isn't that grounds for impeachment? If it was Trump, you could bet that would be on the table.

ABC News is a partisan hack organization like most of the legacy media. They claimed the crappy numbers Biden received is due to partisanship, but the poll showed that only 42% of Americans rate the economy positively and 58% understand economics.

The economy is probably the most important criteria for a president's reelection chances and Biden is spending trillions of taxpayer money on lies as he and his party change the definition of words faster than Joe changes his Attends.

It would take about 31,710 years [that's years with a "y"] to count to one trillion if you counted one number per second. Think about that when you hear politician's calls for spending.

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Scores of rockets fired at Israel from Gaza while protests continue in Jerusalem

In all, there have been more than 40 rockets fired at Israel from Gaza in recent days as protests over Ramadan restrictions continue. It's a veritable Ramadan Bombathon. The photo above captures Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system shooting down the incoming rockets.

The rockets come as Ramadan restrictions have continued in the Old City of Jerusalem and a West Bank checkpoint. Palestinians are upset mostly because it all began on a day ending in "day."

The attempted killing of civilian Jews is endorsed by the Hamassholes, a terrorist group that basically governs Gaza. In a statement reported by the Times of Israel, the Hamassholes told a smaller terror groups to “keep their fingers on the trigger.”

The groups state the rocket fire is in response to unrest in Jerusalem that involves Palestinian protesters, far-right Jewish protesters and cops. Hundreds of the Jewish protesters marched on the Old City where they clashed with Palestinian protesters and police, which created violence, arrests and serious injuries.

Ten Palestinians were arrested in a small protest at the site on Saturday night, according to Haaretz, a leftist and basically secular newspaper. There was also a protest at the Qalandiya checkpoint in the West Bank.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for calm on both sides.

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Protesters block traffic, square off with cops on Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn, NY -- Protesters blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge and clashed with police at around 10:30 p.m. Dozens more walked along the Manhattan-bound roadway, blocking cars and being a nuisance to people who just wanted to get somewhere.

One man can be seen in the photo below claiming, "He's breaking my finger," referring to the police officer who was not breaking his finger. 

“What am I being arrested for?,” another moron is heard asking, as swarms of officers disperse several dozen protesters coming off the bridge onto Centre Street in lower Manhattan, just a stone's throw from City Hall where the worst mayor of any city in the United States can be found when he isn't breaking his own covid rules.

About a half dozen protesters were given appearance tickets for obstruction of vehicular traffic, according to police. There were no injuries reported, police said and the protester who claimed to have a broken finger was able to quickly reinsert it in his nose.

Large teams of bike cops could be seen directing protesters off the bridge’s roadway into the city in additional footage shared on social media.

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Incompetent bomb-maker gets life in prison

The following is only half true. The words of Ilhan Omar are satirical only, so don't sue me.

New York -- A Bangladeshi Muslim immigrant was sentence to life in the slammer last Thursday for attempting to carry out a "barbaric and heinous" plot to kill as many infidels as he could with a suicide bombing attack in New York City's subway below Time Square in 2017.

The wannabe jihadi, Akayed Ullah, 31, was sentenced in Manhattan federal court by Judge Richard J. Sullivan, who said Ullah had carried out “about as serious a crime as there is,” even though he was a screwup after the bomb attached to his chest fizzled like a gag candle on a birthday cake. It severely burned in but basically harmed no one around him except for one individual who lost 70 percent of his hearing.

“A life sentence is appropriate,” Sullivan said. “It was a truly barbaric and heinous crime.”

The judge told the would-be suicide bomber that life in prison was “less draconian than the sentence you were going to impose on yourself.”

Ullah, whose IQ and age are 31, spoke through a white mask over his black beard. His mom sat in the courtroom, tears in her eyes, as Ullah said he was sorry.

“Your honor, what I did on Dec. 11, it was wrong,” he said, hoping to change the judge's mind. “I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, I'm deeply sorry. ... I do not support harming innocent people.” 

By innocent, what jihadis mean, are those who follow the path of Islam. All the rest of us are not considered innocent, so don't believe those words when they're spoken by someone who is willing to blow themselves up into little bitesize pieces to kill infidels.

Prosecutors had sought the life term for Ullah, saying the “premeditated and vicious” attack was committed on behalf of the Islamic State group.

But defense lawyer Amy Gallicchio said Ullah deserved no more than the mandatory 35 years in prison. She said he had “lived lawfully and peacefully” before the December 2017 attack that she blamed on a “personal crisis that left him isolated, depressed, vulnerable and suicidal.”

“He's not an evil man. He is not a monster,” she said. 

Ilhan Omar concurs. "Just because he did something, that doesn't mean he isn't a good guy," Omar said. "The poor guy could be my brother--I mean husband. Don't put him away for life," Omar pleaded.

At trial, prosecutors showed jurors Ullah's post-arrest statements and social media comments, including when he taunted then-President Donald Trump on Facebook before the attack.

Ullah gained an entry visa in 2011 because he had an uncle who was already a U.S. citizen. Then-President Trump said allowing foreigners to follow relatives to the U.S. was “incompatible with national security.” 

Trump was 100% correct.

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LA cops shoot and kill driver who slammed into their cruiser, got out and confronted them

Communist Los Angeles, CA -- LA cops shot and killed a driver who wore body armor and slammed his vehicle into a patrol car, after he got out and confronted the officers.

The cops were responding to another call, their sirens screaming along Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. The miscreant "stopped suddenly" and reversed into the police vehicle, according to LAPD Detective Meghan Aguilar, who spoke with Fox 11 in Los Angeles.

The scumbag got out of the car, his right hand hidden behind his back, as the officers exited their vehicle as well, Aguilar said.

"The officers gave him commands which he did not follow, and he started counting down, saying 3… 2… 1… as he started to pull his hand from his back to the front," she detailed.

The car being driven by the lunatic had weird writing on it giving one the feeling that the driver was as crazy as a leftist.

Body camera footage from the officers provided the description of what occurred, showing the officers not shooting in the air, and not shooting the scumbag in the leg or attempting to shoot a gun from his hand. Instead, they fired at body mass as they are trained to do. It's obvious they didn't follow Juan Williams' or Joy Behar's sage advice. 

It was determined the man did not have a gun but apparently the officers could not determine that when he may have appeared to prepare to shoot them. However, the actual incident has not been fully examined.

The driver was pronounced dead at the scene and the thoroughfare was temporarily shut down, KNBC reported. 

Since the network has not identified the man's melanin level, we can guess that he was most likely a white guy.

The investigation into the incident is continuing, according to FOX 11.

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Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....