Thursday, April 8, 2021

Brooke Baldwin "Highest Paid" socialist anchor exits Comedy News Network

Another rich victim speaks out

Brooke Baldwin who identifies as a woman in spite of all the choices she is offered by her side of the aisle, complained about the gender differences at CNN, where she worked for 13 years as an extremely bias reporter. She explained that all the "most influential" primetime leftists at the network have penises and identify as actual men, except perhaps for Don LeMon who identifies as Chris "Fredo" Cuomo's bestest buddy, no two ways about it.

Baldwin, 41, appeared on an episode of Ms. Magazine‘s On The Issues With Michele Goodwin podcast to discuss her career and how clear it is to her that there’s a lack of women in the “most influential” positions. 

[There is also a lack of women in men's track and field, the NFL, NBA, NHL and MMA, just for starters.]

“I’ve been anchoring for 10-plus years, the majority of that time two hours in the afternoon. And in that time, you know, the most influential anchors on our network [and] the highest-paid, are men,” she said on the podcast, not wanting to add the extra 3 years she worked at the network because that would add 3 extra years to the embarrassment of working for them.

“My bosses, my executives are men. The person who oversees CNN Dayside is a man, and my executive producer for 10 years is a man. So, I have been surrounded by a lot of men.” 

Men, men everywhere and not a woman to think.

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