Monday, September 10, 2018

Miss America contestant disses American President

Miss America contestant Madeline Collins was posed the question: "What is the biggest issue facing Americans today?" This was part of the program's interview section, designed to determine whether the contestant is a conservative [if so, she may as well go home] and whether or not she has a clue about what's going on in the country that she is competing to represent.

A good answer to this question might be: "The biggest issue facing Americans are the possible effects that illegal immigration may create in the future in terms of jobs and safety. How should we properly vet people from countries notorious for spawning terrorists? What will the effects be in the job market?"

Instead, the bombshell beauty said, "Donald Trump is the biggest issue our country faces. Unfortunately, he has caused a lot of division in our country."

"It was a mistake to dump the swimsuit competition for an "interview section." The theory for the change was that swimsuits highlight the beauty of a woman's body in beauty contests, and that's sexist.

So highlighting a woman's beauty is a woman's beauty contest is sexist? Logically, that means Miss America is a sexist competition. Just because there isn't a swimsuit competition doesn't negate the sexism, or else they would feature women who look like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren and Eleanor Roosevelt.

But they don't. In fact, they usually don't even feature single women older than their early twenties.

So Miss America is sexist AND ageist. They say they want to be thought of as a showcase of a woman's intellect, but do they feature intelligent women like Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Elena Kagan? The answer is no, they don't. And without a swimsuit competition, that should bode well for these ladies.
"Buh bye"
But wow, do they enjoy bringing politics into the fray, and the contestants dealt with it as well as a one arm juggler on a pogo stick in a minefield.

They only allowed a 20 second answer time for the questions, so Collins wasn't able to fully articulate her reasoning [thankfully]. The question however, might be the final straw that will kill the relevance of the contest [they dropped the word 'pageant'] among American viewers.

Last year's Miss America, Cara Mund, publicly claimed that she was "bullied" by the Miss America board, including that famous blond bombshell and former Fox News anchor and sexual harassment lawsuit filer, Gretchen Carlson.

Mund claimed she was ridiculed for her clothing choices and removed from interviews and appearances and nearly banned from the nationally televised 2018 broadcast.

The 96-year-old pageant has declined for ten years and is currently circling the bowl. Perhaps the controversies will pump up the interest again--it certainly won't be the "interview section."

By the way, who won?

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