Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Scariest President Ever

When I learned the Barack Hussein Obama was best friends with Bill Ayers, I didn't think much of it at the time, in spite of the conservatives making such a big stink over the guy. When I heard his pastor, the very much incredible Reverend Jeremiah Wright, damn America, and speak of my country as if it were a cancer, I became concerned about who Obama's real friends were. But I, like the majority of Americans, was infatuated with Obama--he gave America hope with the battle cry, "Yes we can,"as America wanted to change the way it operates and maybe not have so many throughout the world.

As time went on, and not much time at that, I began hearing him and Michelle Obama say things that began to bother me--"This is the first time, in a long time, that I've been proud to be an American," she said. Then he said things like "Global market. International law. Islam is a religion of peace.  We must stop hate speech," and I knew I had voted for the wrong guy. It turns out Bill Ayers is a socialist/Marxist who, like Obama, hates America. Michelle is no better, and Barack, well whenever he moves his lips a lie springs forth. 

At the London G20 Leaders' Summit in 2009, Obama proved to me that he is, without a doubt, a socialist. This is where he helped establish a global economic government by supporting the establishment of an international Financial Stability Board (FSB), where world leaders agreed to "a framework of internationally agreed upon high standards." The plan would subject American financial institutions, markets, and instruments, including a regulation on salaries and the "corporate social responsibility of all firms." This was reported by the Canadian Free Press and entitled, "Obama Begins Turnover of USA Sovereignty to International Body." But, as I alluded to above, the list goes on.

Only a year after taking office, as a US senator, he sponsored the "Global Poverty Act." (GPA) which was passed by the Foreign Relations Committee in February 2008. The GPA made our foreign aid spending subservient to the dictates of the UN. So if you're me, you're thinking, G20, FSB, GPA, WTF??!? But wait--there's more; much more, which I will only touch upon in brief.

Sonia Sotomayor. Know anything about her? Of course you remember when the O Man appointed her to the Supreme Court in August 2009. Well, in 2007, Sotomayor wrote the foreword to a book entitled: The International Judge, by Daniel Terris, Cesare P.R. Romano, and Leigh Swigart. Sotomayor emphasized how important it is to consider "how much we have to learn from foreign law and the international community when interpreting our Constitution. . ." This was and still is, Sotomayor's consistent line throughout her time on the Supreme Court. Imagine how much we can learn from the UN's OIC nations. Women would be valued half that as men, they would only be entitled to half what her brother gets as inheritance, she would be given a lot of encouragement about school--go there and we will burn the damn place down with you in it. And so on. But that's just about the women part. Under Islamic law (shariah), gays could be executed along with atheists, and Christians and Jews would be forced to pay protection money to the Caliphate (it's called a jizya, but it's protection money nonetheless--don't pay it, they kill you). 

What is wrong with the Constitution of the United States of America? Tell me; I'll listen with an open mind. But to tell you the truth, I probably would be able to defend every negative point you make with ten positive points. Ban "hate speech"? Who says what is hate speech? Certainly not the common man, but the people in authority. Obama and his crew. You know, the same guys who ran ACORN and who kept "older white citizens" (read Conservatives) from the voting booths. It's on Youtube if you don't believe me. If you ban hate speech you will effectively have banned free speech. The solution to hate speech is not banning it; the solution is speaking the opposite point of view--more speech, that is.

Obama, in his taking credit for the take-down of Osama bin Laden, lacked class. But if you think about it seriously, Obama has no class. He's spiking the ball, but says that you shouldn't and showing the photos would do that. (As if you need to provoke Islamic radicals to violence while they pick flowers and sing Kumbayah). He's like the kid who, if he cannot have his way, takes his ball and goes home. He gets angry at reporters who ask him real questions that put him on the spot, and he dismisses them and then makes sure that reporter is boycotted. That's his concept of freedom of speech. In many ways, he is like the prophet of Islam with his fragile ego and need for power. Perhaps this is why he bowed to the king.

Obama just isn't presidential, but he sure speaks pretty. With the polls indicating that his popularity soared to about 60% all I think it shows is the shortsightedness of the voters. You really want to like him, and he seems to say the right things. Even his notion about hate speech, on the surface, sounds sensible, but it really isn't. If you examine what that concept has gotten Europe today, you'll find people like Geert Wilders on trial for speaking the truth about Islam, by actually citing Islamic scripture and then being told that this is hate speech. Yet we see at Muslim rallies, people holding signs about Jews, about Israel, and burning the flag du jour. Then Obama bows to kings of Saudi Arabia, and says we need to change America, as if it isn't good as it stands. If this doesn't scare you, check your pulse. 

BTW--I highly recommend Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's book, The Post American Presidency

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