Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Religion of Peace? Let's Do the Math Part 3

In parts 1 and 2 of Religion of Peace, Let's Do the Math, I spoke about the Kafir, the Koran political Islam, women and abuse, and I even cut and pasted the link to my novel, Jihad Joe which deals with terrorism and other ramifications of the religion of peace.  In this final part of the trilogy, I will be addressing aspects of the Koran that Muslims don't like to talk about to the nonbeliever.  I like to think of believers of Islam as the dangerously naive, and those of us who are nonbelievers, as rational, certainly more rational, than believers.  Of course, when I speak of nonbelievers, I'm not referring to believers in other religions, just in Islam, as Muslims refer to the rest of the world.  So let's get started.

1.  Jews. Ever wonder why Palestinians hate Israel? Because Israel is the Jewish state, which means Jews live there, and for Muslims, Jews are the worst of all people.  In fact, the Koran refers to Jews as apes and pigs, and for you Christians out there, in order not to feel left out, the Koran calls us pigs too.  But remember, there are effectively two Korans--the early Meccan Koran, and the later Medina Koran.  In Mecca, Mohammad had no real army and was weak, kind of like Obama.  In Medina, he had over ten thousand booty-hungry (meant in more than one way) desert dudes, and with such a large gang, was the tough guy. The Mecca Koran is filled with Jewish stories about Moses, Adam, and Noah, for example.  But once the annointed one got his camel jockeys to Medina, the stories in the Koran and the Hadith changed--every one was anti-Jew and actually was more anti-Jewish than Hitler's Mein Kampf.  The biggest difference between Hitler and Mohammad (not including M's love of camel urine for the treatment of many illnesses), was the fact that Hitler never praised the Jews in the beginning of Mein Kampf as Mohammad did in the Koran.
They blow up so fast

The numbers speak volumes--Meccan Koran is anti-Jew only 1% of all text, while Medina Koran was 17%. Sira is 12% of all text, while Hadith is 8.9%.  So the total text of the Koran, Hadith, and Sura was 9.3% anti-Semitic.  Mein Kampf was anti-Semitic 7.0% and this should tell you something about how Muslims view Jews.  I did not mention the anti-Christian sentiments and those religions and atheists who are not "People of the Book," which are Christians and Jews.

Islamic Comedian
2.  Jihad.  Now we're talking religion.  Now we're talking Islam--almost everyone knows about jihad because it's the jihadist dudes who are killing themselves to kill you.  And those who are willing to wait to die, are still doing what they can to kill us.  In terms of the Islamic trilogy--the Koran, Sira, and Hadith, jihad takes up a lot of ink.  In the Medina Koran, it's a whopping 24% and 9% of the total Koran.  Jihad takes up 21% of the Bukhari material, which is a Hadith, and hold on to your necks, my friend, because the Sira devotes 67% of its text to jihad.  Muslim apologists would have you believe that there are two kinds of jihad--"lesser jihad" or that jihad by the sword, and "greater jihad" or the kind of soap opera struggle of internal conflict that keeps you tuned into General Hospital day after day.  But greater jihad is never  mentioned anywhere in Islamic scripture--go figure--but this is what apologists tell you.  It's equivalent to the idea that Islam is a religion of peace.  Jihad by the sword is like Obama's use of the words, "fair and balanced;" they crawl all over his speeches--there is nothing peaceful about Islam so long as non Muslims walk this earth and have the freedom of speech that is at risk under the present administration.  

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                 FREE Smashwords version of “Conservatweets

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