Friday, April 19, 2019

Comedy News Network's April Ryan wants Sarah Sanders to be fired for doing her job

The Comedy News Network's (CNN) April Ryan  would like White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders to be fired for doing her job. Ryan claimed Sanders “lied” to the media following the release of the Mueller report. 

In May 2017, following the controversial firing of corrupt FBI Director James Comey, Sanders told reporters that “countless” FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey despite one reporter’s assertion that the “vast majority” of them supported his leadership. According to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, Sanders told investigators her claim was a “slip of the tongue” and was “in the heat of the moment,” admitting that it was not founded on anything.

Fire her!!!!! She made the mistake of covering for Trump with a lie. Nobody lies to the media without paying the price . . . unless you're a Democrat.

Ryan, who is also a Democratic White House reporter for the leftist media outlet, American Urban Radio Networks, blasted the press secretary on Thursday night for “lying” to the American people.

“Not only does she not have any credibility left, she lied,” Ryan told CNN anchor Erin Burnett. “She outright lied and the people, the American people can't trust her. They can't trust what's said from the president's mouthpiece, spokesperson, from the people's house. Therefore, she should be let go. She should be fired. End of story. When there is a lack of credibility there, you have to start and start lopping the heads off. It’s ‘Fire Me Thursday’ or ‘Fire Me Good Friday,’ she needs to go."

When asked about President Obama's lies about "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period," Ryan said, "That's different. That's the President of the United States telling the American people what he believed was the truth. He had no intention of lying," the fake news "reporter" said.

The CNN pundit suggested that since President Trump “won’t take the fall” that Sanders might instead.

Burnett then asked, "But what about Hillary Clinton and her statements about Benghazi and her illegal server? What about Susan Rice who went on the Sunday morning shows and said the catalyst of the Benghazi attacks was due to a video? And what about the "Fast and Furious" case that Obama gave executive privilege to his wingman Eric Holder?"

"Those are what we call 'white lies.' They're no big deal," Ryan said. “Sarah plays a dangerous game in that room… The game is dangerous because she is lying to the American public,” Ryan bloviated. “Then, on top of all that, she says the press is fake when she’s faking reports from the people’s house. She’s calling us fake? We’ve had colleagues who’ve had to move from their houses because of threats. I have to have security because of being called ‘fake’ and a ‘loser’ and all sorts of things from that White House. It’s time for her to go. Fire them all and let the chips fall where they may."

Actually, Burnett obviously never asked those questions, but wouldn't it have been fantastic if she did?

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