Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SOTU Address: What Obama Didn't Say

Let's face it, Obama gives good speech.  He put an emphasis on certain words, an emphasis so powerful, I thought he was going to have an accident in his pants.  He said the right things, in part, the things he knew his constituency wanted to hear.  They applauded like obedient seals.   He even sounded a little like a Conservative when he said he would lower taxes--but if you listened carefully, it really sounded more like he planned to take the money from one pocket and put it in another.  It's Obama's "Three Card Monty" game, and many Americans bought into it.

More important, however, was what Obama did not say in his skivvy-soiling speech.  He never mentioned the atrocities going on in the world.  He didn't utter a word about those Islamic countries where non-Muslims were being killed for having been born into a different religion.  He forgot to talk about how, in a country whose king he bowed to, women were forbidden to drive, but were given the right to vote without a means of getting to the voting station.  He forgot to say how women had no choice but to wear the uniform of the theocracy's dictatorial clothing requirements.  How gays are summarily killed for the lifestyle that chose them, but that goes against Sharia, the Islamic law the Obama administration is treating as if it bore credence with our Constitution.  The differences between them are astronomical. 

He somehow also forgot to mention how he plans to support Israel after he threw the country under the proverbial bus when Bibi Netanyahu came here.  Obama is a president who clearly favors Islam over Israel, and as his autobiography points out, if push came to shove, he would support Islam in the end.  That's a paraphrase but an accurate one.  Remember, his father and step-father were Muslim, and Barry attended an Islamic school and was registered as a Muslim--if he is not a Muslim anymore, he could be killed.  If he wasn't a Muslim when registered, he could be a liar.

Canadian throws baseball better than Obama
Of course, it would have been nice, after claiming how much less dependent on foreign oil we are, to have discussed the Keystone XL pipeline.  Both sides of the aisle favored it, but he opposed it, and I would have enjoyed watching him squirm to defend his extremely poor decision.  I loved how the left applauded his 'green' ideas, which he said he would continue to support with or without the US backing it, but isn't that how he has operated since taking the throne--I mean office of President?  He has forsaken thousands of jobs both here and with our Canadian friends.  But does Obama really see Canada as a friend?  I believe Stephen Harper, the Canadian Prime Minister, is absolutely right in dealing with another country if we don't want to deal with Canada.  Obama hates oil, but has so many oily Chicago friends--it's very confusing.

If you listened carefully to Obama's rather cliched speech, (I was able to finish some of his sentences for him in part), you heard how he plans to continue spending on infrastructure--but for a few measly billion dollars in program funding, when did he mention serious budget cuts?  That's where the savings and deficit reduction will kick in, not with taxing successful businessmen.  And when did he mention his budget that he still has failed to produce?  Oh, he spoke about "the previous administration," but he refuses to shoulder any of the blame for his failed policies and poor fiscal judgment and after three plus years in office, continues pointing his finger at G.W. Bush.  I wonder how Bush was involved with the Solyndra scandal.

Our biggest threats
The thing that worries me the most is how naive liberals are--they have the attention span of retarded goldfish and will believe the last thing they heard from Obama, as if nothing happened in his administration up until now.  And the few goldfish who remember his missteps, and have lost faith in him, might vote for someone equally as inane on issues that threaten America's sovereignty--someone like Ron Paul.  I know there are a number of you reading this who are now angry with me for dissing Paul, but in my heart I believe that he is putting Constitution over common sense.  If anyone thinks that leaving Iran alone and allow it its freedom as we want freedom for ourselves, will find them whistling happy tunes as they develop their bomb and, Inshallah, will use it the first chance they get on Israel and us.  The last thing Americans will see is a blinding light and the last thing Ron Paul will say is, "Shit, I was wrong."  If a jihadist is willing to die to enter Paradise, why would it make a difference if he dies by a sword, a bullet, or a nuclear blast?  That's what jihadists do--it isn't suicide nor homicide--it's simply heaven.

So Obama didn't really talk about the loss of jobs, only about the fictional ones he created personally on his home computer with the help of Michele, who is no longer ashamed of us (we should be grateful for her new found fondness of her country). 

If Obama gets reelected, Obamacare will become permanent.  Socialism will flourish, our troops will droop, Islam will grow, the internet will be censored, and they will come to take me and my blog away.

At least Chris Matthews will have tingles running up his legs.  Perhaps I exaggerate, but not by much.

If you are interested in reading a novel about Islam, terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links below for both the hard copy (softcover) edition and the ebook edition of my latest novel.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a NY based reporter who is taken hostage by Islamic terrorists and must talk his way out of captivity before he is beheaded the following day. The clock is ticking.
If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

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