Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Hunter Biden says Trump's sons are successful only due to their Dad

In his memoir forgiving himself for his drug-addled, women chasing blurry days in his past, Hunter Biden writes that former President Trump's sons for their successes in life. Clinically, this might be a psychological indication that Hunter is a putz. He has no self-awareness nor an appreciation for the incredible level of irony such a statement illustrates.

Hunter's qualifications as a Burisma Holdings consultant are akin to Joy Behar attending a Mensa leadership meeting. Or a jellyfish singing "Ode to Joy." Or hiring Stevie Wonder as an Uber Eats driver.

Hunter who basically traveled the world being a bag man for his father, collecting money for having the Biden name, said that he always tried to work hard enough that his "accomplishments stand on their own."

Perhaps he's right.

Hunter carried on an affair with his brother's widow [who obviously has her own problems if she consented to having an affair with this loser]. He also got a stripper pregnant then later denied the child was his to get out of paying child support. He "worked" for Burisma, as previously noted, collecting a crapload of cash, and had not one iota of experience in the energy field with which the company is involved. The only accomplishment this dirtbag achieved was to not overdose and end up in his own vomit in a sleazy hotel. 

Now that's control.

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