Thursday, April 29, 2021

4 Biden Lies [aka misspeaks] During His Soporific Speech Wednesday

President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.'s joint session of Congress speech had less energy than a Solyndra solar panel at midnight in a cave. He sounded like a harmless old coot, but if you listened without dozing off, you might have been a bit nervous over his words.

But he even lied to the American public in the speech and here are just a few of the myriad fibs he foisted on the public.

1. He lied about travel with Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Biden said: “I spent a lot of time with President Xi, traveling over 17,000 miles.”

But even the left leaning Washington Post said it  “could not get the travel to add up to anything close to 17,000 miles.” Perhaps Biden meant 17,000 meters.

2. He made false and misleading claims about guns, as is his wont and that of the Democratic Party in general.

What "Mumbles" said was: “In the ’90s we passed universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that hold 100 rounds that can be fired off in seconds. We beat the N.R.A. Mass shootings and gun violence declined, check out the report, over 10 years. … We need a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. And don’t tell me it can’t be done. We did it before and it worked.”

Left-wing ProPublica reported:

A definitive study of the 1994 law – which prohibited the manufacture and sale of semiautomatic guns with “military-style features” such pistol grips or bayonet mounts as well as magazines holding more than ten rounds of ammunition – found no evidence that it had reduced overall gun crime or made shootings less lethal. “We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence,” the Department of Justice-funded study concluded in 2004. “Should it be renewed, the ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.”

And if you can't believe a left-wing report that goes counter to a left-wing President who pretended to be a moderate in his campaign, you probably wouldn't believe anyone.

Biden's words: “We need a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. … Talk to most responsible hunters and gun owners. They’ll tell you there’s no possible justification for having 100 rounds in a weapon. … These kinds of reasonable reforms have overwhelming support from the American people, including many gun owners.” 

This comes from the old guy who recommends shooting a shotgun in the air if an intruder tries to get into your home. He's a "shoot 'em in the leg" kind of guy who has no idea of what he speaks, or remembers what he just said, or where he said it.

When Biden or any president says there is "no justification for having 100 rounds in a weapon, that in itself justifies having 100 rounds in your weapon. He and his Party is the reason for the Second Amendment.

The Washington Post fact-checked a similar claim that Biden made 10 days ago when he mush-mouthed these words at a press conference: “The folks who own weapons, the folks who own guns, they support universal background checks. The majority of them think we should not be selling assault weapons.”

Bull pucks. That's a bald-face lie and he used to know it when his brain was functioning at a mediocre level.

The Post reported:

Numerous surveys show that a vast majority of Americans, including gun owners, support enhanced background checks. But Biden went too far in claiming that a majority of gun owners also support a ban on assault weapons. Personally, I don't know of even one person who owns a gun and holds this view because it's a lie.

The White House could not point to even one poll that supported the claim, while a recent Post poll found that a narrow majority opposed it. The president earns Two Pinocchios and a free discount ticket to a Denny's buffet with a free dessert.

Biden's words were: “From the very beginning, there were certain guns, weapons that could not be owned by Americans. Certain people could not own those weapons, ever. We’re not changing the Constitution. We’re being reasonable.” 

Biden may not have realized who those "certain people" he referred to forbidden to own guns were blacks and Native Americans [we used to call them Indians].

National Review senior writer David Harsanyi, who is a Second Amendment expert, disputed a nearly identical comment that Biden made 10 days ago.

Harsanyi wrote:

I can’t even begin to imagine what rickety basis there is for making such a claim. I mean, I wrote a book on the history of American guns, and never once did I run across any law that restricted Americans from owning any weapons they desired (unless we’re talking about blacks or Indians; because most gun restrictions in U.S. history have been employed to unarm the people who need weapons most). The idea of the federal government conducting any kind domestic “gun policy” whatsoever would have been a completely alien concept to anyone before the 1930s. Even then, no specific types of guns were banned from use. It wasn’t really until 1986 that that fully automatic guns were effectively banned by the federal government.

3. Biden took too much credit for the vaccinations that are being administered, almost as if he was the one who came up with the vaccine in his basement lab with his doctor wife.

What Biden mumbled: “When I was sworn in, less than 1% of seniors were fully vaccinated against COVID-19. One hundred days later, nearly 70% of seniors are fully protected.”

That's because the vaccine, under the Trump administration [as opposed to the Harris-Biden administration] had just been rolled out. By the time Biden took office, about one million people a day were being vaccinated and the increase, by the time Biden was sworn in remained along the same inclined curve that came before him. Had Trump won the presidency--and some believe he did--the same increase would have probably been achieved.

The Harris-Biden administration are idiots for wearing face masks along with the congressmen and women in the Capitol during the speech. They are all vaccinated and still did their anti-social distancing in the chamber with their "fear diapers" on the faces. 

Even the GOP stupidly went along with this moronic theater.

The Washington Post said that Biden’s claim is a “misleading statistic,” adding:

When Biden took office, vaccinations had been given for only about a month. Moreover, health-care workers, residents of long-term care facilities, front-line essential workers and people over the age of 75 were in line to be the first to be vaccinated, which is why a relatively small percentage of people over 65 had been fully vaccinated.

4. Biden also lied about illegal aliens saying,  “Over 11 million undocumented folks, the vast majority of here overstaying visas.” 

The Washington Post stated that while visa overstays outpaced illegal aliens who entered the U.S. in recent years, he “was wrong to say the ‘vast majority’ overstayed their visas.”

But let's face it, Biden was wrong to run for President in the first place and should have known that if he had any awareness that his brain is less dependable than a paper condom. 

And his wife, Doctor Jill Biden, perhaps one of America's foremost doctors, should have encouraged him to ride off into the sunset and plagiarize a book or something instead of running for President.

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