Friday, September 7, 2018

Cory 'Spartacus' Booker more like Flubadub

Booker being Spartacus
The so-called "confidential" Brett Kavanaugh emails posted by the "brave" Cory Booker were not confidential and certainly not brave--they were cleared in spite of the drama queen's theatrics and his "bring it on" gutless threat. Of course, CNN and MSNBC will likely never tell you this important fact.

How did this guy ever get elected? Oh wait--he's a Democrat--they love their drama queens.

Booker knew the documents were cleared and no longer classified early this morning, so it was simply Booker balderdash and not in defiance of Senate rules.

Yes, it was all make believe when Booker said he would "knowingly" violate Senate rules to release the emails marked "committee confidential" showing Kavanaugh discussing racial profiling as a White House lawyer in 2002.

He "bravely" called his actions an act of "civil disobedience" and said he was ready to accept the punishment with a ballsy "bring it."

"I am going to release the email about racial profiling and I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate," the hero of the world said, as he hopes to become a 2020 presidential candidate.

But the funniest point came when the cretin said, "This is about the closest I'll probably ever have in my life to an, 'I am Spartacus' moment."

Only difference is Spartacus had to hide his identity to avoid being crucified, and Booker is no Spartacus.

In fact, the idiot didn't break any rules and he knew it, but he had to brag and bluster, as if he is a brave soul. The Republicans on the Judiciary Committee worked with the George W. Bush library and the Justice Department cleared the emails overnight. The restrictions were waived and Booker took no risks, nor carried out an act of "civil disobedience." He lied, his credibility died.

"Clearly, he is running for president," Republican Senator John Thune told Fox News, referring to Booker.

The emails were likely cleared partially due to the involvement of Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), who tweeted:
"I've said it before and I'll say it again: I will happily work with any of my colleagues from across the aisle to go through the necessary steps and processes to try and get specific classified documents released to the public."
The Spartacus wannabe released  12 pages of emails which had been marked "committee confidential" online to the public. They addressed the issue of racial profiling including internal 9/11 discussions about this issue. But if Booker actually read them, he would have learned that Kavanaugh is against racial profiling based on religion and race, which destroys his allegation that Kavanaugh is a racist, as the left loves to say about all Republicans.

When Kavanaugh was working for the Bush administration in 2002, he said . he "generally" was in favor of race-neutral security measures, but added that they must "grapple" with the "interim question of what to do before a truly effective and comprehensive race-neutral system is developed and implemented."

He wrote [just weeks after the 9/11 attacks] that the "interim question" is of "critical importance to the security of the airlines and American people in the next 6 months or so, especially given Al Qaeda's track record of timing between terrorist incidents."

Don't you just hate it when somebody wants to prevent further terrorist attacks?
On the previous day, Booker [aka "Spartacus"] implied Kavanaugh was amenable to racial profiling tactics and cited several email exchanges. But as mentioned, Spartacus didn't read them in depth. He read what he wanted to read.

But Spartacus didn't provide Kavanaugh with a copy of the emails he was referring to because he may have realized that the judge is a hell of a lot smarter than him.

Let's be clear--Booker is a creepy coward.

For more on this moron, go here.

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