Thursday, April 8, 2021

Alexandria Obviously-Communist and her Dems silent on TN candidate Odessa Kelly's violent rhetoric

It isn't a great look when Alexandria Obviously-Communist and her minions avoid plugging for you when you're running for a seat on their side of the aisle. Justice Democrats and others in Congress linked to that group are mum about Odessa Kelly, a violence advocate progressive congressional candidate with damning social media posts that include calls for violence against Republican lawmakers.

Brain Flushings' Harmon Glunk along with Fox News reached out to AOC (NY) and her Democratic socialist pals--Rashida Tlaib (MI),  Ilhan Omar (MN), and Ayanna Pressley (MA), but they wouldn't return our calls for a civil discussion about the woman who would destroy Trump and his supporters. Perhaps they're embarrassed.

The execrable Kelly is staging a primary challenge against Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN). She went on Facebook the day of Biden's inauguration where she posted suggestions Biden take the first 100 days in office.

Along with the normal Democratic wish list for stimulus checks and packing the Supreme Court with socialists without morals, she also attacked GOP leaders.

On the list were suggestions Kelly specifically claimed were in jest:  "Day 4: Blow Up Maralago," referring to Trump's Florida resort and residence which she misspelled. "Day 5: Disappear Mitch to some secret CIA prison."

"Day 9: Allow Pelosi to hire the best pimp that Memphis or Detroit has to offer to Smack tha [emoji] outta Ted Cruz and the rest uv’em...(y’all know the ones)!" she disgustingly wrote in the manner of a 12-year-old wannabe rapper.

Kelly's Facebook past revealed how in 2012 she was attending a hate-speech given by the scumbag anti-Semite head of the Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan and also posted in May 2020: "If you vote for Trump, YOU ARE A RACIST!" 

But if you vote for her, YOU ARE AN ANTI-SEMITE RACIST!"

Justice Democrats spokes schmuckette Alexandra Rojas praised Kelly on Tuesday after she launched her campaign.

"As someone who has spent her life as a public servant and a community organizer, @OdessaKellyTN is exactly the kind of Democrat we need in Congress," Rojas tweeted.

Anyone who praises Louis Farrakhan is not a public servant but serves only a specific segment of the public, particularly the parts that are divided by race, religion and other immutable human characteristics.

And a community organizer is someone who organizes a community to demand free stuff from the government while telling the people how much the government sucks.

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