Friday, April 19, 2019

Swalwell afraid to debate Dana Loesch on NRA and 2nd Amendment

Let's face it, Eric Swalwell is a frightened coward. Like Alexandria Obviously-Communist who attacked Ben Shapiro after he challenged her to a debate by claiming he was stalking her, Swalwell is afraid to debate an intelligent woman on the Second Amendment and the NRA. 

Specifically, the young career politician is scared to go up against Dana Loesch, the NRA spokeswoman and radio host after she called him out on his statements against the advocates of the Second Amendment and gun safety known as the National Rifle Association.

Swalwell has been running mainly on an anti-gun platform, which obviously found him squarely on the opposite side from Loesch. The two have exchanged many tweets over time, however, Swalwell initially tried to pretend he didn’t know who Loesch was, causing the internet to correct the coward's demonstrably false claim.

Swalwell has apparently dropped the pretense now and is taking the “why are you so obsessed with me” route of denouncing his opponents, just like AOC did with Ben Shapiro.

To add onto that, Swalwell, who has never held a real job outside of politics, attempted to dismiss Loesch as beneath him to debate. He said that he doesn’t deal with “mouthpieces.” 

Instead, the coward said he wants to debate NRA president Oliver North, proving that being a sexist is okay as long as you're a Democratic sexist.

👋🏼 Ms. Loesch — I see you’ve spent another day blowing up my Twitter. Thank you for following! But here’s the deal, you’re an @nra mouthpiece. I don’t aim down, so I don’t debate mouthpieces. But send me your president, @OliverLNorth. I’ll debate him anywhere. #EnoughIsEnough

— Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell)

Loesch corrected him, noting that she actually didn’t spend all day blowing up his timeline and sent him a few tweets as a response to tweets he sent her in the first place. Loesch also pointed out that by refusing to deal with her and asking for a man, by the rules of the left, Swalwell was being highly sexist. 
Where's Eric?
Also, if he thinks she's beneath him, why is he afraid that she'll destroy him?Does he have enough self-awareness to realize he's just an empty suit?

I didn’t spend a day, I tweeted you several times responding to *you* a couple days ago, so by your own logic you blew up MY mentions all day. Your response is pretty sexist — you’ll debate a man but not me, a woman, got it. I’m a mom and a lifetime member.

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 19, 2019

Swalwell ignored Loesch and instead called the NRA leadership cowards for not coming forward to debate him. In psychology, this is what's known as projection. You may know it as the pot calling the kettle black, but that might make you a white supremacist in the eyes of the left.

Here’s a prediction: the @nra is afraid to have its president debate me. They talk so tough on Twitter, but when challenged to a debate to defend their advocacy for unrestricted weaponry it’s just crickets from @OliverLNorth. #NoFear

— Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell) April 19, 2019

Loesch, however, once again offered to be Swalwell’s Huckleberry, adding “unless you’re afraid to lose.”

I’m your Huckleberry.

Unless you’re afraid to lose.

¯_( ツ)_/¯

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 19, 2019

Not  surprisingly, Swalwell ran away, or at least hasn’t attempted to rebut Loesch. He really is scared--it's as obvious as AOC's refusal to debate Shapiro. Both of these characters know they'd lose miserably so they project their fears on the object of those fears.

Loesch, as the spokeswoman, is more than willing to step up to the plate and actually give Swalwell the debate he wants, and if there’s one thing Swalwell wants to avoid at all costs, it’s an actual back and forth with someone who is his intellectual superior.

Loesch’s jab that he’s afraid to lose wasn’t just a play on Swalwell’s ego to debate her. It was bringing what Swalwell knows would be the end result to the forefront and letting everyone know that he knows it.

He really is scared and realizes that debate would ruin his chances [which are slim to none] in the 2020 campaign.

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