Wednesday, April 7, 2021

VP Harris discovers the reason migrants are coming here in droves

Vice President Kamala Harris was assigned by President Biden, her alleged boss, to lead efforts at addressing the crisis at our southern border, which the left denies is a crisis. Illegal migrants have been coming across the border in such incredible numbers that it's looking like we're giving away free stuff like health care, money, eventual citizenship and a place to live for free. 

Oh wait . . . never mind.

So being that Harris was given this assignment, you'd think she would make even a perfunctory effort to at least look like she cares about the situation or that she is willing to follow the instructions of her alleged boss. 

Her assignment regarding immigration, which includes overseeing diplomatic efforts in Northern Triangle countries, and this involves the broader administration's giving her foreign policy responsibilities. Since being tasked with these responsibilities, she has spoken with Canadian Prime Minister and pretty boy, Justin Trudeau, and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Since starting out as VP and a full week since Biden announced Harris' role, she has fielded a few softball questions and laughed inexplicably when asked if she would visit the border, but has not held a formal press conference.

As it stands, the border crisis is raising real concerns over national security. Just a few days ago, two men on the Terror Watch List were caught trying to get into the country, and it's a foregone conclusion that there are others waiting to do the same thing, and still others who probably made it across the porous border and await further orders.

When Biden initially mumbled Harris' appointment, he said she would be in charge of working to return migrants to their home countries. Seriously, he said that with a straight face because he's a liar.

"So this new surge we're dealing with now started with the last administration, but it's our responsibility to deal with it humanely and to – and to stop what's happening," he lied last Wednesday. 

"And so, this increase has been consequential, but the vice president has agreed – among the multiple other things that I have her leading – and I appreciate it – agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept re- – the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders – at their borders," he muttered.

The White House later tried to convince us that Harris wasn't involved with the "border crisis," but was instead focused on addressing the "root causes – not the border." 

It turns out the root causes of people coming to the southern border is the free stuff Biden is offering them. Mothers are willing to hand over their children to cartel coyotes for a fee, and allow them to make the dangerous journey from Central and South America to come here. The girls over 12 or 13 are given oral contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies for when most of them will be raped. Some children, as we've seen in news videos, were tossed over the wall at the border.

So blame Biden who encourages this situation and the parents who send their kids here on a journey that too often ends in tragedy. Blame Harris for being incompetent and uncaring, even laughing when discussing the border crisis. And blame the legacy media for covering up for this garbage administration.

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